Friday, July 12, 2019

Unconventional Cancers: Nikola Tesla and Frida Kahlo: Part 1 of 2: Nikola Tesla

Unconventional Cancers: Nikola Tesla and Frida Kahlo: Part 1 of 2: Tesla
by theastrofiend

Childless, unmarried, "virgin". Eugenics Supporter. Scientific Genius. Female artist competing with her artist husband. Feminist. Anti-Capitalist. Ambivalent to Motherhood due to Infertility. Multiple Marriages, Affairs, and Divorce. Of course by the title you know that I am talking about Nikola Tesla and Frida Kahlo. Also from the title you know that they are both Cancers. But not just any kind of Cancers, but Unconventional Cancers.

Not all Cancers can have fat drooling bouncy babies or big families or. Some just want to live and be about their work. Regardless in part 1 of my Unconventional Cancers blog, I will be talking about Nikola Tesla. Part 2 is Frida Kahlo.

No one in the astrology community wants to admit this but astrology is very much about stereotyping. Classifying and giving people archetypes to choose from. Since this is very big world with billions of people and trillions upon trillions of possibilities, it's not uncommon to see variants from the mold. Like the fucking creepy smiley titans with heads bigger than their legs running around aimlessly, destroying the wall that protects humanity and eating people as a hobby. #AttackonTitanReference.

Nikola Tesla
He was Tesla before Tesla. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th 1856, astrotheme linked here :

Tesla had a Cancer stellium with his Cancer Sun conjunct Venus and a Saturn both in Cancer. His Saturn in Cancer conjunct his Mercury in Gemini. He had a Libra Moon conjuncting his Mars in Libra. Tesla had an early Taurus Rising (with his Pluto and Uranus in Taurus in his first house), Jupiter in Aries, and Neptune in Pisces Retrograde in the 12th House. 

Uranus and Pluto in the 1st House
Jupiter and Neptune in the 12th House
Mars and Moon in the 6th House
Venus, Mercury and Saturn in the 3rd House

Sun in the 4th House

This is all a lot to unpack.

Random but for some reason he reminds me of the Aquarius Russian mystic Rasputin. Except Tesla is less creepy, angry looking, and more like that quiet older man at a corner table in the library who on the low low can pull more bitches than Elvis in his heyday. Tesla and Rasputin were probably twins or at least cousins in a past life.

That uselessly clever side note aside Nikola Tesla's astrology is interesting. Tesla had no Aquarius placements whatsoever, and mostly minor aspects to Uranus (with the exception of Uranus in his 1st House). I honestly believe that Nikola's genius was from his pure and innate Cancerian psychic abilities, intuition and sensitivities that led and fed his genius. He relied on his studies but most importantly himself. Water signs have a way of knowing and at it's best if water signs are able to cut through the shite, not get weight down by emotions (yes it's possible), and do the damn shite.

His astrology is very interesting to say the least. You would think he would be uber social with enough bitches to fill a fish bowl with that Moon conjunct Mars in Libra and that Taurus rising. But he kept to himself. Or maybe he didn't. Maybe he was communicating with aliens that he found humans incredibly boring and uninspiring. His mercury in Gemini in the third house would pull some shit like that. Plus Neptune is in Pisces RETROGRADE in the 12th House is a VERY psychic position. Adding his Jupiter in Aries in the 12th House his beliefs and ideas were so enterprising/Cardinal, otherworldly, and expansive. So him working with aliens doesn't sound too crazy.

He has an eidetic memory (a close to photographic memory), slept 2 hours a day, chose chastity and science over romantic relationships and sex, was asocial but not socially awkward (he took great consideration of his appearance). A man full of contradictions and multiple conjunctions. Go figure.

Random but he hated Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison (an Aquarius) ripped him off and was a greedy fraud theft and well respected Piece of Shit.  Peep the shade Nikola Tesla threw at Edison in a New York Times article after Thomas Edison's death.

"He had no hobby, cared for no sort of amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene ... His method was inefficient in the extreme, for an immense ground had to be covered to get anything at all unless blind chance intervened and, at first, I was almost a sorry witness of his doings, knowing that just a little theory and calculation would have saved him 90 percent of the labor. But he had a veritable contempt for book learning and mathematical knowledge, trusting himself entirely to his inventor's instinct and practical American sense."

Looking at his astrology, he's very Watery but he's also very Earthy with a stellium in Taurus. His outerplanets trifecta Pluto and Uranus are in Taurus, while his Neptune is in Pisces in the 12th House. He is otherEarthly, a being that chooses to use their energy to operate on high vibrations/energy on Earth and in an Earthy way. He chose the sciences so it doesn't get more Earthy and first dimensional than that. But he used his Cancer abilities which complimented his otherEarthly path.

It's important to note that he was also neurotic, asocial, advocated selective breeding/eugenics, did not pursued romantic relationships, and died alone and poor in hotel that someone else paid for. Perhaps this was his Saturn in Cancer which made it difficult though not impossible to form deep bonds without feeling the need to compromise. Saturn in Cancer denotes limitations and restrictions in regards to Cancer-ly, Moon, and 4th House things such as strong family/familial presence, and home/sentimentality. 

His MC was in Capricorn which also denotes his lifepath as someone who works hard, struggles harder and who's legacy often flourishes after his death. Even so, I believe though he sometimes regret his choices, with Sun in the 4th House, he was doing something that he loved (inventing, creating things, exploring his mind.). This gave him joy, even if he had to suffer a little for it.

Some may say that he lived a sad, lonely, and unfulfilling life, I won't disagree. Tesla even spoke about the fact that he didn't have a boo thing (aka a wife) in reflective, regretful but overall content way of "such a great sacrifice" he made. 

I would say he chose this path. It shows in his natal chart with him having Mars (action, passion) and Moon (habits, emotional urges) in the 6th House. He had a purpose, an emotional soul connection and an unwavering passion (his scientific career) that he purposefully sacrificed greatly for. Not that many people can honestly say they have a purpose in life or say that they found one. He did. He was a Cancer in a Unconventional Cancer way.

Unconventional Cancers: Nikola Tesla and Frida Kahlo: Part 2 of 2: Frida Kahlo

Unconventional Cancers: Nikola Tesla and Frida Kahlo: Part 2 of 2 Kahlo
by theastrofiend

Moving on to someone completely different but overall same sign Unconventional Cancer. Frida Kahlo. 

Born to a German-born photographer father and indigenous/Spanish mother. Frida contracted polio at age 6,. It was because of this she was bed-ridden and started school later than her peers. Through this experience she was bullied, and isolated from kids her age. During these months she spent with her dad who taught many different subjects including more about art and photography

During her school years she was sexually abused by a female teacher, that didn't stop her for being a passionate student that excelled in school. She was sent to life defining school that focused and encouraged, indigenismo.

indigenismo, a post Mexican Revolution nationalist/political ideal that encouraged Mexicans to be proud of their indigenous heritage and culture and to get rid of colonialism ideals.

She was also politically and socially active while in school. At this school she was on track to becoming a doctor when she was involved in a terrible bus accident.

This near fatal accident led to her life long physical pain and health ailments and was a defining moment in her life.  Frida stayed in the hospital for a month, bed-ridden for two months and in recovery for 2 years. It was during this time she was forced to consider a new career path and in turn became introspective (a common Cancer trait). She turned to her early passion painting as a way to cope and in turn questioned her identity.  After her recovery she joined the Communist party where she met her future husband, Diego Rivera. A man 20 years her senior, they bonded over art and he was a mentor to her.

Frida lived an interesting life. Marrying a man 20 years older, competing with and posthumously outshining her artist husband in the art work. Affairs with both women and men (her marriage had mutual infidelities on both sides), divorcing her husband and then marrying him again.

Long intro aside all of this is a set up for her astrology and her unconventional Cancer-ness. She had a lot of Cardinal and fixed energy which is attributed to her strength of character, willingness to not give up, and to step forth with confidence. 

Frida Kahlo was born July 6th 1907, astrotheme profile linked here: She was a Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Ascendant and Mercury, Gemini Venus, and Capricorn Mars.

Venus & Pluto in Gemini, Jupiter, Neptune, and the Sun in Cancer 
in the 11th House

Mars and Uranus in Capricorn in the 5th House
Moon in Taurus in the the 10th House
Mercury in Leo in the 12th House
Saturn in Pisces in the 8th House

Venus & Pluto in Gemini. Jupiter, Neptune, and the Sun in Cancer  in the 11th House

Frida Kahlo had a stellium in Cancer in the 11th House. Her Sun (ego/personality), Jupiter (beliefs, luck) and Neptune (creativity, illusions, etc.) were in the 11th House of Friends, Associations and Group Power). Her Venus (love/relationships) and Pluto (transformation/sense of power) in Gemini are also in the 11th House.

Her Gemini (Venus) gave her the flexibility to adjust to her life/situation and to allow the light in. Come on now she had an affair with Communist Soviet leader, Leon Trotsky. She was a proud Communist (Jupiter). Talk about blending her politics with love and friendship. She was sexuality free and fluid. She rubbed elbows with powerful historical people. Her friends helped her get to her own personal power. FYI Diego was a Sagittarius (with a Taurus moon like her).

Frida grew into her much of her power and legacy much after her death. She didn't get popular and well known until after her death. Her persona (Sun) and art/love of art (Venus) and impact aka power (Pluto) is global (Jupiter)timeless, and transcends boundaries (Neptune). Frida Kahlo is a contemporary figure that is both celebrated for her art but also her identity as a mixed woman of color, disabled, queer, feminist artist.

Mars and Uranus in Capricorn in the 5th House

The 5th House is all about romances, creativity/talents and children.

As a lover, Kahlo's 5th House showed unconventional (Uranus), passionate (Mars) romances some short lived, one major and complicated marriage, divorce, and remarriage to (her husband Diego). She loved, she lost, she suffered from it, but could never take her ability to love from her.

As an artist, Kahlo shamelessly and rebelliously (Uranus) took up unconventional space as a woman, Communist, Mexican WOMAN, QUEER artist who was ALSO FRIGGING disabled. This was unusual for her time.

Her Uranus and Mars in Capricorn (Capricorn is not an easy sign) shows delayed success, her infertility, and her physical blockages due to ill health. It's quite ironic she is loved and celebrated much after her death. The Capricorn/Saturnian irony of it all.

Moon in the 10th House

Frida Kahlo needed to explore her emotions and personal inner emotional life in a very public life. Of course this has much to do with her super stellium in the 11th house and her Leo placements but this was a compulsion. She couldn't run or hide from her emotions. Lucky for Frida her Taurus moon (moon is exalted in Taurus) gave her consistency and stability in her powerful emotions. As much pain as she was in, she was not drug addicted and didn't repress or suppress her emotions. She found her outlet, never questioned it, and used it to save her life (prolong it really).

Mercury in Leo in the 12th House

Kahlo's Leo placements, are about self expression and figuring out her identity beyond her disability/constant ill health. 

A lot of her artwork were self-portraits (Leo Ascendant and Mercury after all) Her portraits often had themes relating to her illness/body/pain, and motherhood/infertility. Particularly her themes on children and having children. She wanted kids but couldn't have them. As a Cancer this is particularly hard reality; so her art was very real but also surreal (literally) and fantastical.

When she wasn't exploring her pain, she was showcasing her love of her Mexican culture and heritage. Her Leo pride in her origins and her overall Cancerian pride in heritage family. In this case not a literal family but she treated Mexico as her family, as a child she could never birth. This is so Leo and Cancerian at the same it's crazy. Yes she wallowed in her pain but she also had pride in it. Her art was humbled and grandiose at the same time. She wanted to live, fully (or as fully as she can).

Her ascendant is also in Leo which shows the pride and confidence she naturally had. She worn traditional Mexican skirts as a fashion accessory and to hide her disability. Form follows function. She wrote her own story and lived the way she wanted to.

Saturn in Pisces in the 8th House

Saturn in the 8th House is very symbolic. Kahlo's time on Earth definitely played out this symbolic placement. This placement and Kahlo's own experiences denotes a life of long, constant, physical pain/trauma (Saturn) that constantly restricted her and eventually led to her death. She was a suffering artist, physically and emotionally with poor health. She couldn't protect herself from her health problems, she was vulnerable (Pisces) Her life was short with her dying from an infection from her amputation at the age of 47. A part of her probably died a few times through out her life before her literal physical death. The thing is now she is immortal, well her art, which is an essence of who she is.

Even with all this unconventionality, Frida Kahlo and Nikola Tesla  are Cancers. Frida was passionate and emotional about her Mexican indigenous culture and had great pride in it. Her Cancer emotions motivated everything in her world and was a strong force. 

While Tesla's Cancerian meekness and sensitivity allowed to  him to devote time to his passion which were the sciences and creativity. His Cancerian intuition guided his inner world to create and water this Earth. Frigging both are boss ass Cardinal ass unconventional Cancers.