Mars is the planet of action, sexuality/sexual expression, and energy. Mars is exalted (best) in Capricorn, in the Fall in Cancer. Note: Fall in astrology is a placement means that it's not the best position for a sign to be in (but not the worst). Fall placements are always the opposite sign of the Exalted placements. Mars is dignified in Aries/Scorpio (Mars is the god of war and rules over Aries and Scorpio).
Mars in Leo Mode of Motivation

Leo mars as energetic as they are, can have a huge lazy streak. Remember Leos are the big cat of the zodiac. After they finish entertaining Mars in Leo natives need to retreat home and relax in their castles, pretty much like a house cat. Aka the king of their castles.
Mars in Leo Modes of Expression & How they move
Naturally Mars in Leo is drawn to activities that allows them to proclaim their self, individuality and creativity. You must remember that Leo is a big child at heart. Naturally they will want to be on stage and a performer.
Even if they are not stage or performing they want to do things where there is an audience. Sports and activities such as football, swimming, body-building, baseball, modeling, and various activities that all showcase (aka show off) their athleticism, leadership abilities, and of course their bodies.
Mars in Leo: Anger
Mars in Leo is a naturally creative position. Mars in Leo use their light for good by being creative. By using creativity Mars in Leo natives get an outlet that helps them express themselves and give them a chance to show-off and feel unique.
Even if they are not stage or performing they want to do things where there is an audience. Sports and activities such as football, swimming, body-building, baseball, modeling, and various activities that all showcase (aka show off) their athleticism, leadership abilities, and of course their bodies.
Mars in Leo: Anger
Mars in Leo anger is expressed in different ways depending on their level of maturity and/or their astrological chart.
Mature Leos' do not react when slighted and if they do react, it's through confronting someone directly, shade and subliminal messages. Immature Leos' will be high key extra, shady and petty AF. Note: all Leos are extra and can be petty, but the degrees of it depends highly on if they are secure and mature.
For immature Leos' cattiness and being fake nice and giving you the cold shoulder/silent treatment is in their signature. For the less reactive/quiet insecure Leos' that don't want to make a scene, make a fool of themselves, or don't want to show you that you hurt their pride they will gossip and bad mouth behind someone's back.
On the negative this Mars in Leo can be quite self-centered, bossy, arrogant and boastful. It will oftentimes feel that they need an audience and have to put on a show. If Mars in Leo is in that mood to put on a show expect pouting, storming off, and throwing dishes. If they really really in that mood, expect to square up (aka fight, but not in public tho, #ratchet).
Mars in Leo Sexuality
Mars also governs sexuality and sexual expression. Mars in Leo is lovemaking royalty of the zodiac. Passionate, playful, mixed with a wildly romantic and exhibitionist tendencies is the Mars in Leo person. The Leo in Mars person, wants to feel loved, give love and there is a need for desire is high. As much as they are passionate they are loyal lovers that are looking for quality in partners (not quantity).
Not to get it twisted Mars in Leo natives are still players and still can be a self-centered fire sign but more than ever they want a lover that will make them feel like a king or queen. Mars in Leo natives will make you feel like a king or queen too, so not to worry.
There is that common possessive and jealous tendencies typically associated with fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius). Leo Mars can be demanding and bossy lovers (aka the dominatrix or Dom in bed room games). Regardless you will have fun and once in the life-time experiences with these amazing lovers.
Mars in Leos natives at their best can be physically, creativity and sexually expressive lovers with the enthusiastic and light energy that inspire and give people the courage to people to show off their inner King or Queen. Mars in Leo just have to feel validated and loved.
Not to get it twisted Mars in Leo natives are still players and still can be a self-centered fire sign but more than ever they want a lover that will make them feel like a king or queen. Mars in Leo natives will make you feel like a king or queen too, so not to worry.
There is that common possessive and jealous tendencies typically associated with fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius). Leo Mars can be demanding and bossy lovers (aka the dominatrix or Dom in bed room games). Regardless you will have fun and once in the life-time experiences with these amazing lovers.
Mars in Leos natives at their best can be physically, creativity and sexually expressive lovers with the enthusiastic and light energy that inspire and give people the courage to people to show off their inner King or Queen. Mars in Leo just have to feel validated and loved.
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