Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ode to the QUEEN of Taurus SHADE: Cher


This one was hard because I don't see Taurus as a shade throwing sign. They are too busy eating (ass included) and counting their money to be shady. I think shade is more of an air sign, fire sign thing, though Capricorns, Virgos, Pisces, aka every sign other than Taurus has thrown some good shade.

Anyway my first choice was Janet Jackson. But then I was like no, no, no. I was going to pick Janet Jackson because of this video where Janet throws some serious shade at Madonna. It was shady but it wasn't shady enough. It was more true then shady.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX Shutterstock (1321072ab) Queen Elizabeth II The Royal Windsor Horse Show, Windsor, Berkshire, Britain - 13 May 2011
Her exact thought: Who that bitch think she is walking around like that?
After Janet was Queen Elizabeth, because she stay giving face like it's no one's business. If you need a laugh just click here. But when I looked for videos it was scarce. Also I realized that Queen Elizabeth being a Capricorn rising naturally has resting bitch face. Yes I want some tea with that shade. Pun intended.

I finally decided on Cher because of this video, where she goes in on Madonna.  I also chose her because she goes on people on her twitter too.

Let's get into her astrology. Her astrotheme profile is linked here.  I will be focusing on placements I feel are relevant in shade. I just want to note, that they are no astrological shade aspects/placement. Everyone is different. Astrology is all about potential and interpretation. I am paying special attention to her Moon, Mars, and Mercury placements and her 12th/8th House placements. 

Cher's moon is in Capricorn in the 7th House. 
Capricorn moons are really straightforward and honest, so they are not really known to throw shade. The weird thing about shade is that sometimes it's perceived as shade, when it's really not and really just the truth in how you feel. Capricorns placements are known for their sarcasm (and honesty). 

Even so, in the 7th House of relationships your emotions are dependent on your state of your relationships with your partner or business. These are the types of people that want to be babied, supported, and are highly sensitive in relationships. Gives the moon and 7th House a sort of Lunar/Cancer spin. These are the people that will throw shade when feeling slighted, insecure, not supported, blah blah blah, etc.

Mars and Pluto in Leo in the 2nd House
Not exactly a shade placement, but a very powerful placement nonetheless. Cher doesn't play with her money. This is the first indication for me of probably where that shade came from. She sees/saw Madonna as her rival/competition who is taking attention (aka money) away from her. Maybe Madonna is secretly throwing shade and trying to sabotage her. Who knows?. She clearly doesn't like Madonna and has a personal vendetta against her. 

She doesn't like her and has let it be known (Mars and Pluto). Mars and Pluto placements are not to be messed Keep in mind that these placements are in Leo. Leo placements are all about saving face and appearing regal. Which means if they are angry or hurt, they most like respond with shade (than overt anger).

Mercury in Taurus (and Sun) in the 11th House

Not really about shade, but very much into friends and being seen as popular. Her ego (sun/Venus) is there, so Cher probably loves groups/organizations and has a lot of friends. Her mind (mercury/Venus) is there too, so she loves intellectually stimulating conversations in large groups. All this can make someone a bit fake and shady, because it makes someone focused on pleasing others (Venus) while constantly communicating. Somewhere the lines between being pleasant (especially in words), being honest, and constantly needing to communicate conflict. When that happens either you curse someone out or throw SHADE!!!
8th House Placements
No major placements

Venus and Uranus in the 12th House 

Venus and Uranus in Gemini. A lot of celebrities and famous people have 12th House placements. 12th House is a murky house and often misunderstandings occur here. It has a Neptunian sort of presence to the planets in the house. 12th Housers usually don't fully understand or have control of this energy. It's the case of someone seeing something in you, but you don't understand it in yourself. Venus in the 12th House can show someone who has insecurities about their looks or social standing); but at the same time being widely regarded as beautiful and popular. 
From that shade video of Cher roasting Madonna. She dissed Madonna about her looks/beauty (which is very important Tauran/Venusian ideal). Maybe she is projecting her own 12th house Venus insecurities. She did fucked with her face with major plastic surgery. Not only that but she has her Uranus in the 12th. Maybe she doesn't feel special perhaps or doesn't trust her individuality or intuition enough. 
You also got to keep in mind that Gemini is an air sign, so they are by default vocal and communicative. Maybe she fights her battles with shade.

Anyway some other shady moments


Anyway this is my Ode to the QUEEN of Taurus SHADE.

1 comment:

  1. As a Taurus sun, Capricorn moon and cancer rising like Cher I throw shade all day. I’ve also got Venus and Mercury in aries so I’ve got to be a bitch and talk shit at least five times a day to feel ok.
