Wednesday, July 26, 2017

the astrofiend speaks project 2. Plutonian with Leo Rising: Performance

Disclaimer: This is an old ass blog post that I originally written around February/March 2017. It took me until now to finally put it out. Though some things have changed, still very relevant to me.

I went out tonight and it was amazing. After a night out I am EXCITED BUT DRAINED. For the past 8 months I avoided going out for a specific occasion. Anxiety and fear kept me indoors; even though I knew going out would possibly help. 2016 took a piece of me that I will be processing for a while (maybe forever?). The space of this lost piece is temporarily occupied by this intense anxiety and fear.

Regardless I went out tonight and I couldn’t help but notice that it kinda felt like a performance. I went to a museum an artsy, non-formal, uber casual setting where polite conversation, table manners, and attention to detail weren’t needed.

It felt like a performance because the juxtaposition is I am depressed. Not only that but I am a depressed self-aware Plutonian. FYI for those who don’t understand this terminology Plutonian is those with high amounts of Scorpio or Pluto placements. To give you a run-down of my Plutonian-ness

Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries in the 8th House
Scorpio Moon in the 3rd House
Mars Square Pluto
Pluto in Scorpio
Scorpio IC with Pluto (in Scorpio) in the 4th House
Pluto Square Ascendant
Mercury semisquare Pluto

Plutonian energy means something different to different people. Some people think the standard for Plutonian energy is angry manic depressive, violent, sex crazed, suicidal drug addicts with a dash of OCD and borderline personality disorder. This is SO NOT ME. For me I express my Plutonian energy in more subdued, introverted, and introspective ways.

I am also Saturnian but I am more Plutonian than Saturnian. Do a Pullen chart from to find your chart dominants btw. Me being Saturnian plays a role and modifies my Plutonian-ness. I also got Venus in Pisces and Mars & Venus in the 7th House which I feel softens my Plutonian-ness.

Anyway I am deeply Plutonian and I move that way. I am an INFJ (INFP on an off day). My Plutonian characteristics: Introverted, Difficulty Letting Go of Pain and Past Hurts, Grudge holding, need HELLA SPACE TO Reflect & Regenerate. Love of psychology, supernatural/other-worldly topics and subjects. Etc.
Even so, I have a Leo Rising with Jupiter on my Ascendant. My Jupiter is retrograde in Virgo, so I am not swinging from the chandeliers but I’m also not a wallflower either. I like presenting a happy, optimistic face. Btw this isn’t me faking emotions or not being true to myself. When I am out, I am out and I leave the misery home. I am engaged, making jokes, and being fully in the moment. My Sun is conjunct Mercury in Aries; so like duh.

I turn on the charm, hence the performance aspect of it. What’s the point of going out and being with others if you’re going to be a miserable asshole? Stay home and sulk. There’s this weird confidence and energy attached to going out. I feel less self-aware, and self-conscious. I am open and free.

The discord can come when I come home and settle in. I turn it off and delve into my Plutonian-ness. The anxiety, fear, and need to be alone creeps in. FYI too many nights out, too many spaces where I feel like I HAVE to play a role (aka hanging with extended family, dinners, formal occasions) FREAKS ME OUT. As I get older I need more freedom and I thrive in non-formal settings that allow me to be myself. My best settings are art, music, nature, traveling, and academic settings. Places that are experimental and non-judgmental in nature.

Like does this make me less Plutonian? Is there a standard Plutonian behavior that all Plutonians must abide by? That’s not really a question btw. Fuck no, you can like Keeping up with the Kardashians, Hot Pink, and Hallmark Channel and still be an intense Plutonian. Fuck da rules!!!

Random but I feel certain members of my generation (Pluto in Scorpio) are subconsciously trying to out Pluto intensity each other. Like the more depressed and fucked up you are the better and more generationally accepted it is. Some people enjoy being victimize and playing victim. I know that’s a bit weird to say but just pay attention to the 21-33 age group and see what I am saying.

Transpersonal Lesson
Anyway my whole point in all of this is I am understanding my Leo Ascendant more. The ascendant is all about our life outlook and the face we show to the world. I used to think it’s just a mask; but it isn’t. Mask makes it seems like we are wearing our ascendants JUST for show, just for a performance and are faking it. The ascendant is a part of who we are, it isn’t a prop, even those sometimes it feels like a performance. It’s a part of me, an appendage that I can adjust accordingly.

I view the ascendant as a game show host with life being the game. Bright sparkly (or not lolz) game show host personality that steps out onto the world with a unique set of goals and experiences. 

The ascendant as a game show host uses it's personality to make connections/socialize, ask guests questions, get information and knowledge, and  complete game's (aka life) goal.

The ascendant sign perhaps is the type of game, a particular person is interested in or wants to play in. Planets on the ascendant modifies the game (life).

The ascendant as a game show host can also be seen as a tour guide. A spiritual tour guide, your soul/spirit road map, etc. Yes the ascendant plays a role and sometimes wears a "mask." But the ascendant game show host is there to guide you, keep you on track, and make sure you complete your purpose.

A perfect example is what happens when the ascendant game show host gets home after a long day's work. They settle in, remove their uniform, but they go to bed knowing that they learned something new that day, experienced something different, and that tomorrow they can do it again.

The ascendant game show host is like a job too. Some of us have to wear uniforms to work, some of us don't. Regardless of our uniforms (aka masks), we are not hiding (most of the time anyway). I would say that yes sometimes ascendant may appear and feel like a mask. But it depends on the juxtaposition and different nuances in your natal chart. My chart is nuanced to me for a lot of reasons, but the most basic and nuanced reason is I'm a Plutonian/Saturnian mix with Leo Rising and Jupiter on this rising. Leo is bright, fun, and optimistic, my Plutonian/Saturnian mix is dark, serious, and semi-realistic, so at times I feel like I am not being true to myself, and performing.

Regardless our ascendant is our responsibility to our natal charts and to our soul's purpose. My ascendant is like my spirit guide aka game show host. It moves me and allows me to experience the world, my world with lenses/shades that I don’t get to wear every day or all the time. It another way that makes me not only feel unique but also connected. Connected to myself, the world around me, and my chart.

Like what is your rising sign? How do you present yourself to your world? How does you rising sign relate to the rest of you chart.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Cancer Fuckboy Alert: Charlamagne tha God

When I first looked up radio personality Charlamagne tha God’s natal chart on Astrotheme, a couple of years back. It made a lot of sense to me and I wasn’t shocked by it at all.

If you don’t know who Charlamagne tha God, please pity yourself and google him. Perhaps look at a gif, look at his twitter feed, better yet go on YouTube and watch the Breakfast Club. He’s a radio personality known for his honest, blunt, messy, and invasive interview style.
He’s most famous for making rapper Lil Mama cry and for calling out the fact that Floyd Mayweather can’t read. Most recently his interview skills has landed him in hot water with rapper/producer Birdman, who told him to put some "respeck" on his name. Bomb ass memes askew

To get into his astrology (astrotheme profile linked here), I am going to focus on his Cancer Sun and Cancer mercury retrograde, Capricorn moon and Gemini Venus retrograde. He also has an abundance of Virgo energy (Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter in Virgo).

He always mentions that he’s a Cancer and that he’s sensitive. Of course with his retrograde mercury in Cancer, so he speaks from the heart, doesn’t think things through, and is very emotional. Though I agree with his own assessment of his sensitivity, I don’t think he’s as sensitive as he portrays himself to be. 

People perceive him as mean and mean spirited. I somewhat disagree. I think 55% of the time he is unintentionally mean. That’s just his personality. That’s just his astrology.

His Capricorn moon makes him not consider or think of others people’s feelings because for the most part he does not care. FYI I’ve been around/close to a lot of Capricorn moons men and women. There’s a big difference between the men and women. The men definitely express the harsher parts of Capricorn moon. The Capricorn moon male does not think of emotions first, so it can be serious, blunt, and overtly/subvert manly (kinda like they are exaggerating/overcompensating their manliness). A part of me thinks that oftentimes he doesn’t really get that he’s being mean or an asshole. A bigger part of me thinks he does get it but doesn’t care. His Pluto also squares his mercury and moon which is in itself commands a very abrasive, powerful, and intense personality.

I don’t think his Capricorn moon would solely make him behave that way. A bigger part of his astrology is his Gemini Venus which makes him extremely messy/reckless with his mouth. He loves to push buttons, and get a reaction out of people. Even so, he is nuanced, like a problematic #WOKE semi Hotep solider. Keep in mind that he used to work for Wendy Williams (who’s a Cancer with Venus in Gemini), before she fired him. Random but Charlemagne reminds me a bit of rapper 50 Cent (who’s also a Cancer, except he has a Gemini moon and mercury and a Venus in Leo). Aka they got that bitch baby boo boo Cancer/Gemini thing on lock.

Lastly Charlemagne tha God has a stellium (3 or planets) in Virgo (Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter all in Virgo). Charlemagne is very critical, calculating, and definitely analytical. He asks questions that people will be afraid to ask because he really wants to know the answer. He knows that him asking these questions will boost his celebrity and the Breakfast Club’s ratings. He also wants to know if you are dumb or stupid (Mercury heavy people have a strong aversion to stupidity). A trait not talked about in Virgo is the fact that they can be very direct, straightforward, and ambitious. Virgo energy is not as dramatic or impulsive, as other signs, but they will get there point across and do what needs to be done.

 Anyway a very good thing with Charlemagne tha God is that he can laugh at himself and is very honest/up front with his B.S. A trait I chalk it up to the natural humbleness of his Virgo energy.

Overall Charlemagne tha God knows he’s an asshole/has asshole traits but he lives in his truth, which I respect him for and consider brave/admirable. FYI I don’t really consider him a fuckboy. He’s too old for that shit. #theshadeofitall.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Wendy Williams has revealed her birth time!

Wendy Williams has revealed her birth time!!

I’m a Wendy Williams watcher. She reveals her time of birth between 11:16 - 11:20 into her recent video titled: R. Kelly Sex Scandal. She revealed that she’s an afternoon special baby born 9:30 pm. Today July 18th is her 53rd birthday, she was born in 1964 in Asbury Park, NJ

Current astrotheme profile screenshot and link here

This means she has an Aquarius rising!!!! Check out her new and improved natal chart below.

Her Pallas and Juno is in Scorpio. Her North Node is in Cancer. Her Chiron and Vesta are in Pisces.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Random but I just put out an astrology trap rap song, titled: You are more than just a chart

Yes, very random but I just put out an astrology trap song on my new YouTube channel. The song is a form of a lyric video titled: Astrology Trap Song You Are More Than Just Your Chart by theastrofiend Lyric Video. Click for the video link HERE to watch/listen.


Astrology Trap Song You Are More Than Just Your Chart by theastrofiend Lyric Video

Lyrics below:

Talking: Astrology is fun but some of y’all take it too seriously, including me. This is a song clowning us for these reasons.

Acting like you got a bunch of squares in your chart.
Playing around like you a Simpson (Bart)
No Need to act hard
Be yourself
Not everything is in the stars

Checking on your transits everyday
Progressions give you anxiety
Blaming retrogrades for your faults
You are more than just a chart

Talking: Putting astrology before God
Seriously your mentality is flawed
No need to act hard
Be yourself
Not everything is in the stars
Psychoanalyzing your family, your friends, and your pets?
Astro-stalking your ex?
No wonder why people think astrology believers are crazy.
We all need to slow down on that shit
Real talk
Myself included

Checking on your transits everyday
Progressions give you anxiety
Blaming retrogrades for your faults
You are more than just a chart

You are more than just a chart
You are more than just a chart
You are more than just a chart
You are more than just a chart
You are more than just a chart
You are more than just a chart

Talking Disclaimer: Excuse the bum ass, loud ass fan noises. My laptop is old as fuck. Anyways I hope you enjoy. Deuces.

I don't know if putting out music or videos on my new YouTube Channel is gonna be a regular thing but just had to share it. :) If you like my YouTube Channel is theastrofiend.