Saturday, September 29, 2018

theastrofiend Astrology: All About Ascendant in Leo

If your ascendant/rising is Leo, so your first house will most likely be in Leo and ruled by the Sun. Leo is ruled by the Sun and is the second fire sign of the zodiac. The Sun in zodiac symbolizes personality, ego, energy, vitality, the father, and the masculine principle. Note the moon is traditionally the feminine principle. 

Leo rising person is automatically confident, bold and filled with energy. The sun is the planet of  you/self/ego, its shines quite bright as a Leo rising. You will usually tell a Leo ascendant apart from the other rising signs. Energetic, regal, and usually the center of attention (either by accident or on purpose). The Leo ascendant person is sure to make an impression.  Leo ascendants love to laugh loud, hug tight, and hold their heads high.

The Leo ascendant is bold, dramatic with a flashy fashion forward style with a gang of their cubs (oops I meant friends) following them around. Ok not all Leo ascendants are alike. Even so, even the quieter less fashionable and bold Leo ascendants, radiates a warm, confident personality that is hard to ignore. Just think of Beyoncé in her Destiny’s Child days, like Michelle, what? and Kelly who?). No shade though!

By the way a quick tip on how you can tell a Leo ascendant is by their hair. They usually have a large, thick, and big mane (that resembles the mane of a lion). Even if the hair is not that big, it’s quiet glorious and beautiful. Remember to Leo (no matter the planetary placement) their hair is the crown of their glory. 

No matter how introverted they really are or if they are going through a struggle a Leo ascendant will not show an ugly face to the public. Leo ascendants are forever the optimist and realize how hard life is. Realizing how hard life is, if they can brighten up someone's day, even for a few minutes, Leo ascendants will do it. Admittedly it maybe a bit self-serving being that Leo ascendants love to entertain and show their talents (whether humour or their great story telling abilities). But so what, life's too short to be a wall-flower.

The Leo ascendant person is very childlike and optimistic taking life by its horns. Passionate and energetic (a bit brash and in your face) in the true fire sign fashion, a Leo rising person outgoing, extroverted (no matter the sun sign), and is always up for a good time. Fun most of the time, they are usually above the dramatics, their egos, temper tantrums and bossiness (usually FYI, there maybe a cheat day).

Overall Leo rising signs are big cats, just wanting to play and be played with.

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