Thursday, March 19, 2020

It's 2020. Let's CUT OUT THE NEW YEAR NEW ME NONSENSE!! Happy Spring Equinox

It's 2020. Let's CUT OUT THE NEW YEAR NEW ME NONSENSE!! Happy Spring Equinox

It's 2020. Supposedly it's a new year. Random but the older I get the more I think that it doesn't make any sense for the "new year to start in the dead of Winter. The new year should really start in Spring/ Vernal Equinox or at least whenever the weather is warmer for whatever hemisphere you are on.

This whole New Year New Me mantra, setting your intentions now just seems so forced and arbitrary. You are the still the same person 3 weeks ago. How does a made up day change your life?

I mean I understand it and I am not fighting against it or anything but it feels like we are either being set up for failure or lured by energy of newness,  hope and expectation which can either result in success or failure. This isn't me being a cynic. Imma let go of this thought for a little bit.

2020 is also the start of a new decade. This is weird but I am excited by this rather than the "New Year". As a Plutionian/ 8th house person and more importantly as a human being life is unpredictable and nonlinear. This is why this whole new year new me, intentions setting is so weird and uneasy for me.

This sounds contradictory but I truly  believe everyday is a new day and we are always changing but at the same time I disagree with the New Year New Me Thing

Our lives and experiences are again unpredictable & nonlinear. We may start out the year bad and it ends good and vice versa.

In a year you can experience sickness, death and new life, riches to rags, love, hate, travel, jail, etc. Some people's lives are generally more stable, some people more chaotic. It's just the way it is.

I spoke to someone who's life and experiences are crazy and it seems like this person never can get a break.

You don't need a new year to be new. 2 hours ago I wasn't the same person I am now. Of course we don't notice these changes but we often notice and appreciate it in retrospect aka retrograde.

This is why I am excited about the new decade. I can look back at 10 years with pride, shame, sadness, anger, a sense of improvement/satisfaction and stalement/regression/dissatisfaction all at once. Its an ebb and flow that is spiritually appealing and enlightening.

My culture (western) is not designed for us to be happy or present. This is where the set up comes in. We can't just live. There is a pressure and expectation to be better within a year.

Its not the pressure or urgency that bothers me but the expectation that we need to do it within this year & doing this continually and consistently year after year. Like we can wrap ourselves up into little bows and move easily into a new year.

Life and time doesn't work that way. It's a process, a pendulum, a balancing scale and a whirlpool wave.

I believe in both fate and free will. I am in control of my actions and reactions. I am somewhat in control of my body, mind/thoughts and emotions. Everything else is up in the air. Sometimes I like this, a lot of times I don't. It is what it is.

Regardless I am not complaining it's just thoughts and observations. I am grateful to be alive and get another chance today and right now.

We spend all this time preparing for this and that and looking into the future. At the same time we are not present and living for the now.

New Year. New Decade. Maturing and Evolving Me.

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