Saturday, September 29, 2018

theastrofiend Astrology: All About Moon in Leo

The moon governs emotions and is in a good position with Leo. Note: the moon is traditionally exalted (best) in Taurus Moon, in Fall in Scorpio, and in detriment in Capricorn (worst). 

The Leo moon native is ruled by the Sun. The moon governs emotions and the home among many other things. The moon is one of the most private planets in your natal chart, so there is quite a vulnerability and sensitivity in this planet. It is important to note that moon energy is very subtle and is not as overt as the other planets in the same sign's energies.

Leo moon is one of warmth, love, generosity, playfulness and creativity. Moon in Leo natives are gregarious and are generally very expressive. 

Moon in Leo natives love life and want to show it/perform it. Optimistic, bold, brave, and confident a Leo moon native prefers to not take things too seriously and see the glass as half full. The Moon and the Fixed nature of Leo means consistent and stubborn emotions that can manifest itself in resistant and predictable ways. 

A Leo's moon's motivation is be able to emotionally express themselves and to feel secure/connected through loving affirmation. Remember that the Leo's symbol is the lion. The Lion is a big cat that also happens to be the "king" of the jungle.

The moon in Leo person can overcompensate and be overly expressive with emotions when insecure and/or feel their emotional needs are not being met. A Leo moon needs their emotional needs to be noticed, validated and appreciated emotionally. Problems arise when a Leo's moon pride is hurt, they feel ignored and/or are not confident and insecure.

The moon also represents emotional instincts, habits and coping mechanism. Negative Leo moon emotional habits includes cattiness, emotional spending/pampering, and operatic scenes of possessiveness, pettiness, arrogance and emotional bossiness

So moon in Leos when emotionally triggered or in deep pain they choose to use their emotional expression and response as a weapon. Oftentimes exaggerating and prolonging their own feelings or emotional responses to situations. We can call this emotional "stuntin or flexing."
Leo Moons want to be noticed and want to be able to be taken seriously. However this is hypocritical because rarely do they put themselves in other people's shoes and understand where the other person is coming from. This is not just a Leo moon's problem but a common blind spot especially for fixed quality and fire moon signs. These moon signs simply can't put themselves in other shoes when hurt.

This brings attention to another downside of Leo moons; which is self­-centeredness, possessiveness, demanding and arrogance. More than ever the Leo moon wants to feel special. If they don’t feel special they take a huge blow to their pride and ego (which is sensitive). Leo moons want to be heard so they roar.

Note if a Leo Moon is particularly shy and is not into the dramatics; the Leo moon native may have a chart of  majority feminine/negative signs (which are the water and earth signs). This will modify the emotional reactions and will lean towards coldness, arrogance, emotional spending, and lack of humility in emotional displays. 

A solution to these emotional downfalls of Leo moons is through self reflection and introspection and to develop outlets for creativity.  Leo moons needs to understand their need to seek out love and affirmation and try to get it from within instead of outwardly. Introspection is hard for Leos moons because they prefer to be optimistic and light and don't want to explore their darkness. Leo moons like to pretend that their darkness doesn't exist. But to quote Rumi: "the wound is where the light enters you."

Leo moons needs to understand that life is a balance. Leo is ruled by the sun, but the sun doesn't shine 24/7. Darkness isn't bad or evil, it is necessary. By figuring out emotional shortcomings, it may weaken you at first but it ultimately serves to strengthen you and gives you light (aka understanding). 

However the positives and upsides with Leo moon natives is they are best when they give love and affirmation. This can only occur when Leo moons feel loved and affirmed. Moon in Leo natives often use their love and light for good. Yes at times it is self-serving but so what, it's a win-win situation.

Overall Leo moons are one of the few moon signs that can use their creative sense of emotional expression and uniqueness to bring out the love, light, and positivity out of others.  Leo moons being of love and light encourages others to bring out their own love and light. 

Anyways I hope you enjoy my non-ratchet post!

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