Sunday, September 30, 2018

theastrofiend Astrology: All About Mars in Leo

Mars is the planet of action, sexuality/sexual expression, and energy. Mars is exalted (best) in Capricorn, in the Fall in Cancer. Note: Fall in astrology is a placement means that it's not the best position for a sign to be in (but not the worst). Fall placements are always the opposite sign of the Exalted placements. Mars is dignified in Aries/Scorpio (Mars is the god of war and rules over Aries and Scorpio). 

Mars in Leo Mode of Motivation

Mars in Leo is quite comfortable in the planet of aggression, energy and sexuality. Fire signs are naturally bold, forceful and passionate and the Leo in Mars in no exception. Ruled by the Sun, Leo in Mars is naturally confident, energetic and vibrant. Leo mars wants to have a good time. 

Leo mars as energetic as they are, can have a huge lazy streak. Remember Leos are the big cat of the zodiac. After they finish entertaining Mars in Leo natives need to retreat home and relax in their castles, pretty much like a house cat. Aka the king of their castles.

Mars in Leo Modes of Expression & How they move

Naturally Mars in Leo is drawn to activities that allows them to proclaim their self, individuality and creativity. You must remember that Leo is a big child at heart. Naturally they will want to be on stage and a performer. 

Mars in Leo is a naturally creative position. Mars in Leo use their light for good by being creative. By using creativity Mars in Leo natives get an outlet that helps them express themselves and give them a chance to show-­off and feel unique.

Even if they are not stage or performing they want to do things where there is an audience. Sports and activities such as football, swimming, body-building, baseball, modeling, and various activities that all showcase (aka show off) their athleticism, leadership abilities, and of course their bodies. 

Mars in Leo: Anger

Mars in Leo anger is expressed in different ways depending on their level of maturity and/or their astrological chart.

Mature Leos' do not react when slighted and if they do react, it's through confronting someone directly, shade and subliminal messages. Immature Leos' will be high key extra, shady and petty AF. Note: all Leos are extra and can be petty, but the degrees of it depends highly on if they are secure and mature.

For immature Leos' cattiness and being fake nice and giving you the cold shoulder/silent treatment is in their signature. For the less reactive/quiet insecure Leos' that don't want to make a scene, make a fool of themselves, or don't want to show you that you hurt their pride they will gossip and bad mouth behind someone's back.

On the negative this Mars in Leo can be quite self-­centered, bossy, arrogant and boastful. It will oftentimes feel that they need an audience and have to put on a show. If Mars in Leo is in that mood to put on a show expect pouting, storming off, and throwing dishes. If they really really in that mood, expect to square up (aka fight, but not in public tho, #ratchet).

Mars in Leo Sexuality

Mars also governs sexuality and sexual expression. Mars in Leo is lovemaking royalty of the zodiac. Passionate, playful, mixed with a wildly romantic and exhibitionist tendencies is the Mars in Leo person. The Leo in Mars person, wants to feel loved, give love and there is a need for desire is high. As much as they are passionate they are loyal lovers that are looking for quality in partners (not quantity). 

Not to get it twisted Mars in Leo natives are still players and still can be a self-­centered fire sign but more than ever they want a lover that will make them feel like a king or queen. Mars in Leo natives will make you feel like a king or queen too, so not to worry. 

There is that common possessive and jealous tendencies typically associated with fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius). Leo Mars can be demanding and bossy lovers (aka the dominatrix or Dom in bed room games).  Regardless you will have fun and once in the life-time experiences with these amazing lovers.

Mars in Leos natives at their best can be physically, creativity and sexually expressive lovers with the enthusiastic and light energy that inspire and give people the courage to people to show off their inner King or Queen. Mars in Leo just have to feel validated and loved.

theastrofiend Astrology: All About Venus in Leo

Venus is all about love and how we act in relationships. Venus is how we show love and what we find beautiful. Venus in Leo is quite an ok position for Venus to be in. Remember that Venus is exalted (very glorified) in Pisces who is ruled over by Neptune (the planet of illusions, dreams, magic and spirituality). Venus is in the Fall in Virgo and detriment in Aries and Scorpio. Leo is ruled by the Sun which rules over personality and ego among other things. Note: fire sign Venuses are traditionally not seen as the best Venus signs.

What a Venus in Leo find beautiful?
Venus in Leo finds mutual adoration, validation, attention, and the ability to feel special in a relationship, beautiful. Leo Venuses crave confident and esteemed people that are physically, mentally, financially, and emotionally expressive and receptive. If you are cheap emotionally and financially, too humble/shy, or not confident you are not worth any time to a Venus in Leo, so skrr skrr. 

How Venus in Leo give and receive Love

Venus in Leo give love by showering you with affection, love, attention, gifts, and over the top romantic gestures.

Venus in Leo receive love via creative expression of love. Getting unique gifts, being pampered and spending time in a lavish and ritzy environments. Showering a Venus in Leo with compliments doesn't hurt either.

Venus in Leo is quite a nice position for Venus to be in. It’s not the best (considering how self-­centered, forceful and self­absorbed fire signs can be). Even so, it’s quite nice. Ruled by the Sun, this Leo Venus is naturally confident, playful, and filled with energy and warmth. Venus in Leo is a fun, affectionate position. This position is one of a native that wants to be loved (and admired) and to be romanced. Like the other Leo planet positions they want to be treated like royalty.

The Venus in Leo person will treat you like royalty in return so it’s not one sided, well most of the time. They are big romantics (not in sweet, emotional water sign, Pisces way) but in the humanly, ego ­conscious driven way. They are not the most self­-less in relationships but they are big hearted and filled with warmness. 

Downsides to Venus in Leo
The Venus in Leo ego needs to be stroked constantly and they are big at fishing for compliments. Venus in Leo also need more attention than average and can be quite dramatic if they don’t get it. They want to be one number one and they want to hear it all the time. Venus in Leo want the elaborate displays of affections, extravagant gifts, and constant declarations of love. This can lead to them being overly demanding and theatrical. The dramatics and being extra can get annoying after a while. 

Venus in Leo can be superficial, vane and adverse to self reflection/introspection. Venus in Leo loves the image and status of someone, so the person they are interested in must be on their A game all the time. This person can-not be looking cheap and dressing like a bum for date night. Label whore

Venus in Leo has high confidence and gas themselves up to the point where they may think they are a lion when they are really are a stray cat. Too much confidence can make the Venus in Leo native arrogant, entitled, lazy and not try as hard. 

Please note that Venus in Leo is also a fixed sign trait so they are known for jealously and possessiveness. This is due to their stubborn and proud nature that can be actually be quite sensitive (which sounds contradictory but it really isn't). 

Best thing for a Venus in Leo to get over the downsides of their Venus is to do the internal work to truly love themselves and the people around them. Venus in Leo love is one of royalty and longevity and is quite an awesome, special, and glorious experience.

Leo Venus natives are optimists, and special lovers that expect the best in their partners and friends. You just have to be able to stand confidently in the spotlight with them

Saturday, September 29, 2018

theastrofiend Astrology: All About Ascendant in Leo

If your ascendant/rising is Leo, so your first house will most likely be in Leo and ruled by the Sun. Leo is ruled by the Sun and is the second fire sign of the zodiac. The Sun in zodiac symbolizes personality, ego, energy, vitality, the father, and the masculine principle. Note the moon is traditionally the feminine principle. 

Leo rising person is automatically confident, bold and filled with energy. The sun is the planet of  you/self/ego, its shines quite bright as a Leo rising. You will usually tell a Leo ascendant apart from the other rising signs. Energetic, regal, and usually the center of attention (either by accident or on purpose). The Leo ascendant person is sure to make an impression.  Leo ascendants love to laugh loud, hug tight, and hold their heads high.

The Leo ascendant is bold, dramatic with a flashy fashion forward style with a gang of their cubs (oops I meant friends) following them around. Ok not all Leo ascendants are alike. Even so, even the quieter less fashionable and bold Leo ascendants, radiates a warm, confident personality that is hard to ignore. Just think of Beyoncé in her Destiny’s Child days, like Michelle, what? and Kelly who?). No shade though!

By the way a quick tip on how you can tell a Leo ascendant is by their hair. They usually have a large, thick, and big mane (that resembles the mane of a lion). Even if the hair is not that big, it’s quiet glorious and beautiful. Remember to Leo (no matter the planetary placement) their hair is the crown of their glory. 

No matter how introverted they really are or if they are going through a struggle a Leo ascendant will not show an ugly face to the public. Leo ascendants are forever the optimist and realize how hard life is. Realizing how hard life is, if they can brighten up someone's day, even for a few minutes, Leo ascendants will do it. Admittedly it maybe a bit self-serving being that Leo ascendants love to entertain and show their talents (whether humour or their great story telling abilities). But so what, life's too short to be a wall-flower.

The Leo ascendant person is very childlike and optimistic taking life by its horns. Passionate and energetic (a bit brash and in your face) in the true fire sign fashion, a Leo rising person outgoing, extroverted (no matter the sun sign), and is always up for a good time. Fun most of the time, they are usually above the dramatics, their egos, temper tantrums and bossiness (usually FYI, there maybe a cheat day).

Overall Leo rising signs are big cats, just wanting to play and be played with.

theastrofiend Astrology: All About Moon in Leo

The moon governs emotions and is in a good position with Leo. Note: the moon is traditionally exalted (best) in Taurus Moon, in Fall in Scorpio, and in detriment in Capricorn (worst). 

The Leo moon native is ruled by the Sun. The moon governs emotions and the home among many other things. The moon is one of the most private planets in your natal chart, so there is quite a vulnerability and sensitivity in this planet. It is important to note that moon energy is very subtle and is not as overt as the other planets in the same sign's energies.

Leo moon is one of warmth, love, generosity, playfulness and creativity. Moon in Leo natives are gregarious and are generally very expressive. 

Moon in Leo natives love life and want to show it/perform it. Optimistic, bold, brave, and confident a Leo moon native prefers to not take things too seriously and see the glass as half full. The Moon and the Fixed nature of Leo means consistent and stubborn emotions that can manifest itself in resistant and predictable ways. 

A Leo's moon's motivation is be able to emotionally express themselves and to feel secure/connected through loving affirmation. Remember that the Leo's symbol is the lion. The Lion is a big cat that also happens to be the "king" of the jungle.

The moon in Leo person can overcompensate and be overly expressive with emotions when insecure and/or feel their emotional needs are not being met. A Leo moon needs their emotional needs to be noticed, validated and appreciated emotionally. Problems arise when a Leo's moon pride is hurt, they feel ignored and/or are not confident and insecure.

The moon also represents emotional instincts, habits and coping mechanism. Negative Leo moon emotional habits includes cattiness, emotional spending/pampering, and operatic scenes of possessiveness, pettiness, arrogance and emotional bossiness

So moon in Leos when emotionally triggered or in deep pain they choose to use their emotional expression and response as a weapon. Oftentimes exaggerating and prolonging their own feelings or emotional responses to situations. We can call this emotional "stuntin or flexing."
Leo Moons want to be noticed and want to be able to be taken seriously. However this is hypocritical because rarely do they put themselves in other people's shoes and understand where the other person is coming from. This is not just a Leo moon's problem but a common blind spot especially for fixed quality and fire moon signs. These moon signs simply can't put themselves in other shoes when hurt.

This brings attention to another downside of Leo moons; which is self­-centeredness, possessiveness, demanding and arrogance. More than ever the Leo moon wants to feel special. If they don’t feel special they take a huge blow to their pride and ego (which is sensitive). Leo moons want to be heard so they roar.

Note if a Leo Moon is particularly shy and is not into the dramatics; the Leo moon native may have a chart of  majority feminine/negative signs (which are the water and earth signs). This will modify the emotional reactions and will lean towards coldness, arrogance, emotional spending, and lack of humility in emotional displays. 

A solution to these emotional downfalls of Leo moons is through self reflection and introspection and to develop outlets for creativity.  Leo moons needs to understand their need to seek out love and affirmation and try to get it from within instead of outwardly. Introspection is hard for Leos moons because they prefer to be optimistic and light and don't want to explore their darkness. Leo moons like to pretend that their darkness doesn't exist. But to quote Rumi: "the wound is where the light enters you."

Leo moons needs to understand that life is a balance. Leo is ruled by the sun, but the sun doesn't shine 24/7. Darkness isn't bad or evil, it is necessary. By figuring out emotional shortcomings, it may weaken you at first but it ultimately serves to strengthen you and gives you light (aka understanding). 

However the positives and upsides with Leo moon natives is they are best when they give love and affirmation. This can only occur when Leo moons feel loved and affirmed. Moon in Leo natives often use their love and light for good. Yes at times it is self-serving but so what, it's a win-win situation.

Overall Leo moons are one of the few moon signs that can use their creative sense of emotional expression and uniqueness to bring out the love, light, and positivity out of others.  Leo moons being of love and light encourages others to bring out their own love and light. 

Anyways I hope you enjoy my non-ratchet post!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

theastrofiend Astrology: Its Leo Season: All About Sun in Leo

From July 23rd ­until August 23rd the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and the second fire sign among the three fire signs (which are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, all in that order). Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun isn’t a planet (by scientist standards) but a star. Even so, in astrology, in the simplest terms, the Sun is a luminary (along with the Moon) but treated like a planet. Regardless the Sun and Leo is unique in that they shine bright and illuminate those around them. 

Leo is a fire sign and its element is fire. Leo is of the Fixed quality and rules over the Fifth House. The fifth house is the house of sex, creativity, love, children, romance, casual relationships, and individual expression. The fifth house is your adult ­child self, that follows you throughout your life from childhood onward. 

Leo’s symbol is the lion and represents the nature of a Leo. The Lion is the king of the jungle. So it represents royalty, a state of elevated position. Not everyone can be a king or queen for you are born into it and it is chosen for you. This doesn’t bother Leo because they know they are special and important. Unlike the other zodiac signs self­ confidence and Leo seems to be natural and a part of their DNA, their bloodline and their heritage. Being self ­confident and self ­assured seems to be their God ­given right. 

The Leo native is regal and has an appealing air of majestic and grand demeanor. A lion is pretty much a big cat which can be seen as intimidating. This is much like a Leo. A lion is also proud and slow moving with a sense of elegance and class. A lion like a Leo is protective of its cubs and can strike out with its sharp claws just as readily as it can scratch an itch. Leos' are oftentimes more loyal and kind then vicious. Leo, as the other fire signs share a lot of characteristics with each other, such as vitality, passion, confidence, energy, and initiative. 

Even so, Leo is unique in the sense that they are very optimistic and are filled with a ball of energy. So they are pretty much a ball of sunshine. Leo with its adult ­child ­like optimistic is also very generous and spare no expenses.  

Whether they shower you with gifts, money, time or support and love, Leos are truly giving. They will greet you with open arms and ears and an open heart. They are great friends and lovers and oftentimes give great advice. Leos are dramatic, extra AF, and over the top especially in love. They hold people in high regard and hate to be let down and taken advantage of. A Leo Lion takes relationships seriously so they are loyal and devoted. They expect the best so they want the best. As the lion or king/nobility Leos have a taste for the expensive, flamboyant, and extravagant lifestyle that rivals Venus ruled natives, Libra and Taurus. 

Even so, with a craving and exasperation of the extravagant and excess can expose some fatal flaws within the Leo. Vain, arrogant,  and attention seeking show­offs' are common accusations against Leos. And even if they don’t want to believe it, there is some truth to this. Leo is a sign whose natural confidence and pride that can easily sour and turn into a smug superiority complex. They assume everyone loves them, wants to be around them and wants to be like them. 

If people slight them in any way or refuse to outwardly show they’re allegiance, aka bow at their feet and worship team Leo; a Leo will assume that these people are jealous of them and are automatic haters, before they are willing to accept that some people are just not that impressed with them. 

There seems to be a code in a Leo's ego that can’t seem to fully accept or acknowledge that not everyone will like them and that they can’t always be the center of the universe. When a Leo realize that they are not the center of the world, this illusion can be busted. A Leo can react in many ways.

One way is by being over the top attention seeking and show offy to mask their insecurity. 

One common tactic for an insecure or bruised ego Leo is fishing for attention and compliments, the logic being if I give a compliment, then I can get one. Another common tactic for an insecure or bruised ego Leo is to get (force) someone to like them. Leo are low-key people pleasers'. This is similar to Libra needs for people to like them, but for different reasons. 

Libra do it because they have a strong need to socialize, intellectualize, entertain and create pleasurable experiences for people while Leo do it out of sheer vanity and wanting people to admire, respect, and sometimes worship them. Immature Leos; will do everything it takes to be noticed and liked which includes handing out compliments so freely. This tactic is for insecure Leos' not evolved ones. Leos that are fully evolve know that you can’t make people like or respect you, it must come naturally. 

Just as naturally as they are confident Leos' can be just as insecure too. Leos though proud, confident on the surface are also very sensitive too and are the most sensitive among the Fire Signs. Think of them like children, confident and ready to take on the world. Even so, one major diss or dose of reality and that child can become negative, withdrawn and heart­-broken. It doesn’t help that Leo can be very optimistic. Optimism is a good thing, but blind optimism can lead to a lot of disappointment and disillusionment. When a Leo is slighted they will feel this on an ego and soul level.

Leo can also be accused of being selfish and self ­centered. Though in Leo’s defense and as 1/3 of the fire signs; this is an accusation can easily be thrown out at Aries and Sagittarius (especially Aries). Leos' like the other fire signs have a passionate expressive nature and high sense of individuality that can easily get carried them away and often leave people behind. 

One last thing to mention is that as a fixed Fire sign, Leos can be very stubborn and domineering. Fixed signs (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius) are known for their stubbornness which can give way to domineering and controlling behavior, if their don’t get their way. It’s very much my way or the highway plebeian, according to Leo.  

Like the other Fixed signs apologizing and admitting wrong is not something they do often. It is nearly impossible for a Leo to apologize and Leos' are definitely the "agree to disagree" types.

Regardless Leos' is one of the GENUINELY nicest, kindest, and generous signs of the zodiac. Leos' actually like people and like being around them. If a Leo doesn't like you, it is probably because you are not a likable or nice person. Leos' have big hearts, are super open, loving, creative and inspiring. 

Leos' are extremely pleasant, fun and optimistic to be around. They lighten up a room with their infectious laughter, optimistic spirit, and fashionable sense of style and beauty. A taken for granted strength that a Leo possesses is their strength of character and integrity. This makes Leo one of the few signs that has the ability to choose happiness over anger, sadness or fear. If you are in a funk, spend 10 minutes with a Leo, and you will be crying with laughter. Leos' don't like to be the center of attention just for themselves. Leos' like the spotlight because they know how ugly, hard, and unfair life can be, so a few moments of light is all someone may need to feel reminded of life's light and be renewed.

Like the Sun, sometimes it can shine too much and get too hot. Other times its not around as much as you need it. But on that beautiful day when the breeze and the sun rays are just right, is the best a Leo can be. Leos are the true balls of sunshine of the zodiac. 

So Happy Leo Season!!! Happy Birthday to ALL THE LEOS’ OF THE WORLD, THIS IS YOUR ENERGY AND YOUR TIME!!! Thank You