Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Gemini Prince of the Pluto in Scorpio Generation: Edward Snowden

This one was a no brainer. When I found out that famous whistle-blower/snitch, Edward Snowden was a Gemini with a Scorpio moon I knew I wanted to write about him in some way. 
What he did was very Gemini and very Pluto in Scorpio (though his natal Pluto is in Libra). If don't know, what he did. He was a whistle-blower who took it upon himself to steal documents from his job (at the NSA aka National Security Agency) and leaked it to the media. He exposed  top US government secrets (such as the US government spying on its' citizens). Reference article here

Whatever the case let's get into his astrology. His astrotheme profile is linked here.

Super Gemini
His sun, ascendant, mars and mercury is in Gemini. Not only that but his mercury and mars (to remind you both in Gemini) are in the first house. This all makes him super Geminian/Mercurian. Incredibly smart, communicative, restless, curious (aka noisy), and changeable. This explains a lot. Him working for the NSA (an intelligence agency). Hellooo!!!! Intelligence/Gemini. 

Random but he probably views himself as super villain, an antihero in this saga. The media has a whole bunch of Gemini antihero public figures and fuckboys/girl (hello Azealia Banks, Donald Trump, Kanye West, etc.)

Venus in Leo in the 3rd House
Viewing himself as a patriot and proud American. He felt compelled to acted on this in the most dramatic and theatrical way possible. This is fitting that his Venus in Leo, because they are all for the theatrics and drama. Not only that but Leos act with their hearts (and egos). Whatever his intentions are, he wanted the attention and to be known, and recognized. Venus in Leo in the 3rd house would make him proud and confident in his ideas and communication abilities. He would would love and see beauty/pleasure in communicating.

Pluto & Saturn in Libra in the 5th House
Pluto and Saturn are conjunct in Libra in the 5th House. The Saturn placement probably makes him serious and focused in relationships. I mean Libra is the sign of partnerships, but when placed in the 5th, it's like extra Libra. Relationships are important to him but there is also a pattern of feeling restricted/limited in relationships (it is in Saturn after all). He probably oftentimes found himself alone/being a loner and there is a bit of fear of being in relationships. Even if he did manage to get into relationships they were probably serious with a lot of hardships/lessons.
His Pluto in Libra in the 5th House placement is also a heavy one. There is a destruct to transform pendulum quality to relationships. When he manages to snag a relationship there is a dark, intense, controlling, and obsessive undertone to this relationship. 

Scorpio moon in the 6th House
This is the meat in the sandwich. Scorpio moon is a powerful placement and it counteracts/conflicts with all of his Gemini and Sagittarius placements. If I were to use a drug to describe his Gemini and Sagittarius placements it would be weed, but for his Scorpio moon, it will be Heroin. Strong, addictive, obsessive, intense and secretive, his Scorpio moon emotions would've caused major conflicts with the rest of his placements. 
In terms of workplace (which is where his moon is placement) in the 6th House; the 6th House represents jobs, workplace environments, and the kind of work one does. 
His job, workplace environment and the kind of work that he does brought up a lot of intense emotions. I can see why he snitched. Moon here (though it's in Scorpio) gives a Cancerian/Lunar feel to work. He works to feel secure, safe, and fullfilled emotionally in his job. I am sure working for the NSA did that for him. The NSA was probably his best and most favorite job. It appealed to his Gemini qualities (curiosity/intelligence), his Scorpio moon (intensity/power hunger), and Sagittarius placements (higher sense of purpose, justice & knowledge.)

Uranus and Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 6th House
Not only is he very Geminian/Mercurian, he is also very Sagittarian/Jupiterian. He has a stellium in Sagittarius which is interesting. This is because he's on the Gemini/Sagittarius opposition axis. A sort of bi-polar/tension quality to him. He was probably constantly wrestling between his need for information/facts (Gemini) and his need for knowledge/belief (Sagittarius). Since it is a Charlie Sheen of astrology bi-polar sort of placement he had to do something crazy/drastic (like betraying his country).
He has his Uranus and Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 6th House, which is very eerie how perfectly it fits with his life. Uranus represents rebellion, and he rebelled in his workplace (the 6th House), in the most Sagittarian way possible. This is by gathering his secret work knowledge and making it known to the world. 

While Jupiter in there too it expanded his Uranus and Moon placements. Not only that but gives him a strong system of morality and beliefs. Jupiter is domicile aka home in Sagittarius (rules over Pisces and Sagittarius traditionally). Meaning that it expresses this energy the way this energy was meant to be expressed. 
Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 6th House energy is someone who believes in what they do and works for what they believe in. These are the Social Justice Warriors (SJWS) of the world. Right or wrong there is no doubt that he has strong beliefs. He describes himself as a patriot. He believe he was right and that his actions were justified. Since he believed in this so strongly, so passionately he shot his bow out far and wide (this is a very good pun I wrote).

Neptune in Sagittarius in the 7th House
Somewhere he stopped believing in his country and started looking at it as an enemy of it's citizens. But when and how? We would never know. Even so this placement can also explain why his story and actions caused such a sensation. Neptune is about love, spirituality, and transcending the ego/consciousness. It's also about breaking boundaries (for that higher love). Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and represents universal love. Edward Snowden probably thought he was doing all this for the greater good of America. This placement shows why he self sacrificed and revoked his citizenship/home for this love/belief/delusion/whatever you want to call it.
In the 7th House Neptune in Sagittarius is very relationship oriented. Except in his case he has a relationship with the world. To mention the Weeknd's song title, Edward Snowden, "Belongs to the World". Now and always. This energy isn't just personal (Neptune is actually trans-personal). Sagittarius like Neptune is open and wide, ready to absorb everything and everyone. Even so, to note there is a sense of delusion/illusion quality to it, so not everything is as it seems. Like who is Edward really? a friend? a foe? a good guy? bad guy? That is Neptune in the 7th House.
This energy definitely blurred the lines of right and wrong in relationship(s) with his bosses/government. Not to mention Edward's most strongest relationship: his country.
This is so Pluto in Scorpio because the Pluto in Scorpio Generation is inheriting the earth. Pluto in Scorpio is watching and taking note, slowing waiting for the Pluto in Libra generation to pass the baton. Edward fits in because he is providing an example to future Edward Snowdens' to do what he did (accept better and probably sleuth-lier). His issues and concerns were about privacy which is something future generations especially Pluto in Scorpio are going to battle with. He was born to be in this time and be apart of Pluto in Scorpio consciousness. 

Noble or foolish. Traiter or Hero. Edward is important figure in US history. Did I mention that today June 21st is his birthday!!! 

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