Saturday, September 24, 2016

Ode to the QUEEN of Virgo SHADE: Pink

Now this post is very hard for me because I honesty can't think of Virgo celebrities throwing shade. Not the way Gemini Prince (link here), Aries Mariah Carey (link here), Cancer Wendy Williams (link here) and Leo Whitney Houston (link here) have all threw shade. This is not to say, Virgos don't throw shade. But I could imagine that their shade isn't as epic, funny or charismatic as the latter signs. Shade is not Virgo's "thing" they either tell it like it is or just think it. Anyway since this is a series so I have to choose. I chose Pink. She's one of those rare bad ass Virgos that seem to be every other sign except a Virgo. But she is and a Super Virgo too! So let's get into her astrology.

Astrotheme profile link here

Virgo Stellium
First and foremost she has a Virgo stellium (3 or more planets in the same sign). She has Sun, Venus, Saturn, &
Mercury in Virgo. This shows despite her image she is critical, pays attention to details and is anal-retentive. These traits helps with shade because nothing gets past Virgo. Virgo sees everything and makes mental notes of everything.

Fire Grand Trine 
Pink has an Aries Moon, Sagittarius Ascendant, and Jupiter in Leo, so this is why Pink doesn't seem like a Virgo. Fire placements makes someone passionate, brave, and energetic. Pink is all this but also this to the MAX. This is because she has a Fire Grand Trine ( all 3 fire signs in her chart). Her Sag ascendant gives her "foot in the mouth syndrome." Her Aries moon makes her edgy with a IDGAF attitude. Her Leo Jupiter gives her a confident and prideful outlook. Put this all together and Pink is someone that has a honest, extroverted and outspoken nature. This doesn't make her shady, but she can throw shade with a grin on her face. BTW Astro-synchronicity of it all is her latest single was "Just Like Fire." Fire Grand Trine much?

Pluto in Libra 10th House
This gives her, her rebellious edgy and powerful public image. This is not so much shade, but she has no problem shaking things up.

Uranus in Scorpio in the 11th House
Her rebelliousness is in Scorpion/Plutonian in nature. Scorpio placements have no problem telling it like it is and making others uncomfortable. Her Uranus in Scorpio probably enjoys making others uncomfortable. This supports shade.

Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter in Leo in the 8th House
Her Mercury is in Virgo and in the 8th House. With her Aries lack of impulse control moon and a mercury in the 8th House. Pink no surprisingly very vocal about her thoughts. This is why there is no hesitation giving her views on Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus and her arch-rival Christina Aguilera. 

While Pink's Jupiter in Leo in the 8th House acts like gasoline in a fire pit, expanding and providing combustion of everything in her 8th House. Jupiter is the higher octave of Mercury. It symbolizes the higher mind. Here Pink is also not afraid to express her beliefs and opinions. Whether it be animal rights, gay rights', women's rights' or her BEEF WITH CHRISTINA AGUILERA. Pink has no problem taking it there and she does often.

Mars in Cancer 12th House
This is the nail in the SHADE coffin. Mars in Cancer in the 12th House is powerful placement. Mars in uber emotional and protective Cancer is Mars' detriment ("worst" Mars position). Mars in water signs are the sensitive, passive aggressive brooding types that hardly get visibly angry. Until one day they just go OFF. But for self-starter Cardinal water sign Cancer, they probably got OFF more than the other water placements. Pink has Mars square to Moon and Pluto so her anger is MASSIVE & SCARY. She just can't help get angry.

Mars placed in the 12th House of the subconscious and unconscious a common side effect is repression of anger. Pink seems to embrace her anger; but I think she can't help but throw SHADE every now and then. The music industry is all about maintaining face after all.
Check out YouTube Killer Queen's shade video on Pink (click here), to see her best SHADE moments.

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