Friday, October 12, 2018

theastrofiend Astrology: All About Mercury in Leo

Mercury acts like a conduit and bridge to your emotions (the moon) with your mind (mercury) and the rest of your natal chart and personality.

A quick basic breakdown of how each mercury element is:
An earth sign thinks and communicates practically and in an logical matter.
An air sign thinks and communicates intellectually and in a detached matter. 
A water sign thinks and communicates emotionally and in an emotionally instinctual matter.

A fire sign thinks and communicates passionately and in an impulsive matter.

Mercury is in Leo, so you communicate and think in a Fiery/Solarian way. Leo is a fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun. Here this Leo mercury communicates in a fiery, enthusiastic and dramatic way. 

The Leo mercury as a fixed fire sign is a strong and confident communicator. Leo mercury are direct (fire) and pointed (fixed) with their words and non-verbal language.

Non-verbally Leo mercury communicates using their bodies and faces. Eye-rolls, exaggerated sighs, pouting, and thunderous belly laughs to name a few non-verbal communication tactics.

Downsides to Mercury in Leo

As a fixed mercury are deliberate communicators that maintain and steady conversations. This means that no matter if you are an emotional/psychic communicators (water Mercuries), passionate/impulsive communicators (the other fire Mercuries), careful/rational communicators (earth Mercuries), or out of the box/logical communicators (air Mercuries), a fixed Mercuries will reel it in and keep the conversation focused and steady.

The Leo mercury as a fixed fire sign is quite passionate in speech (fire) that can give away to a self­ centered, stubborn (fixed), and boastful communicator who can be overly sensitive when they feel their opinions and ego is being questioned, attacked or taken for granted.

Leo Mercury can get carried away and control the conversation and not let anyone speak. This is not something they do on purpose (unless it's an argument), it's just apart of their nature. Leo Mercuries love talking, especially about themselves so if you are expecting a deep, emotional, spiritual, philosophical, and life-changing conversation that is few and far in between. Leo though capable of depth usually don't go there and prefer to keep conversations light and fun.

Mercury in Leo natives are nice, friendly and genuinely like everyone so there is an expectation for people to automatically like them and agree with what they are saying. If not the Leo mercury can and will take it personally. As a fixed mercury Leo mercury natives are stubborn and can take a long time to change their opinions and get over a hurt or slight.

Upsides to Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Leo natives have a passionate way of speaking that has a flair for exaggeration and theatrics. A Leo mercury's colorful mind expressed itself with stagy, visual, and highly creative words and non-verbal cues.

A Leo mercury lives to make people laugh and smile and show off their sense of humor and jovial nature.

Leo Mercury communicates filled with warmth, confidence and cheerfulness that can lighten up everyone's day. Overall Mercury in Leo communication style is one of verbal creativity. 

I hope you enjoy my non-ratchet post!

1 comment:

  1. I am a leo mercury and feel very good described in this text. Thanks for your words! And yeah, it can take a long time to change my opinion and get over a hurt. I am still working on an issue with my best friend. I really want to forgive but it is so difficult. I hope, that I can manage my anger soon. In my horoscope on I´ve read, that there will be positive changes at the end of the year. So I hope everything gets easier than.
