Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Aquarian Age Modern Woman: Capricorn FLOTUS Michelle Obama

If you haven't noticed we are in the Age of Aquarius. The world and society is transition. This is the time for the people, especially with Pluto in Scorpio and Sagittarius generations taking reigns; it's the time for the Other. The Other meaning the ones on the fringes of society. Gay & Trans people. People with mental illnesses. The bad bitch, aka sexually independent woman without shame. Some will call this woman a feminist. Michelle Obama is in the realm of the Other, specifically regarding women's rights and issues. She is the Aquarian Age Modern Woman.

Michelle Obama astrotheme profile link here

Sun & Mercury in Capricorn
Michelle Obama has Sun & Mercury in Capricorn, which means that she has a very practical, grounded and serious nature. She is about her business and her grown woman shit. She is ready, willing and able to the groundwork. Capricorn at best when they put aside their cold ambition and who can use its' enterprising, disciplined, organized and responsible Cardinal earth energy to move their community, society & humanity forward.

Mars & Saturn in Aquarius
Michelle Obama has both Mars & Saturn in Aquarius. This means she has the discipline (Saturn) and energy (Mars) to fight that good Aquarian fight. Aquarius is all for the people. Ask Bob Marley. Aquarius is deeply invested and interested in equality and being the ONE in the group; while BEING in the group. They are the individuals in the community and the community in the individuals.  Aquarius is the intellectual rebel; the social justice warrior/SJW and the social individualist.

Sun & Mars conjunct & Jupiter in Aries
Michelle Obama has Sun & Mars conjunct & Jupiter in Aries. This means she has an competitive, energetic, strong constitution and fighting nature. She is both the underdog, the aggressor, and the champion. Being a lawyer by trade, she plunges into her strong Martian energy and uses it to promote Age of Aquarian ideals.

Moon & Venus conjunct in Pisces

Michelle Obama has Moon & Venus conjunct in Pisces. This is the same combo as Martin Luther King Jr. Michelle has all this strong, Cardinal and fixed energy. But the key ingredient to her recipe is her compassion. She sacrifices, put her own career and ambitions on hold to support her husband's own career/ambitions. I am sure in the process/end results of this sacrifice was self-discovery and new, improved and even better ambitions.
All this said Michelle with the combination of the humanitarian, intellectual nature of her Aquarius energy, the competitive/fighting spirit of her Jupiter in Aries/Sun-Mars conjunct, and her sensitive/compassionate Piscean energy is an  Aquarian Age Modern Woman that wants to help move humanity forward. Anyway #Capricorn, #Capricorn season

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