During Taurus Season of this year (May 2023), I created my Venus YouTube Short Video Series where I talked about topics related to Venus (astrology planet). If you haven't been paying attention I have been making astrology short videos for my theastrofiend YouTube Channel on past (Legacy Project) and current/ongoing astrology blog posts/topics.
For this series I created and uploaded on YouTube my astrology interpretations on Women Love Power Feminine Seductive Archetypes (based on 7 feminine archetypes and 13 secondary feminine archetypes, and Kibbe Body Types (a more modern body typing system for women).
I also talked about the Hadid Modelling Sisters who are both Venus Ruled (Taurus Gigi Hadid and Libra Bella Hadid) and the difference between Venus Ruled Signs Taurus and Libra using them as examples.
Anyways in this blog post based on my Venus series back in May during Taurus season, I will be finally posting my astrological interpretation on Women Love Power Feminine Seductive Archetypes ~ Libra Season Astrology in honor of Libra season (happy Libra season to all Libras). You can find my YouTube Shorts with audio for each Women Love Power Feminine Seductive Archetypes on my YouTube channel: theastrofiend.
I will briefly explain Women Love Power Feminine Seductive Archetypes, provide my astrological interpretations of each of the Feminine Seductive Archetypes and provide Feminine Seductive Archetypes verified celebrities astrology information as an example.
This is Ayesha Faines, creator of Women Love Power
Feminine Seductive Archetypes
Feminine Seductive Archetypes I will be using Women Love Power content and material by Ayesha Faines. I discovered her back in 2017, first via The Grapevine YouTube Channel. Unfortunately Ayesha died in 2021, but her legacy as a intelligent, classy, creative woman continues on. Her YouTube channel Women Love Power and her website is still up, so please support her legacy!
The Seven Feminine Archetypes
YouTube: Women Love Power
Visit: womenlovepower.com to take the Feminine Archetype Quiz
Women Love Power Archetypes: Lover
Women Love Power Archetypes: Huntress
Women Love Power Archetypes: Maiden
Women Love Power Archetypes: Mother
Women Love Power Archetypes: Queen
Women Love Power Archetypes: Mystic
Women Love Power Archetypes: Sage
My Astrology Takes on Women Love Power Feminine Seductive Archetypes
Do our physical traits match and go with our personality?? Yes. No. Sometimes. It Depends
I believe genes, race/ethnic background, environment, socioeconomic class, and our diet dictate physical appearance MORE than astrology. However I think astrology enhances what is already there and physically shows the energy and essence of a person and their personality that can sometimes be reflected in appearance. There is some accuracy to Leo hair, Sagittarius thighs and hips, Scorpio eyes, Aries Forehead, Cancer breasts, etc. Remember astrology shows potential. Also remember this is my subjective opinion and this is for fun. I enjoy the Kibbe Body Type system but I don't take it as fact!
Women Love Power is a quiz/website/course based on 7 main feminine archetypes and 13 feminine secondary archetypes based on the 7 main feminine archetypes which was all created by Ayesha Faines. When you take the quiz, your top 3 % dominant archetypes percentages are listed. The quiz is a bit long but very comprehensive and meant to show your dominant feminine archetypes and ones you need to develop.
I will be using astrology to break down each archetype and assign different houses, signs, and planets to each archetype. This is very subjective and it will be based on my opinion and my knowledge and interpretation of astrology. I provided the astrological information of Ayesha’s celebrity choices for context but I will not be basing my analysis on this.
Note: I am using Ayesha's celebrity choices and examples for each archetype to make it more simpler-easier and because it's her concept! My astrological interpretation is my own and based off her concept and information! Thank you!
Women Love Power Archetypes:
The Lover
The Huntress: The Bohemian and The Coquette
The Maiden: The Ingenue and The Gamine
The Mother: The Sensualist and The Lady
The Queen: The Diva and The Empress
The Mystic: The Goddess and The Enigma
The Sage: The Sophisticate and The Boss
Women Love Power Archetypes: The Lover aka The Siren
1. Women Love Power: The Lover aka The Siren Archetype:
NOTE: There aren't any Secondary Love Types for The Lover
Famous Celebrities and Fictional Characters Examples: J lo, Samantha from sex in the city, etc.
Themes of the Women Love Power: The Lover aka The Siren Archetype: Love, creativity, sexy, seductive, it girl essence of life, magnetic, archetype, hypnotic, Empowerment, Use love energy to create your own energy
MY ASTROLOGY TAKES for Women Love Power: The Lover aka The Siren Archetype:
MY ASTROLOGY TAKES for THE LOVER is All signs but Ascendant-Sun-Venus-Mars and/or Jupiter in Aries, Leo, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, stelliums in the 1st House, 5th House, and many aspects between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune planets. These signs and placements embody bold, confident, loving, passionate feminine personalities that do not mind embracing their body, sex appeal-sensuality, sexuality, and being seen, admired, and loved.
Elizabeth Taylor
Sagittarius Ascendant ~ Pisces Sun ~ Scorpio Moon ~ Aries Venus ~ Pisces Mars ~ Aries Lilith ~ Libra MC ~
Kim Kardashian
Sagittarius Ascendant ~ Libra Sun ~ Pisces Moon ~ Virgo Venus ~ Sagittarius Mars ~ Libra Lilith ~ Virgo MC
Brigitte Bardot
Sagittarius Ascendant ~ Libra Sun ~ Gemini Moon ~ Virgo Venus ~ Leo Mars ~ Leo Lilith
Mae West
Taurus Ascendant ~ Leo Sun ~ Scorpio Moon ~ Virgo Venus ~ Virgo Mars ~ Sagittarius Lilith ~ Aquarius MC
Women Love Power Archetypes: The Huntress
Secondary Love Types for The Huntress: The Bohemian and The Coquette
Women Love Power Archetypes: The Huntress
Secondary Love Types for The Huntress: The Bohemian and The Coquette
Famous Celebrities and Fictional Characters Examples: Serena Williams, Solange, and Bianca Jagger etc.
Themes of the Women Love Power: The Huntress: The Bohemian and The Coquette Archetype (s):
Go getter, Independent, complete woman, non patriarchal woman, own identity, winner,
Secondary Love Types for The Huntress: The Bohemian: Erykah Badu, Coco Chanel, Lisa Bonet, and Bianca Jagger
Secondary Love Types for The Huntress: The Coquette: Serena Williams, Marlene Dietrich
The Huntress Feminine Archetype are Ascendant-Sun-Venus-Mars and/or Jupiter in Sagittarius Aries, Scorpio, and Aquarius, 1st House, 8th House, 9th house, 11th House energy, and many aspects to Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter. These signs and placements embody the independent, secure, adventurous, unattached side of the feminine that do not mind independent, wild, taking risks, and having autonomy.
Angelina Jolie
Cancer Ascendant ~ Gemini Sun ~ Aries Moon ~ Cancer Venus ~ Aries Mars ~ Pisces Lilith ~ Aries MC
Erykah Badu
Sagittarius Ascendant ~ Pisces Sun ~ Pisces Moon ~ Capricorn Venus ~ Sagittarius Mars ~ Virgo Lilith ~ Virgo MC
Marlene Dietrich
Virgo Ascendant ~ Capricorn Sun ~ Leo Moon ~ Aquarius Venus ~ Capricorn Mars ~ Scorpio Lilith ~ Taurus MC
Serena Williams
Taurus Ascendant ~ Libra Sun ~ Virgo Moon ~ Scorpio Venus ~ Leo Mars ~ Sagittarius Lilith ~ Capricorn MC
Lisa Bonet
Cancer Ascendant ~ Scorpio Sun ~ Taurus Moon ~ Libra Venus ~ Capricorn Mars ~ Taurus Lilith ~ Aries MC
Coco Chanel
Sagittarius Ascendant ~ Leo Sun ~ Pisces Moon ~ Leo Venus ~ Gemini Mars ~ Libra Lilith ~ Libra MC
Women Love Power Archetypes: The Maiden
Secondary Love Types for The Maiden: The Ingenue and The Gamine
Women Love Power Archetypes: The Maiden
Secondary Love Types for The Maiden: The Ingenue and The Gamine
Famous Celebrities and Fictional Characters Examples: Uma Thurman's character in Pulp Fiction, Marilyn Monroe, Josephine Baker, Diana Ross 21:20-23:30, Princess Diana, , Rihanna etc.
Themes of the Women Love Power: The Maiden: The Ingenue and The Gamine Archetype (s): Youthful, fresh, naïve- naivete, effervescent, transformative maturation period, change, darkness, transformation
Secondary Love Types for The Maiden: The Ingenue: Rihanna, Marilyn Monroe, Carole Lombard
Secondary Love Types for The Maiden: The Gamine: Josephine Baker, Audrey Hepburn, and Janet Jackson
3. For the MAIDEN and secondary feminine archetypes: The Ingenue and The Gamine
MY ASTROLOGY TAKES for the MAIDEN Feminine Archetype:
Ascendant-Sun-Venus-Mars and/or Jupiter in Mutable signs especially Pisces, Gemini, 3rd House, 4th house, 5th house, and 8th Houses energy, and aspects from the planets: Neptune, Mercury, and Pluto. It’s important to note a mix of mutable plutonian energy. These signs and placements embody youthful curious energetic playful, resilient feminine personalities that do not mind the lessons that come from struggle and have a willingness to change-evolve, self-reflect, and learn, despite the pain, trauma and dark experiences.
Diana Ross
Scorpio Ascendant ~ Aries Sun ~ Taurus Moon ~ Pisces Venus ~ Gemini Mars ~ Virgo Lilith ~ Virgo MC
Marilyn Monroe
Leo Ascendant ~ Gemini Sun ~ Aquarius Moon ~ Aries Venus ~ Pisces Mars ~ Leo Lilith ~ Taurus MC
Josephine Baker
Virgo Ascendant ~ Gemini Sun ~ Libra Moon ~ Cancer Venus ~ Gemini Mars ~ Taurus Lilith ~ Taurus MC
Audrey Hepburn
Aquarius Ascendant ~ Taurus Sun ~ Pisces Moon ~ Aries Venus (R ) ~ Cancer Mars ~ Sagittarius Lilith ~ Sagittarius MC
Princess Diana
Sagittarius Ascendant ~ Cancer Sun ~ Aquarius Moon ~ Taurus Venus ~ Virgo Mars ~ Leo Lilith ~ Libra MC
Aries Ascendant ~ Pisces Sun ~ Aries Moon ~ Aries Venus ~ Sagittarius Mars ~ Leo Lilith ~ Capricorn MC
Carole Lombard
Gemini Ascendant ~ Libra Sun ~ Pisces Moon ~ Leo Venus ~ Virgo Venus ~ Virgo Mars ~ Virgo Lilith ~ Aquarius MC
Janet Jackson
Scorpio Ascendant ~ Taurus Sun ~ Aries Moon ~ Aries Venus ~ Taurus Mars ~ Pisces Lilith ~ Leo MC
……………………………………………………………………………Women Love Power Archetypes: The Mother
Secondary Love Types for The Mother: The Sensualist and The Lady
Women Love Power Archetypes: The Mother
Secondary Love Types for The Mother: The Sensualist and The Lady
Famous Celebrities and Fictional Characters Examples: Ayesha Curry, Julia Childs, Mother Theresa, Dolly Parton, Nigella Lawson, Sandra Lee, etc.
Themes of the Women Love Power: The Mother: The Sensualist and The Lady Archetype (s): Warm, traditional, down to Earth, nurture, attractive, girl next door, nice, pampered, protective, sustain, humble, approachable, inviting, resilient, hard time embracing sexuality, transcend ego, emotional roots, depth, compassion, serve, service, etc.
Secondary Love Types for The Mother: The Sensualist: Sophia Loren, Nia Long, and Nigella Lawson
Secondary Love Types for The Mother: The Lady: Ayesha Curry, Susan Sarandon, and Sandra Lee
MY ASTROLOGY TAKES for the Mother Feminine Archetype are Ascendant-Sun-Venus-Mars and/or Jupiter in Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces and Taurus, 4th house, 5th house, 6th House, and 12th House energy, and lastly major aspects from the planets The Moon, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Neptune. These signs and placements embody patient, nurturing, responsible, devoted, down to earth, gentle, dependable feminine personalities that have the ability to transcend ego, selfishness and be of service.
Mother Theresa
Unverified Sagittarius Ascendant ~ Virgo Sun ~ Taurus Moon ~ Leo Venus ~ Virgo Mars ~ Scorpio Lilith ~ Unverified Libra MC
Dolly Parton
Virgo Ascendant ~ Capricorn Sun ~ Virgo Moon ~ Capricorn Venus ~ Cancer Mars ~ Scorpio ~ Lilith Taurus MC
Sophia Loren
Capricorn Ascendant ~ Virgo Sun ~ Aquarius Moon ~ Virgo Venus ~ Leo Mars ~ Leo Lilith ~ Scorpio MC
Nia Long
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Scorpio Sun ~ Scorpio Moon ~ Scorpio Venus ~ Libra Mars ~ Virgo Lilith
Ayesha Curry
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Aries Sun ~ Libra Moon ~ Pisces Venus ~ Gemini Mars ~ Libra Lilith
Susan Sarandon
Capricorn Ascendant ~ Libra Sun ~ Capricorn Moon ~ Scorpio Venus ~ Scorpio Mars ~ Sagittarius Lilith ~ Scorpio MC
Women Love Power Archetypes: Queen
Secondary Love Types for The Queen: The Diva and The Empress

Women Love Power Archetypes: Queen
Secondary Love Types for The Queen: The Diva and The Empress
Women Love Power Archetypes: Queen
Secondary Love Types for The Queen: The Diva and The Empress
Women Love Power Archetypes: Queen
Secondary Love Types for The Queen: The Diva and The Empress
Famous Celebrities and Fictional Characters Examples: Beyoncé, Nancy Reagan, first lady, soap opera dynasty, reality tv, Nene Leakes, etc.
Themes of the Women Love Power: The Queen: The Diva and The Empress Archetype:
matriarchal figure, opulence, wealth, queen bees, natural leader, wife, luxury, socialite, social butterfly, inspiration, always have a man, entrepreneur, diva regent, companion, loyalty, family, community, regal, married, building an empire
Secondary Love Types for The Queen: The Empress: Wallis Simpson, Majorie Harvey, Madame de Pompadour
MY ASTROLOGY TAKES for the QUEEN Feminine Archetype are Ascendant-Sun-Venus-Mars and/or Jupiter in Leo, Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, 7th house, 8th house, 10th house,11th house energy and lastly major aspects from the planets: The Sun, Venus, and Saturn.
These signs and placements embody natural leader, social butterfly, emotional intelligence, poise feminine personalities that are willing to share and leverage their power, influence and energy to build partnerships and social networks.
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Virgo Sun ~ Scorpio Moon ~ Libra Venus ~ Leo Mars ~ Scorpio Lilith
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Virgo Sun ~ Scorpio Moon ~ Libra Venus ~ Leo Mars ~ Scorpio Lilith
Nancy Reagan
Libra Ascendant ~ Cancer Sun ~ Leo Moon ~ Taurus Venus ~ Cancer Mars ~ Aquarius Lilith ~ Cancer MC
Nene Leakes
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Sagittarius Sun ~ Taurus Moon ~ Scorpio Venus ~ Aquarius Mars ~ Taurus Lilith
Pamela Churchill nee Harriman
Aquarius Ascendant ~ Pisces Sun ~ Pisces Moon ~ Pisces Venus ~ Scorpio Mars ~ Sagittarius Lilith ~ Sagittarius MC
Madame de Pompadour
Aquarius Ascendant ~ Capricorn Sun ~ Taurus Moon ~ Sagittarius Venus ~ Taurus Mars ~ Cancer Lilith ~ Sagittarius MC
Wallis Simpson
Aquarius Ascendant ~ Gemini Sun ~ Libra Moon ~ Gemini Venus ~ Aries Mars ~ Aries Lilith ~ Sagittarius MC
Women Love Power Archetypes: Mystic
Secondary Love Types for The Mystic: The Goddess and The Enigma
Famous Celebrities and Fictional Characters Examples: Sade, Nicole Kidman Frida Kahlo, Grace Kelly, Greta Garbo, etc.
Themes of the Women Love Power: The Mystic: The Goddess and The Enigma Archetype (s): Independent, creative, introverted women, consciousness, self-fulfillment, relaxed, warmth, soulful, magnetic, serene, dignity, grounded, emotional distance, inner peace, identity, codependency, impulsivity, distance
6. MY ASTROLOGY TAKES for the MYSTIC Feminine Archetype are Ascendant-Sun-Venus-Mars and/or Jupiter in Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, 4th house, 8th house, 9th House and 12th house energy, and lastly major aspects from the planets Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto
These signs and placements embody private, mysterious, introspective, self-reflective, feminine personalities that are able to embrace solitude and be at peace in their own mind and presence.
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Capricorn Sun ~ Aries Moon ~ Aquarius Venus ~ Taurus Mars ~ Taurus Lilith Nicole Kidman
Scorpio Ascendant ~ Gemini Sun ~ Sagittarius Moon ~ Leo Venus ~ Libra Mars ~ Aries Lilith ~ Leo MC
Frida Kahlo
Leo Ascendant ~ Cancer Sun ~ Taurus Moon ~ Gemini Venus ~ Capricorn Mars ~ Cancer Lilith ~ Taurus MC
Kate Bush
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Leo Sun ~ Aquarius Moon ~ Cancer Venus ~ Taurus Mars ~ Aries Lilith
Grace Kelly
Scorpio Ascendant ~ Scorpio Sun ~ Pisces Moon ~ Libra Venus ~ Scorpio Mars ~ Capricorn Lilith ~ Leo MC
Greta Garbo
Gemini Ascendant ~ Virgo Sun ~ Taurus Moon ~ Leo Venus ~ Sagittarius Mars ~ Aries Lilith ~ Capricorn MC
Women Love Power Archetypes: Sage
Secondary Love Types for The Sage: The Sophisticate and The Boss
Secondary Love Types for The Sage: The Sophisticate and The Boss
Women Love Power Archetypes: Sage
Secondary Love Types for The Sage: The Sophisticate and The Boss
Famous Celebrities and Fictional Characters Examples: Olivia pope, Martha Stewart, Margaret Thatcher, Cleopatra, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Arianna Huffington etc.
Themes of the Women Love Power: The Sage: The Sophisticate and The Boss Archetype (s): Focus, wisdom, strategy, creativity, pragmatism, accomplishment, intellect, domestic arts/hobbies, boss ass bitch, emotionally cool, drawn to powerful men, see their partners as equals, hard to connect to body, male identified? possible pick me?
Secondary Love Types for The Sage: The Sophisticate: Jacqueline Kennedy, Carla Bruni, and Kate Middleton
Secondary Love Types for The Sage: The Boss: Amal Clooney, Cleopatra, and Arianna Huffington
7. MY ASTROLOGY TAKES for the SAGE Feminine Archetype are Ascendant-Sun-Venus-Mars and/or Jupiter in Virgo, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, 6th house, 7th house 9th house, 10th house, and 11th house; and lastly major aspects from the planets Mercury, Uranus, Venus, The Sun and Saturn.
These signs and placements embody an ambitious, intelligent, resourceful, strategic, wise, feminine personalities that has vision, savvy, fortitude and perspective needed to accomplish their goals and fulfil their dreams.
Martha Stewart
Scorpio Ascendant ~ Leo Sun ~ Sagittarius Moon ~ Virgo Venus ~ Aries Mars ~ Taurus Lilith ~ Leo MC
Oprah Winfrey
Sagittarius Ascendant ~ Aquarius Sun ~ Sagittarius Moon ~ Aquarius Venus ~ Scorpio Mars ~ Libra Lilith ~ Libra MC
Michelle Obama
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Capricorn Sun ~ Pisces Moon ~ Pisces Venus ~ Aquarius Mars ~ Sagittarius Lilith
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Scorpio Ascendant ~ Leo Sun ~ Aries Moon ~ Gemini Venus ~ Virgo Mars ~ Capricorn Lilith ~ Leo MC
Kate Middleton
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Capricorn Sun ~ Cancer Moon ~ Aquarius Venus ~ Libra Mars ~ Sagittarius Lilith
Amal Clooney
NO Ascendant INFO ~ Aquarius Sun ~ Sagittarius Moon ~ Aquarius Venus ~ Cancer Mars ~ Cancer Lilith
I created a Venus Series Playlist on my YouTube Channel
link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnE4RWpYxuLF7wEYCt0VBMW7ZyxWiDRIj
theastrofiend #VenusSeries: #Astrology of #FeminineSeductiveArchetypes THE LOVER #Taurusszn #women
theastrofiend #VenusSeries: #Astrology of #FeminineSeductiveArchetypes THE MOTHER #Taurusszn #women
theastrofiend #VenusSeries: #Astrology of #FeminineSeductiveArchetypes THE MAIDEN #Taurusszn #women
theastrofiend #VenusSeries: #Astrology of #FeminineSeductiveArchetypes THE QUEEN #Geminiszn #women
theastrofiend #VenusSeries: #Astrology of #FeminineSeductiveArchetypes THE HUNTRESS #Taurusszn
theastrofiend #VenusSeries: #Astrology of #FeminineSeductiveArchetypes THE SAGE #Geminiszn #women
theastrofiend #VenusSeries: #Astrology of #FeminineSeductiveArchetypes THE MYSTIC #Taurusszn #women
#theastrofiend #Venus Series #Taurus #Libra #astrology
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