Just as The Weeknd is the Aquarius Prince of the Pluto in Scorpio Generation (blog post here), Lady Gaga is the Aries Princess of the Pluto in Scorpio Generation. I know this is bold, but she (like him) represents the Pluto in Scorpio Generation to the T. Dark, sexual, and emotional music and imagery, secretive personal lives, and a special connection to other Pluto in Scorpio generation.
Lady Gaga changed the music game. Not only did she brought back dance/electronic/club music, and is a trendsetter. She also brought much needed individuality to the music industry. The music industry is pretty individualistic to begin with. BUT (dramatic pause); it's missing something. Fire, energy, life, and Scorpio Pluto Generation's voice.
Watch how famous and established Pluto in Libra generation singers such as Beyonce/Sasha Fierce and Christina Aguilera/Not Myself Tonight copied the Pre-Fame Era 2008/2009 Lady Gaga's style (glitter, big studded futuristic glasses, and raunchy & sexually aggressive lyrics). Even her peers such as Katy Perry, Kesha, Nicki Minaj, and Rihanna got on that gravy train and developed their own stylistic brands and sense of quirk (once Lady Gaga let her freak flag fly). Regardless that's what Aries do. They come in and fuck shit up. Like no one else.
Let's get into Lady Gaga's astrology. Her astrotheme profile is linked here.
Sun in Aries
Moon in Scorpio
Mercury in Pisces
Venus in Aries
Mars in Capricorn
Jupiter in Pisces
Saturn in Sagittarius
Uranus in Sagittarius
Clearly Lady Gaga is an Aries. Commanding presence, fiery energy; when she became famous she revive the music industry. Aries as the first sign of the zodiac (and the youngest), she represents a youthful and refreshing energy. This energy and spirit is best observed with her Sun and Venus. She ushered in a new, exciting era and Aries is nothing short then exciting. Bold, in your face, with bravado, Lady Gaga is fierce and unassuming?.
When she first became famous their were rumours that she was a hermaphrodite. But not really, she's just an Aries (with a Venus in detriment in Aries). Confident she takes charge and is a boss ass bitch. Or as she often said "I'm a free bitch." Aries is individualistic and independent and is getting shit done.

Moon in Scorpio is a special placement. Any Scorpio placement in this emerging Scorpio Pluto generation is significant. This is very true about Moon in Scorpio. Dark, hidden emotions, and sexual undertones (that are pretty much overtones and similes for power hunger). Lady Gaga's moon in Scorpio touches collectively on the Pluto in Scorpio generation's emotions.
Her Moon is conjunct Pluto so their is an extra oomph of Scorpio/Plutonian-ness. Her moon gives her depth, something her Sun and Venus in Aries will be a bit oblivious too. Intense feelings that need to be purged constantly (no matter if it makes people blush/feel uncomfortable). She connects to you like a virus (which is how Scorpio mooned people feel on a constant basis).
Her Moon is conjunct Pluto so their is an extra oomph of Scorpio/Plutonian-ness. Her moon gives her depth, something her Sun and Venus in Aries will be a bit oblivious too. Intense feelings that need to be purged constantly (no matter if it makes people blush/feel uncomfortable). She connects to you like a virus (which is how Scorpio mooned people feel on a constant basis).
Lady Gaga's mercury and Jupiter is in Pisces. That's where her artistry and creativity comes in. She is true musician and an artist (who plays the piano and writes her own songs). She can also really sing good. Playful double entrendres (Disco stick anyone?), while at the same time talking about deep shit like philosophy. I urge anyone to actually listen to Lady Gaga's interviews (especially Howard Stern's) and you can really get a sense of who she is. She isn't just a sexpot, superficial, brainless pop star gimmick but she's got music sensibilities and a message.
Mars in Capricorn
This is where her work ethic comes in. Lady Gaga's work ethic is INSANE. Here Mars in Capricorn is exalted (the best position) for mars. Album after Album, tours, fashion, etc. she represents herself as an acute businesswoman and a brand. If you ever hear Lady Gaga speaks that where you can hear and see her keen business sense. She knows what she has to do to be successful or aka make money. Even if she feels she has to have her titties out, wear crazy outfits, sell her soul (hint, hint, lolz), get vomit on, there is a nothing that will stop her ambition.
As like in my Kesha blog post (here), Lady Gaga's got Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius too. Uranus in natal charts symbolizes areas in our life where we are rebellious and love to break the rules. She is rebellious in a Sagittarius way. Like Kesha, she sings about partying, having fun, and being yourself. Lady Gaga's fiery scattered energy of Sagittarius and Aries you have someone that goes over the top, is fun-loving and is always up for an adventure.
Saturn in Sagittarius
Like Kesha, Lady Gaga also rebels in a Sagittarius way, she also knows her limits and boundaries in a Sagittarius way. She may go over the top, but she doesn't go all the way. She knows how to stop herself. Lady Gaga promotes LGBTQ rights, is into women's rights' issues and anti-bullying/anti-suicide issues, which is very Sagittarian (bridging gaps and shit).
Saturn in Sagittarius
Like Kesha, Lady Gaga also rebels in a Sagittarius way, she also knows her limits and boundaries in a Sagittarius way. She may go over the top, but she doesn't go all the way. She knows how to stop herself. Lady Gaga promotes LGBTQ rights, is into women's rights' issues and anti-bullying/anti-suicide issues, which is very Sagittarian (bridging gaps and shit).