Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Astrology of Music Genre: HIP HOP IS LEO SUN SIGN

Happy Belated Birthday to the Music Genre Hip Hop. It’s very fitting that Hip Hop’s Sun sign is Leo. Yes events, cities, locations, and non-physical things can have natal charts.

If you didn’t know Hip Hop was born on August 11th 1973, making it 44 years old. had a Doodle on it’s homepage celebrating and commemorating Hip Hop’s date of birth. Google’s interactive Doodle had an oral history lesson of Hip Hop and also turntables with records that you can scratch on. I had fun messing with it and Dj-ing during work.

Note: Hip Hop’s time of birth (TOB) is 9:00 pm, the original 1973 flyer can be found online.

Hip Hop was started in the Bronx, NY by Black, African-American, and Hispanic Community. Hip Hop’s birth is attributed to Clive Campbell aka DJ Herc (short for Hercules), a Jamaican-American DJ. During this infamous party he scratched a record of an instrumental beat and allowed a prolong dance break in his DJ set for dancing and freestyling at his sister’s birthday party. His pioneering party and DJ-ing piece together all four elements of hip hop. The four elements are one: scratching aka breaking or DJ-ing, two: MC-ing/Rapping, three: break dancing, and four: graffiti art.

By the way I did a quick natal chart for hip hop’s “founder” DJ Herc. He’s an Aries Sun conjunct Mercury with an Aquarius moon, Pisces Venus, Gemini Mars, and North Node in Sagittarius. Piecing that all together Dj Herc is very rebellious, independent, and creative person with the sensitivity, knowledge and foresight to connect with others through music/art.

Anyway let’s get into Hip Hop’s Astrology.

Leo Sun in the 6th House.
Hip Hop’s Sun is in Leo in the 6th House, which means there is pride and confidence in routine, job habits, and health. This is not really relevant since Hip Hop isn’t a person and this context Hip Hop is an event. However I decided to include on here.

Capricorn Moon in the 11th House. Jupiter in Aquarius is also in the 11th House
Hip Hop has a Capricorn moon in the 11th House. This means that Hip Hop’s emotions is tided into the collective consciousness. The 11th House is the house of friendships, organizations, groups, dreams, and aspirations. It is ruled by Aquarius/Uranus. This is one of the reasons why Hip Hop took off. It tapped into the emotions of the poor, disenfranchised, oftentimes powerless and overlooked youth and minorities.

Random but Capricorn doesn’t get enough props and respect as a creative, inventive, and musical zodiac sign and force. Capricorn/Saturnian influenced music is known for its use of structure, timing, and earthy world influences. There is also a misconception that Capricorn moons specifically don’t have feelings or can’t express emotions. Capricorn do have feelings and can express emotions but oftentimes don’t choose to show it outwardly due to fear of vulnerability and appearing weak.

Capricorn/Saturnian music and musicians are disciplined and they take the TIME to learn everything they can know about their genre or musical instrument they are interested in. They don’t take the easy way out, or short cuts. #Blood.Sweat.Tears.Sacrifice.Capricorn’s motto.

Jupiter in Aquarius is also in the 11th, which means that it amplifies and expands all the energy in the 11th House. This is also creative energy that represents means that all about freedom for all, equality, and rooting for the underdog. Expansive, interactive people focused/driven art form that is embraced around the world. A force of nature.

Ascendant in Pisces
1st House has Chiron (Aries) and Mars (Aries)
Hip Hop has an Ascendant in Pisces. Pisces Ascendant is sensitive, compassionate and open to the world/plight of others. Even so, Hip Hop’s ascendant behaves in a bit of an Aries way. Chiron and Mars in Aries are both in the 1st House/Ascendant. So there’s a natural aggressive, energetic nature (Mars) to Hip Hop. 

There is also a misconception/misrepresentation/reputation (Chiron) that hip hop is violent, negative, and poisoning. Of course elements of these things exist in the culture but it is also about fighting, survival, and competition. If you confused look up that racist guy Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest Theory. It’s interesting to note that Hip Hop is using it’s Chiron against itself healing others while harming/reshaping itself.

One thing about Hip Hop is that it is definitely misunderstood and clouded in mystery and confusion. Aka very Piscean. Example I have seen comments online saying that hip hop is not an art form (which is outrageous and ignorant to me).

Saturn (Cancer) in the 4th House
Hip Hop has Saturn in Cancer in the 4th House, which means that it’s sensitive upbringing/early life/home is a bit rough and hard. Though Hip Hop is not a person, this is very relevant. Hip Hop started out as a way for marginalized people to creatively and productively express their experiences (of mostly poverty, broken homes, and traumatic experiences). It’s about life’s limitations and struggles. This placement is very fitting.

Mercury in Leo in the 5th House
Hip Hop has mercury in Leo in the 5th House, so there is definitely a Gemini sort of way. The need to communicate is pretty much an addiction and coupled with the sign Leo, it’s explosive. The fifth house is naturally ruled by Leo/The Sun so mercury is at home. This communication is confident, creative, proud, and in need of approval/attention/an audience.

7th House Stellium
One of the most important part is Hip Hop’s chart is the 7th House stellium. As you guys know the 7th House is the house of relationships, partnerships, and projection. Hip Hop’s 7th House is ruled by a Virgo Venus, Pluto and Uranus both in Libra. This means that Hip Hop’s relationships themes are based on the behavior and urge to offer up itself to the world in a rebellious/liberated (Uranus), transformative/powerful (Pluto) and carnal, earthy and people-oriented way (Venus). 

Extreme Criticism of Hip Hop includes:
That Hip Hop is degenerate, tasteless, class-less, and vulgar music that poisons youths minds. Hip Hop is very polarizing. Ring: What planet does this sound like? Hello Pluto anyone?

That Hip Hop is Materialistic, vain, and only appeals to the ego/impulses/lower sensual natures of Man. 
Ring: What planet does this sound like? Hello Venus? Hello Bosch’s the Garden of Earthly delights anyone?

That Hip Hop encourages anarchy, chaos, resistance to authority/law/rules, and the breakdown of society.
Ring: What planet does this sound like? Uranus anyone?

Not saying that these criticism are not dipped in truth/accuracy but a lot of these criticism also has to do with projection. Hip Hop reflects and mirrors back to us our times, our culture, our society, and our flaws. It’s not completely “perfect”or “structured” like other musical genres. Not trying to be too political/socially conscious but it’s also dipped in racism, classism, and xenophobia. Hip Hop was started by black people and according to the modern world and unnatural systems placed centuries ago, black/melanin-ated people are at the bottom of the racial totem pole. P.S. I don’t believe that shit, we popping (Cardi B voice). Best believe society’s flaws and reactions are mirrored back to Hip Hop.

Neptune in the 9th House
Neptune in Sagittarius in the 9th House is the icing sprinkles on the Hip Hop natal chart. Neptune effects is similar to Jupiter except that it’s more reactive, sensitive and murky. The 9th House is the house of education, higher learning, spirituality, and travel. Neptune in Sagittarius in the 9th House is all about creatively challenging, breaking down and transforming boundaries in an organic fluid way.

10th House
Hip Hop’s North Node is in Sagittarius in the 10th House and is the sprinkles of this natal chart. We were destined to have Hip Hop and for it to fuel and push forward human culture forward. Makes ceative cosmic exploring a business and a career.

Overall I can go on and on, but I don’t have time for that shit and this will become a 10 page novel.

Alternative Birthday for Hip Hop
Interesting enough there is also an Alternative Hip Hop Birthday created by one of the hip hop legends, Afrika Bambataa (from Universal Zulu Nation group). 

He’s stated that the birthday of hip hop is November 12th 1974. 

His reasoning is that by this time hip hop had established itself and was widespread/more accessible to the public and hungry creative minds. I did a natal chart for the alternative birthday. The Alternative chart has a 5 planet Scorpio Stellium (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in Scorpio). Jupiter is in Pisces.

Either chart works for me, but I resonate more with the original chart, first because it’s the first and earlier chart (in terms of date/timing) and second because this chart is a bit more fitting for me. I would note that logically and honestly you can’t really pin point a start of a music genre/culture/way of life but with Hip Hop’s Leo date it represents its birth and realm into the earthy consciousness, not it’s conception.

Anyway I hope this informative, interesting, and insightful. Peace out.

Article by, How Aug. 11 Became Hip-Hop's Birthday, How was hip hop born? Google Doodle marks 44 years since the movement began

1 comment:

  1. I am fascinated by the interpretation of this and I hope to add my own insight and ask about some parts of which I am uninformed, but I have been on my robot typewriter and phone most of the night and I am going to sulk if I don't get hair dye and the Gemini who is supposed to be my mate may die without pancakes..However. I didn't even look at the additional planetary movement of the November date because it seems like it's a no brainer. How can hip hop NOT be a Leo? I consider hip hop and hard core rap to be from the same general root system/forest but it is by this time very much branched out into subgenre far from the msin tree... I hear hipbhop and it's like someone is responding to a letter, not necessarily taking AT the listener. You'll have a turn, but here's what I gotta sat about that! And harder rap is very base in the unevolved form of a rudimentary Scorpio so in some ways that might be a better date to use for rap rap, but not hip hop. It's like a dialogue between the listener and whoever is being addressed. It's got a connection with whoever hears it, and they can relate more. But hard rap is more like a manifesto. It's decided anfit ain't got no sweet nothings to share with the rest of the class. It's I did this and I'm gonna do that, fuck you if you even try to think you'll stop me. Here's my ho and my gun and my burning indignation. Let's burn it down and rebuild..... Scorpio city, and when I don't wanna rhyme I just say all the swear words," and anyway, that's my own insight into the hip hop chart. I wanna interpret it and study further when I come back to dye. But correct me if I am wrong regarding hip hop and rap as two separate genres. I remember when I was learning to bartend, my mentor John, this wild screamy queen who was a Cyndi Lauper drag impersonator when not at work. But I was there at the bar and he put a bottle of E&J and a bottle of Arengac before me. I liked both, but the first one was too sweet and syrupy to my tastes. The second was strong and it burned my throat mildly, but it was far better. He said that I should never forget that all cognac is brandy but not all brandy is exquisite and refined by time and process to become cognac. Rap is inexpensive me, and it mixes well with other brand names that soften the excessive taste. Hipbhop is cognac. It's aged well, it's worth 5 times more than the other one, and I appreciate it more than when I was younger. So there's my mercury assbackwards retrograde thoughts and I am going to eat cats if I don't feed us soon, mortality rate woll descend and Mr Gemini will wake up crabby as the Chesapeake bay.
