Now that Gemini season is in full swing; it is fitting that I am writing about Gemini media "sensation" Azealia Banks. The rapper Azealia Banks more infamous for her social media rants and public disputes that her music. She has had twitter beefs with a lot of other famous people including Angel Haze, Iggy Azalea, TI, Zayn Malik, Lady Gaga, Rita Ora, A$AP Rocky, Lilly Allen, etc. (aka the list goes on and on).

Whatever the case the sad part about all of this is that Azealia Banks is actually a pretty talented rapper with a bunch of good catchy songs. Check out Desperado, The Big Big Beat, 212, Heavy Metal and Reflective, 1991, and Chasing Time to see what I mean. Plus I love her dancing in her videos and her rapping over up tempo beats (they aren't that many rappers that can do that).
Whatever the case, why is she so outspoken, loud and unapologetic. Well let's look at her astrology. Her astrotheme link here
Whatever the case the sad part about all of this is that Azealia Banks is actually a pretty talented rapper with a bunch of good catchy songs. Check out Desperado, The Big Big Beat, 212, Heavy Metal and Reflective, 1991, and Chasing Time to see what I mean. Plus I love her dancing in her videos and her rapping over up tempo beats (they aren't that many rappers that can do that).
Whatever the case, why is she so outspoken, loud and unapologetic. Well let's look at her astrology. Her astrotheme link here
Sun in Gemini in the 1st House
She has Sun in Gemini in the 1st House, meaning self expression and authenticity is important to her. She has to be herself at all times. In Gemini she is someone that has a constant need to communicate her ideas and thoughts. She has a commanding presence, exudes self confidence and pride. On the downside Azealia is someone who is arrogant, overbearing and loud. I notice with strong Mercury types (Gemini or Virgo) is that they are very proud/arrogant about their viewpoints (since they are so smart and worldly) that they can force it down on others.
Moon in Capricorn in 8th house
Her moon is in detriment in Capricorn, in the 8th House. This is a heavy placement. The moon already in a difficult position but in the 8th House it's even more stressful and difficult. Capricorn moons are known to be cold, repressed and insecure with their emotions. They are afraid to show their vulnerable side and try to beat the sensitivity out of themselves. This is because Capricorn moon natives oftentimes grew up in abusive households, forced to mature early, and have to forgo enjoyment and happiness for hard work and responsibilities.

This moon (emotions) in the 8th House (of death, sex and rebirth) they understand the undercurrents of emotions. 8th House Moons oftentimes had a difficult and troubled relationship with the mother. In Azealia's case her mother was verbally and physically abusive and she had to leave her mom's house and live with her older sister at the age of 14.
Moon conjunct Uranus (along with Jupiter & Neptune)
Not only that her Moon in Capricorn in 8th house, but it is multi conjunct with Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus. This makes her emotions and emotional habits expansive/over-dramatic (Jupiter), deluded/overtly sensitive (Neptune), and over-rebellious/shocking (Uranus).
True Lilith in Capricorn in the 8th House
On top of all that she has her True Lilith in Capricorn in the 8th House. Lilith was Adam's first wife before Eve; according to Jewish mythology. The story goes she refused to lay with Adam and be subservient to him so she was cased out of Heaven, onto Earth as a female demon (aka succubus). She was seen as an evil, birther of demons; sucker of the life force out of human men and represented all the negative qualities of women.
That's where we probably her Bad Bitch Bitchiness is in full swing. Lilith in Capricorn Bad Bitch Bitchiness is someone that revels in negativity, bitterness and complains constantly while blames others for their own problems. This is true in Azealia's case.
The media/public portrays her as a talent-less, irrelevant massive troll who starts unnecessary fights with people whose success she is jealous of. This viewpoint isn't baseless but it's also very dismissive. I do think she is talented, creative, incredibly confident (also a bit arrogant and insecure) pushy person who goes beast mode on people who she believes slightly dissed her or whom she disagrees with.
She has Sun in Gemini in the 1st House, meaning self expression and authenticity is important to her. She has to be herself at all times. In Gemini she is someone that has a constant need to communicate her ideas and thoughts. She has a commanding presence, exudes self confidence and pride. On the downside Azealia is someone who is arrogant, overbearing and loud. I notice with strong Mercury types (Gemini or Virgo) is that they are very proud/arrogant about their viewpoints (since they are so smart and worldly) that they can force it down on others.
Moon in Capricorn in 8th house
Her moon is in detriment in Capricorn, in the 8th House. This is a heavy placement. The moon already in a difficult position but in the 8th House it's even more stressful and difficult. Capricorn moons are known to be cold, repressed and insecure with their emotions. They are afraid to show their vulnerable side and try to beat the sensitivity out of themselves. This is because Capricorn moon natives oftentimes grew up in abusive households, forced to mature early, and have to forgo enjoyment and happiness for hard work and responsibilities.
This moon (emotions) in the 8th House (of death, sex and rebirth) they understand the undercurrents of emotions. 8th House Moons oftentimes had a difficult and troubled relationship with the mother. In Azealia's case her mother was verbally and physically abusive and she had to leave her mom's house and live with her older sister at the age of 14.
Moon conjunct Uranus (along with Jupiter & Neptune)
Not only that her Moon in Capricorn in 8th house, but it is multi conjunct with Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus. This makes her emotions and emotional habits expansive/over-dramatic (Jupiter), deluded/overtly sensitive (Neptune), and over-rebellious/shocking (Uranus).
True Lilith in Capricorn in the 8th House
On top of all that she has her True Lilith in Capricorn in the 8th House. Lilith was Adam's first wife before Eve; according to Jewish mythology. The story goes she refused to lay with Adam and be subservient to him so she was cased out of Heaven, onto Earth as a female demon (aka succubus). She was seen as an evil, birther of demons; sucker of the life force out of human men and represented all the negative qualities of women.
That's where we probably her Bad Bitch Bitchiness is in full swing. Lilith in Capricorn Bad Bitch Bitchiness is someone that revels in negativity, bitterness and complains constantly while blames others for their own problems. This is true in Azealia's case.
The media/public portrays her as a talent-less, irrelevant massive troll who starts unnecessary fights with people whose success she is jealous of. This viewpoint isn't baseless but it's also very dismissive. I do think she is talented, creative, incredibly confident (also a bit arrogant and insecure) pushy person who goes beast mode on people who she believes slightly dissed her or whom she disagrees with.
Mars in Leo in the 3rd House
This explains A LOT about her. Planets in the 3rd House take on a Gemini/Mercurial quality to them. Mars in Leo in the 3rd House is confident, proud (read: arrogant), passionate and aggressive and combative in speech. She is constantly calling people out. Defending herself. Accusing people of stealing off her creative content/concepts. Etc. Leo is a fire fixed sign so they are passionate and stubborn, and she is not the kind of person to take the high road or back down. Even when she is clearly wrong.
This explains A LOT about her. Planets in the 3rd House take on a Gemini/Mercurial quality to them. Mars in Leo in the 3rd House is confident, proud (read: arrogant), passionate and aggressive and combative in speech. She is constantly calling people out. Defending herself. Accusing people of stealing off her creative content/concepts. Etc. Leo is a fire fixed sign so they are passionate and stubborn, and she is not the kind of person to take the high road or back down. Even when she is clearly wrong.
Venus in Cancer in the 3rd House/ Venus opposite Moon
Other than her Pluto, Venus in Cancer is her only other water planet. Emotional and sensitive; her Venus in regards to other placements in her chart is dehydrated and needs to be watered. Her chart is mostly air, earth, and fire. Air and Earth combos are not known for their warmth, and can be cold/practical and have no heart.

Venus in Cancer is all about strong family bonds and security; things she didn't have much of growing up. Venus is in opposition with her complicated Moon (technically, degrees are way out of orb). , meaning she struggles with expressing her emotional sensitive sides. She wants to nurture and be nurtured, but at the same time wants to be in control and appear emotionally stable/responsible to others. At the basis of it all, she is emotional and sensitive and needs to create her own sense of family. Watch her Hot 97 interview and you see what I mean.
Other than her Pluto, Venus in Cancer is her only other water planet. Emotional and sensitive; her Venus in regards to other placements in her chart is dehydrated and needs to be watered. Her chart is mostly air, earth, and fire. Air and Earth combos are not known for their warmth, and can be cold/practical and have no heart.
Mercury in Taurus in the 12th House
Mercury opposite Pluto & Mercury trine Uranus
Mercury in Taurus also explains why she is who she is. Mercury in Taurus is a practical but stubborn placement. Taurus like Leo are the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. While Taurus is not known for being outspoken, vulgar or argumentative, Azealia Banks also has Mercury opposite Pluto and Mercury trine Uranus.
Mercury opposite Pluto makes someone have Plutonic communication skills. Mercury opposite Pluto aspect can make someone with a very alienating and polarizing opinions and communication style. She has strong beliefs and ideas that are controversial (racism, black feminism, cultural appropriation, etc. anyone?); Azealia isn't afraid to make her opinions known. I have no doubt that she always means what she says, no matter how fucked up, cruel, bigoted, and evil it sounds.
There is also an inner rebelliousness about her (as seen with her Mercury trine Uranus). I think she enjoys shocking people, getting a reaction, and making people mad. I also thinks she knows what she is doing (she is a brainy Gemini for heavensake!). I mean ask Donald Trump about it. I feel that she feels it her duty to be outspoken, frank and in your face.
On top of all this her mercury is in the 12 House (Yikes!!). This means oftentimes her words and the way she is communicates is often misunderstood, and misconstrue. So damn, she can't really win.
Ascendant in Taurus
Mercury opposite Pluto & Mercury trine Uranus
Mercury in Taurus also explains why she is who she is. Mercury in Taurus is a practical but stubborn placement. Taurus like Leo are the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. While Taurus is not known for being outspoken, vulgar or argumentative, Azealia Banks also has Mercury opposite Pluto and Mercury trine Uranus.
Mercury opposite Pluto makes someone have Plutonic communication skills. Mercury opposite Pluto aspect can make someone with a very alienating and polarizing opinions and communication style. She has strong beliefs and ideas that are controversial (racism, black feminism, cultural appropriation, etc. anyone?); Azealia isn't afraid to make her opinions known. I have no doubt that she always means what she says, no matter how fucked up, cruel, bigoted, and evil it sounds.
There is also an inner rebelliousness about her (as seen with her Mercury trine Uranus). I think she enjoys shocking people, getting a reaction, and making people mad. I also thinks she knows what she is doing (she is a brainy Gemini for heavensake!). I mean ask Donald Trump about it. I feel that she feels it her duty to be outspoken, frank and in your face.
On top of all this her mercury is in the 12 House (Yikes!!). This means oftentimes her words and the way she is communicates is often misunderstood, and misconstrue. So damn, she can't really win.
Ascendant in Taurus
Ascendant in Taurus would make MC in Aquarius. I am not too confident with her as a Taurus rising, but it does make sense. MC in Aquarius would give someone a rebellious, unique persona to the public (which is does have).
To be honest I blame her complicated Capricorn moon and Mars in Leo placements for her media persona. Whenever she is in the news I just think it's that Capricorn moon or her Mars in Leo. This is because Leo and Capricorn are the proudest signs of the zodiac. And the specific combo in her chart showcases the shadow sides of these placements. Leo is all about creativity and individuality as much as it is about being dogmatic and arrogant. Capricorn is painstakingly honest, frank, and constantly disregard their feelings and the feelings of others.
I like her outspokenness, her strong sense of self and individuality. Honestly we need more people like her to call people out their BS and not be afraid to speak their minds (no matter how unpopular it is).
One part of me sees her as incredibly brave, passionate, and inspiring; while the other part of me sees her as UNNECESSARILY EXTRA, incredibly childish and stupid. There is a time, a place, and a way to deal with people that isn't so immature and petty. She can and fully be herself and rise above everything if she focuses on herself, her music/career, her opinions without tearing down others. The only way for that is to learn to deal with and control her emotions without retorting to negativity, immaturity and pettiness.
To be honest I blame her complicated Capricorn moon and Mars in Leo placements for her media persona. Whenever she is in the news I just think it's that Capricorn moon or her Mars in Leo. This is because Leo and Capricorn are the proudest signs of the zodiac. And the specific combo in her chart showcases the shadow sides of these placements. Leo is all about creativity and individuality as much as it is about being dogmatic and arrogant. Capricorn is painstakingly honest, frank, and constantly disregard their feelings and the feelings of others.
I like her outspokenness, her strong sense of self and individuality. Honestly we need more people like her to call people out their BS and not be afraid to speak their minds (no matter how unpopular it is).
One part of me sees her as incredibly brave, passionate, and inspiring; while the other part of me sees her as UNNECESSARILY EXTRA, incredibly childish and stupid. There is a time, a place, and a way to deal with people that isn't so immature and petty. She can and fully be herself and rise above everything if she focuses on herself, her music/career, her opinions without tearing down others. The only way for that is to learn to deal with and control her emotions without retorting to negativity, immaturity and pettiness.
BTW today is her birthday. So Happy Birthday Azealia Banks