Monday, April 11, 2016

An Astrological Ode to SHADE: A New Series

IF you don't know what SHADE is you live under a rock and should probably DIE, darling. ( #shade).


Shade was started in the homosexual black and Hispanic LBGTQ ball community in NYC. Read this article and get your life! It was made famous in the 1990 documentary, titled Paris is Burning. Here is a GIF and a quote from the documentary:

“If I’m a black queen, and you’re a black queen, we can’t call each other black queens. That’s not a read that is just a fact. So we talk about your ridiculous shape, your saggy face, your tacky clothes. then reading became a developed form where it became shade. Shade is, 'I don’t tell you you’re ugly, but I don’t have to tell you because you know you’re ugly.’ And that’s shade.”

Shade isn't about just insulting someone. It's a form of art, a clever form word play and takes a bit of intelligence. Shade makes you sit at home alone in the dark and makes you ponder if someone actually gave you a genuine compliment or just destroyed your life (along with your edges).
Anyway I am talking about shade because I am starting a new series about celebrities, astrology, and shade. For each sign of the zodiac, I will pick a queen or king of shade, a celebrity who has continually threw the best shade and is at the top of his or her game. Aries is first (duh!!!). 

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