Above: Creepy Robin Hood/Villian Douchebag wannabe. That's what I think whenever I see and hear about Martin Shkreli. Picking him as my Aries celebrity archetype that ain't shit was easy. I was gonna pick Lady Gaga (but that's just too obvious). Besides I wrote a post for her birthday here!. I chose Martin because he is a newer name that popped up in the news more recently. He's perfect because he's Aries (duh!!!).
He's the guy that hiked up the price for a drug (that helps Cancer/AIDS patients) from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill. There was a public outcry condemning the man. I was just sitting here, LOLZ, really?.
He wanted to free Bobby Shmurda, a jailed rapper. LOLZ! He also bought the only existing new Wu Tang Clan album and has NO PLANS TO SHARE IT with anyone. This made a bunch of black people/hip-hop fans MAD.
Sipping on some Lipton tea by my veranda, I just LOLZ. When I found out he was an Aries, I was thinking this mad sense. His Aries Smirking ASS.
He doesn't have an astrotheme profile. So I googled him (hence the screenshot). He was born April 1st, 1983 in Brooklyn, New York.
Aries 11°24'
Sagittarius 0°21'
Aries 17°58'
Taurus 16°02'
Aries 27°08'
Sagittarius 10°54'R
Scorpio 2°36'R
Sagittarius 8°58'R
Sagittarius 29°15'R
Libra 28°37'R
These are the themes in his natal chart ego (Aries), money/possessions (Taurus), and abundance (Sagittarius). These are planets I will be focused on.
Sun, Mars, and Mercury in Aries
Martin seems to enjoy being a douche-bag, reveling in his douche-bagness and reacting to the public challenging his douche-bagness. That's very Aries thing. He has a stellium in Aries so likes opposition and competition (Sun and Mars in Aries), and loves to incite it (mercury in Aries).
Venus in Taurus
He knows the media these days rewards bad behavior (Donald Trump), so I feel the reason he did all these publicity stunts is he is shopping for a reality show or cashing in on his 15 minutes of fame. This is where his Venus in Taurus comes in. I believe he is doing all this to get attention (aka money and opportunities). Martin is clearly smart he knows he has to be an asshole to get attention, fame, and the fortune that follows. Venus in Taurus has no problem whoring itself out for some change. Venus in Taurus motivation is material and earthly pleasures, so they will find a way to get it.
Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus Sagittarius

First and foremost I don't think he has moon in Sagittarius. I saw The Breakfast Club Interview with him and I just don't see it. We don't have a time of birth/TOB, but if he was born before 12pm/noon (the default TOB on most free natal chart sites) he would be a 29 degree Scorpio moon.
I think Scorpio moon works for him because he tries to one-up his douche-bagness to be as effective as possible. I am pretty sure he is a sociopath. He probably has a bunch of dead prostitute bodies hidden somewhere. Scorpio moons love playing the part of the bad guy (even if it isn't true). Scorpio placements love to shock people, provoke and anger people. To get a reaction. This all sounds evil but there is method to it (to size up competition).
Anyway he does have a lot of Sagittarius planets and he seems very fortune. He was a "self-made" millionaire born in a poor/working class immigrant family. His story is very Sagittarian and Sagittarian energy is lucky. Luck is all about preparation meeting opportunities. But it's really about just being naturally lucky. Some people have it, some don't. By the way if he is a serial prostitute killer, having Sagittarius planets only helps him.
Today is his Bday, so Happy Birthday Douchebag!!!