Friday, April 17, 2020

theastrofiend: Aries vs Aquarius: Who is more of an independent rebel?

Aries vs Aquarius: Who is more of an independent rebel?

I'm an Aries so I naturally think in comparison and competition. Aries seems warlike and always ready to compete ( that is true) but honestly we are competing with ourselves. We are just using you to do so. You are a placeholder for ourselves.

That aside when I was writing about La Corona I mention a lot about Aquarius (Saturn) and with it now being Aries season I can't help but think about the similarities and differences between Aries and Aquarius.

In my Aries way of thinking its versus. Who is more of an independent rebel? Spoiler of course I am gonna pick Aries.  Si, yes yes I'm biased and competitive so Aries must win.

Aquarius is a more evolved, detached, wiser, more boring, less energetic, and possibly sociopathic version of Aries. This is a low key but high key drag of Aquarius. Sorry bish.

Anyways Aries and Aquarius are similar and different in many ways. Plus as someone who has both Aries and Aquarius planets and energies in her can relate.  I thought I'll explore these differences.

The differences between the two

Aries as the first sign. As a Cardinal Fire sign is much more freer in terms of nature and personality to be an independent rebel. Aries as a Cardinal sign is a self starter, a path layer, an explorer. It's excitable, passionate and full of energy. It doesn't have limits or songs of experience because it is a baby. It doesn't know any better but to be itself. Aries phrase is I am. We exist we are here, we don't have to develop because we don't have the wisdom of living life to interfere with our ego. That's probably a main reason why the Sun is exalted in Aries. Its not inhibited or repressed. It hadn't have a chance yet to become that way. Plus with Mars as its ruler god of War it is not confined by pleasantries or social graces.

As opposed to Aquarius. Aquarius is the second to last sign. It's a fixed Air Sign. Its free (air) but limited in its fixed quality. Its learned, experienced, highly intelligent and low key psychic. Its the 11th sign so it's older, less energetic, sometimes bitter but wiser and detached. Its on its last hurrah before it gives away its energy to Pisces who will dies.

Its Dumbledore both protecting and antagonizing Harry Potter. An old wizard who knows it's time is almost up.

To repeat what i said in my other post

Aquarius is a rebel outsider (Uranus) but at the same time is a social air sign that needs to communicate. Aquarius fights for freedom and independence but knows that it is not possible because we are individuals in a community (Saturn).

Aquarius swings between its rebellious flighty phases (Uranus & Air sign) and its acceptance/social phases (Saturn & air sign). Aquarius doesn't choose. It doesn't need to balance between the 2 natures because it lives within itself. This is the fixed nature. The quality that maintains and manages what Aries started. It doesn't need to start (Cardinal Aries) and doesn't need to move or change (Mutable). Aquarius needs to be.

Aries and Aquarius rebels in different ways and for different reasons.

Aries rebels because it can, it will and your bitch ass won't stop it. It wants to and if you try to stop it, violence is not far. Rebel without a cause. Aries is independence for independence sake. It's individuality and rebellion for individuality and rebellion's sake. Aries is the cause. Aries doesn't need a reason. Rams don't need a reason to ram, it's it's nature.

Aquarius rebels because it is a necessary evil. Individuality is important and socializing and standing up for society is also important.

Aquarius is a Rebel with a cause

Low key this is (ironic and iconic because of Aquarius James Dean starmaker old Hollywood movie, Rebel Without a Cause). More ironic and synchronicitistic because Aquarius Sun James Dean has an Aries Rising and Uranus.

Aquarius is a rebel with a cause. Aquarius with it's fixed, experienced nature knows how life works and knows you must fight with like minded people to defend and maintain your social and societal independence.

Similarities between Aries and Aquarius  are it's ego and the way they express their independent rebellious nature.

Both are confident and unapologetic and unshamed of showing and expressing their individuality.

Aries and Aquariuses have huge egos. Ego is not a bad thing, its who we are. Both Aries and Aquarius have a presence (ego).

These signs sextile each other so they are friends and will support each other's similarities and differences without it being much of a threat or problem.

Overall both Aries and Aquarius are different kind of independent rebels. You can't truly compare it and that is ok. Comparison is the thief of joy and Aries and Aquarius is too fly to be competing. We can all shine.

All this aside I still think Aries is the winner. Haha, i had to!

Happy Aries season. Please everyone be safe during this difficult time.  This too shall pass.

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