Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Why your Sign Ain't Shit: Leo Edition

 This post is overdue, even though I wrote it as a draft over a month ago. A strange fuck-up indeed....

Anyway diving right in, Leo’s don’t give a shit about you. They don’t give a shit about anything, except themselves. I know how “unoriginal” but it’s’ true. Unless its’ you talking about how great they are, they could care less if you get hit by a bus (make sure not to get blood stains on their clothes.
A Leo's worst nightmare!

Of course this is all on the surface. In reality Leos’ are insecure, they don’t care about you, but they care about your opinion of them. Fucked up, but true.

Leos’ don’t take criticism well AT ALL. They pretend like they do, they pretend that they are listening, but they are only waiting for you to shut your hater ass up, so they can speak. Leos’ perfect the art of pretending to give a shit when they don’t. This in turn makes them fake and dishonest. They will bite their tongues, and hold in how they really feel, so they don’t appear like the arrogant narcissists that they are.

Not the gentle Lion anymore

The minute you “disrespect” (I use that term lightly, because anything can offend a Leo) a Leo they will show their true colors, and become dramatic, dogmatic, and cruel egomaniacs.

By the way Leos are the ones that invented the term “hater”. If you disagree with them (even if it’s constructive and justified) you are a hater. 

If you don’t compliment them and tell them how special they are constantly, you are a hater (and jealous). Common words they use in arguments: hater, jealous, selfish, and obsessed. Don’t believe me, piss them the fuck off and listen.

We as me, myself, and I

Anyway this is why Leo, you ain’t shit!


  1. Bro i dont think the way your talking about leo's is all true

  2. Bro i dont think the way your talking about leo's is all true

  3. No its true about male Leos!!!!!

    1. Mama you can't be more right I no im the shit

  4. As a Leo, I definitely like to be adored and I think I'm the best at being me, which is awesome. But I'm humble enough to know I ain't shit in the grand scheme of the universe. I don't hate on anyone else unless they consistently hate on me. I like to know what others think of me bc it helps me understand human perceptions and assumptions, whether based on logic or emotion. Leos are very emotional, and if we don't find a way to balance and love ourselves, the negative shit that you spoke of definitely happens. Like in any pride, some of us Leos are top of the food chain, others are waaaay at the bottom.

  5. Male leo is 👎👎👎Fuckup! Selfish

  6. I dated a Leo and he wasn't shit just disgusting and the sex was horrible and a min man which sucked cause he wasn't even packing either but his whole life style and how he was just straight wack
