Monday, August 24, 2015

Why your Sign Ain't Shit: Virgo Edition

Oooh Virgo I got a lot of shit to say about you. Virgos are one of the most complex signs in the zodiac. They are also full of so many contradictions. They can easily point out and have a written list of all the things that are wrong with you, while at the same time being so insecure and striving for perfection. They are not arrogant, but they have an intellectual superiority complex that literally rivals Aquarius.

That is Intellectual Superiority

I once had a Virgo tell me say, "I am literally right all the time, I have never been wrong, I think I am a genius." She wasn't joking or bragging, she was stating "facts." If Virgo's had self esteem and confidence in themselves, I literally think they will make the best serial killers and the perfect sociopath.

The only real thing that Virgo got going for themselves is the fact that they are very sure about their intellectual capabilities. They are know it alls that literally know it all (well they know more than you.). This probably why they get some much hate. People don't like to be wrong, bruises the ego and shit. The funny thing about it is, if you ever get the rare chance to correct a Virgo, especially in a social setting, this will literally destroy them. Yes they are hypocrites too!!!!
This bitch is stressin'

Virgo's are evil. Their critiques and criticisms is Satan speaking through them. They will literally be Satan in the flesh if they happen to have a stellium in Virgo and Scorpio. What makes them so evil is the fact they don't do evil to feed their ego, its not personal or emotional or for social acceptance. They are evil simply because they are striving for perfection. Apparently Perfection is above humanity (and decency).

A lot of people, sleep on Virgo. Hidden behind all their basic-ness, insecurity, and pristine image is a manipulative, sexually deviant and very masterful cunt on stealth mode.  They're power is their minds and their words (hello they are ruled by the brain god Mercury). 

They say and do one thing and then they say and do another thing. Again they are contradictions (blame it on mercury and its mutable-ness). They slut shame you for having one night stands, but get their back blown out in an S & M session with their dominant every other weekend. They body shame you after you eat too much at a restaurant, but purges as soon as they get home.

One last thing to mention is that Virgo's are not special or unique at all and are the literal definition of conformity and boredom. For one thing is the fact that it shares its ruling planet with Gemini (FYI: Virgo is considered the bad side of Mercury). Second they are the definition of a basic bitch/dude (don't get them started on the functionality of leggings). Boring, predictable, their personalities are comparable to an unsalted saltine cracker. This is partially why they constantly keep themselves busy and striving for perfection because they really know deep down they are not shit, :(

And this is why Virgo ain't shit
P.S: I know you got something to say, Virgo, I will be waiting for you to clap back.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Leo Celebrity Archetype That Ain’t Shit: Lil B

I like Lil B. Especially after finding out he's a Pisces moon (with a Leo sun). Pisces placements make me go awww.

Anyway Lil B makes some catchy songs (check out Based God, Caillou, or Ellen Degeneres). He can do no wrong, Leo is the one sign that cannot do any wrong. People love Leo's no matter what they do. Example: Arnold Schwarzenegger, he cheats on his wife with his longtime maid, has an illegitimate child with her, and still is praised. 

Or Bill Clinton, cheats on his wife with a White House intern, destroys this intern's career and reputation, lies under oath and is still respected still this day.

Anyway these are just examples of the bad behavior of Leo.

Based god is the name he and his followers (yes followers) refer to him as. 

Sidenote: The name "Based god" is astrologically brilliant. Based (corresponds to Pisces ruled by Neptune moon. Based is a nickname for someone who does a lot of drugs. Pisces is the sign of illusion and disillusionment, of drug addicts and fantasies. While the Sun rules over Leo (Lil B's sun sign); referring to oneself as "god", thinking highly ones' self. He is very astrologically in-tune with himself.

Anyway around 2009-2010 is when Lil B took off . This sprung a lot of memes and sayings (example: the cooking dance). 

Followers of the "based religion" offer up their women (jokingly I hope) to "based god" (Lil B), grateful for a chance for Lil B to fuck their women. Which I admit as funny as this is, it is also kind of stupid.

Even so, according to Lil B, his Based movement isn't about drugs but about positivity and being happy in one's skin. Check out a quote he said to Complex magazine:

“Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive. When I was younger, based was a negative term that meant like dopehead, or basehead. People used to make fun of me. They was like, ‘You’re based.’ They’d use it as a negative. And what I did was turn that negative into a positive. I started embracing it like, ‘Yeah, I’m based.’ I made it mine. I embedded it in my head. Based is positive.”---- Lil B

This is very Pisces (and Leo). Not to mention that Lil B has a stellium in Virgo (his mercury, venus, and mars is in Virgo). According to Lil B is literally  and helping people through his music (Pisces/Neptune bestows creativity and the desire to help others.) While Virgo servicing people and offering knowledge to help people self improve and be confident within one's self. Plus the Leo part of him is positive, attracts and loves the attention.

Best believe Based God will check a bitch sheer blouse and all
He also is very controversial figure. He titled an album I'm gay; which some took it as a coming out about his sexual orientation. Hip hop is a very masculine and homosexuality is literally a sin in hip hop. He defends his album saying that gay means happy (which it does) and that the title of that album was to show support to the LBGT community. 

Lil B is also the only rap dude in the game that can go on national TV (specifically an ESPN sports show) with Sunday's Best: a Church hat, big dangling earrings and a sheer blouse (tatted and all). And still maintains his reputation and respect.

Like a "god" he curses people (known as the Based God curse that speak ill of him ( ask Kevin Durant or James Harden). That whole TV appearance was because he was explaining the curse he put on basketball players that disrespected him.

Even so, with all these things, I must leave you with these lasting questions:

Is Lil B a masterful troll or a profound soul?
Are we feeding into his drug induced illusions (Pisces moon) and delusions of grandeur (Leo Sun)?
Is it irony that he is a Leo with a god complex?
Is he trolling and are we all in on his joke?

Anyway this is your Leo Celebrity Archetype that ain't shit.

Why your Sign Ain't Shit: Leo Edition

 This post is overdue, even though I wrote it as a draft over a month ago. A strange fuck-up indeed....

Anyway diving right in, Leo’s don’t give a shit about you. They don’t give a shit about anything, except themselves. I know how “unoriginal” but it’s’ true. Unless its’ you talking about how great they are, they could care less if you get hit by a bus (make sure not to get blood stains on their clothes.
A Leo's worst nightmare!

Of course this is all on the surface. In reality Leos’ are insecure, they don’t care about you, but they care about your opinion of them. Fucked up, but true.

Leos’ don’t take criticism well AT ALL. They pretend like they do, they pretend that they are listening, but they are only waiting for you to shut your hater ass up, so they can speak. Leos’ perfect the art of pretending to give a shit when they don’t. This in turn makes them fake and dishonest. They will bite their tongues, and hold in how they really feel, so they don’t appear like the arrogant narcissists that they are.

Not the gentle Lion anymore

The minute you “disrespect” (I use that term lightly, because anything can offend a Leo) a Leo they will show their true colors, and become dramatic, dogmatic, and cruel egomaniacs.

By the way Leos are the ones that invented the term “hater”. If you disagree with them (even if it’s constructive and justified) you are a hater. 

If you don’t compliment them and tell them how special they are constantly, you are a hater (and jealous). Common words they use in arguments: hater, jealous, selfish, and obsessed. Don’t believe me, piss them the fuck off and listen.

We as me, myself, and I

Anyway this is why Leo, you ain’t shit!