An astrofiend's thought: What Planet Do We Experience First When We First Meet Someone?
Or maybe this a better question: What Planet Energy Do We Experience First When We Meet Someone For The First Time?
When you first meet someone what planet do you think see/experience first? Do you see the sun sign, moon sign, ascendant sign, etc first? Don't even get me started on asteroid or other planetary energies. It is tricky to say what personal planet or celestial body someone first sees in a person. Even so, it’s fun to try and take a go at it.
When someone first meet you (and vice versa) they meet your ascendant sign.
After a while once they get to talking with you they meet your mercury and Venus signs concurrently. It is on this occasion you laugh, joke, and get to know each other more.
After you both depart, deciding that you both like each other and want to meet up somewhere. You both suggest places to go and agree on a place. Later on they meet you, decide that they like you even more and meet several times with you. It is on these occasions when they meet your sun sign and your basic personality.
You hang out, have fun and they get to see your Mars sign in action. After a while they get to know you more personally, soon becoming close friends. It is there that they get to see and notice more of your Venus and Moon signs, while getting a taste of the darker sides of your mars and mercury signs. They see how you act in different settings. They also see how interact with strangers, acquaintances, friends, and family and how you behave with them verses these groups of people. Our astrological charts active like blinking Xmas tree lights; blinking in various patterns.

This "theory" or "thought" or whatever this is, I wrote this between 3-5 years ago. This what I thought but I don't know now. Now I'm asking.
A. Can we experience and give off all of our planetary energies (planets, asteroids, nodes, etc.) all at once? Even if it's just different amounts of these energies depending on the people and energy around us.
B. Or are we like onions or skin? Are we so layered that we constantly peel off and shed our astrological selves gradually and of varying degrees to others. This is of course depending on the types of relationships we have with others and the energy around us.
C. Am I making any sense? Or am I a flub dub with pigeon size brain?
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