Monday, April 1, 2019

What I Really think about Each Sign?

I recorded a YouTube video on my YouTube Channel about this, check it out. 

Follow this link:

First off I don’t “hate” any particular sign. However I do have favorite and least favorite signs. This video however is not about that but what I really think about each Zodiac Sign. I divided this into two categories. Neutral or Problematic. Problematic category just means that I have problematic experiences with them. By the way the more experiences I have with the signs the more my opinion will change.


Suns: Blunt but nice. Selfish, don’t really think of others viewpoints. I've been around a lot of Aries moons: short sighted, don’t think things through. Dynamic, fun. Harmless, generally trustworthy. “self-centered” . I think Aries moons are extreme versions Aries Suns


Not much experience but they scare me. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s there stubbornness or the fact that Hitler was a Taurus and underneath that calm, rational exterior is a RAGING BULL. Lucky sign.


I always give Gemini the benefit of the doubt but recent experiences make me give Gemini the side-eye. Honestly you got to watch out for them. Tricky, a bit untrustworthy and unpredictable. However Fun, funny and make great acquaintances and people to chill with/get information from. Very smart, would be smarter if they learn to keep their mouth shut.

Neutral. Not much to say. Loyal, very money driven and impressionable. I would say their emotional moodiness is extremely annoying. They mouth can be reckless

Neutral, but there have been problematic moments. 

Leos are neutral because Leos are loyal, funny, generous, and many other things. I definitely enjoy their company. I would say that Leo influenced people I know/come into contact with can lack emotional depth and can be sometimes untrustworthy in their intentions. Sometimes give up authenticity for approval, to be liked. Also fish for compliments/attention in such a sneaky way. Like to save face, don’t admit wrong/faults, and can pit people against you.


Whatever Virgo do/say, comes from the heart. I have in depth experience with Virgos. They are generous, humble, and extremely hard-working. Know it-alls, don’t like to admit wrong/faults, and emotionally savage with others feelings. Also not above pettiness. Virgos give unsolicited advice and don't treat you like an individual human being . It comes from a place of love rather than hate, so even if I am annoyed, I don't hate it.

Neutral until otherwise. 

Great experiences with Libra but I still think you got to watch them because no one is that pleasant/charming. I suspect Libras talk shit/ be shady behind people’s backs.


Minds own business, Smart, and manipulative. I would say that they may be using you and quickly disposes people with scary ease. Also with Scorpio (like all the other fixed signs) can be hypocritical, they do something to you and when you challenge them they like to act shocked and innocent.


Open-minded, forthright, and flaky. I would say with Sagittarius they want to be everyone’s friend and to relate to everyone which can be annoying.


I used to not care for Capricorns because in my experience they love to complain, criticize, and be negative. Go to a restaurant or a retail place with a Capricorn and see. Having a lot of loyal Capricorn moons around me change my opinions a little bit. Hard-working, respectful, and conscientious. Also cares too much what others/society think.


For some reason I always get shit from Aquariuses (especially if I live and go to school with them). Exception is work, I always meet great Aquariuses at work who intelligent team players. The ones in my personal life however always seems like they are trying to bully or dominate me. They are cool one day and then out of nowhere turn into hypocritical shit heads. Definitely will stick up for you.


Cool, chill, relatable but manipulative, and play both sides. A bit like my Libra description. Keep an eye on them, not as innocent as they seem.

I have a fixed chart so me having problems with fixed signs isn’t that big of a deal. I’m probably conjuncting, squaring, or opposing something in their chart and vice versa. Plus I got a lot of Plutonian energy, so I may come across as secretive or cold.

Opinions, thoughts liable to change. May more elaborate some other time. Off the top of head and quick thoughts. 

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