While Kim Kardashian is a strong candidate for the Princess of the Pluto in Scorpio Generation, Amber Rose seems like a better pick. My reasoning is Kim Kardashian though very influential; she isn't as accessible, homely or relatable/real as Amber Rose.
Not pitting the two against each other. I mean they are both born on the same day (freaky!), shared the same man (Kanye), had very public relationships with famous men, and are very confident in their beauty/sexuality. They are pretty much the same person.
KIM K's Astrotheme Profile, linked here |
I mean Kim Kardashian rise to fame is very Scorpionic. Private Sextape with Boyfriend Leaks, she uses it to turn herself and her family into a brand. She milks her fame through her reality TV shows and shameless social media self promotion by using her beauty, vanity, sexuality, money and celebrity relationships. Even so, the Pluto in Scorpio Generation though they love Kim, they also love authenticity and imperfection that Amber brings.
I feel Amber Rose has a grittier "rise from the ashes like phoenix," Plutonian story. She didn't have a famous daddy or Paris Hilton as a bestie to help her through. As a former stripper with a hard life who stripped her way to success and fame. Amber Rose worked from the ground up and gained success without the help of her last name or connections. By the way I am not discounting Kim K, I like her and she's a very hardworking strong lady. But an everyday person such as my self can't relate to Kim.
It's hard to not connect to Amber's rags to riches story. She represents the everyday woman, the girls that like to twerk/drink/club, the fact that she is biracial/multiracial, and the fact that she is out-spoken, shameless and proud (which is Pluto in Scorpio generation motto). This is why she represents Libra Princess of the Pluto in Scorpio Generation.

Anyway let's take a look at Amber Rose's astrology. Her astrotheme profile link here.
Venus Conjunct Mars in Virgo
I watched an interview with Amber Rose (Ebro in the Morning, I think) where she was sexualize from a young age, even before she had sex/had a boyfriend. People made assumptions about her sexuality (whether she was ho/slut) because she hung out with boys and developed/was shapely early. Pretty much she was saying she was shamed for her appearance/body and her affinity for hanging with the boys (Aries moon hello!).
I think this is due to her Venus Conjunct Mars in Virgo. This represents blatant, obvious, and in your face raw hotness, attractiveness and sexuality. Even if don't own it or identify with it. Virgo has this literal Virgin/Whore complex dichotomy/stereotype to it (lady in the streets, freak in the bed). In viewing Amber I just see her as someone who happens to love her self, body, life and wants to show it off (also very individualist/independent Moon in Aries).
Very Plutonian
Amber Rose is very Plutonian. She has Sun/Mercury Conjunct Pluto in Libra, Moon opposite Pluto, Pluto at 29 degrees Libra (a critical degree). Saturn Conjunct Pluto
What stands out to me though is her Saturn Conjunct Pluto, which shows limitations, fears, and responsibilities related to power and sexuality. I am sure growing up she experienced limitations related to her appearance and sexuality. A lot has been put on her and her body that she had no control over.
Even so, she did the Plutonian thing and turned a negative thing into a positive thing while getting power/money from it. Resourceful and ambitious she didn't mind exploiting her body (stripping & being a nude/video model) to reach her goals. She learned to embrace herself, & in doing so she turned fear (Saturn) into power (Pluto). Not only that but also responsibility (Saturn) in the realm of sex/sexuality (Scorpio).
Lilith in Aquarius
Amber has Lilith in Aquarius. Lilith is an asteroid. To give you a quick background, Lilith was Adam's first wife (before Eve) who refused to submit/bow to no man. She was cast out of heaven and turned into a female man hating demon (succubus). Lilith in astrology represents the process of suppression, darkness, taboos, violence and dangerous sexuality.
This stands out to me because we are in the Age of Aquarius and equality and equals rights for all man is a huge thing. Gay rights, Trans rights, Women's rights, aka fighting for the underdog of society. She organized the Slutwalk where she is speaking out for women, and against rape culture and the backwards ideas (such as asking to be raped by what you wear). Amber uses her Aquarian Lilith in a rebellious, free, unique, fight for the underdog way.
Amber Rose is interesting in that she transform, transcends, transform & finesse herself and her story into her fame, woman empowerment and sex positive feminist activism with her Slut Walk movement that is very both Libran (equal rights, justice, feminism) and Scorpionic/Plutonian (sex rights, body rights, the right to own/control your sexuality, & eliminating shame). This is why I chose Amber.