My, theastrofiend's Astrological Analsis of TV Show Charmed Characters. I have YouTube videos on Charmed under channel name theastrofiend. I have two videos: Long Version and Short Version
Prue Halliwell
Virgo Rising
Scorpio Sun
Capricorn Moon
Scorpio Venus
Cancer Mars
Scorpio Sun
Capricorn Moon
Scorpio Venus
Cancer Mars
Prue Halliwell is played by Shannen
Doherty. Shannen has an Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Pisces Venus.
Sources: &
Prue Halliwell
• Oldest Sister
• Independent Boss Ass Woman (all
• Extremely protective and controlling
(Scorpio Sun and Venus, Cancer Mars)
• Emotionally, physically, and mentally
strong (all placements)
• Angry/aggressive (Moon opposite Mars)
• Logical, Responsible/reliable (Virgo
Rising and Capricorn moon)
• Comes across as Cold, Uptight &
Rigid (Virgo Rising and Capricorn moon)
• Emotionally Repressed (Capricorn moon)
• Discerning, Critical, Skeptical and not
trusting (Virgo Rising, Scorpio Sun and Venus, Capricorn Moon)
Andy Trudeau
• Aquarius Rising
• Capricorn Sun
• Scorpio Moon
• Police Detective, Human and Love
Interest to Prue
• Loyal and Stable
• Perceptive
• Came back from the dead
• Interested, has a belief into the
supernatural and the occult.
• Was married before so very traditional
in relationships
Prue and Andy’s Relationship
• BACKSTORY: Childhood
Friends, who dated back in the day. Andy is a police detective that
investigates a lot of the crimes that the Charmed Ones are involved in. Andy Previously marriage (experienced
Capricorn Sun)
• Their Suns sextile each other which
means they have a natural chemistry and understanding of each other’s
• Prue (Capricorn Moon) felt she can trust
Andy (Scorpio Moon). It took time for her but with their Moons sextiling
each other; there is a natural attraction, connection and emotional bond
between the two.
• Relationship ended when he was killed.
• Relationship Lesson (s): Prue- How to trust and confine in someone.
Piper Halliwell
Cancer Rising
Leo Sun
Pisces Moon
Virgo Venus
Cancer Mars
Leo Sun
Pisces Moon
Virgo Venus
Cancer Mars
Piper Halliwell is played by Holly
Marie Combs. Holly has a Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon and Capricorn Venus.
Sources: &
Piper Halliwell
• Middle Sister than oldest once Prue died
• Loving, Nurturing and Maternal (aspires
to be a chef, only sister with children by the end of the TV series) (all
placements but especially Leo Sun, Cancer Rising and Mars)
• Ambitious and Keen Business Savvy (Leo
Sun, Virgo Venus, Cancer Mars and Rising)
• Anxious-Neurotic Worrier (Virgo Venus
and Cancer Mars)
• Mediator between Prue and Phoebe (Pisces
• Moon opposite Venus, conflict between
her emotions and sense of comfort and what she loves and finds beautiful
(example her relationship with Leo)
Leo Wyatt
Pisces Rising
Taurus Sun
Taurus Moon
Taurus Venus
Virgo Mars
Taurus Sun
Taurus Moon
Taurus Venus
Virgo Mars
Leo Wyatt is played by Brian Krause.
Brian has an Aquarius Sun, Leo Moon and Pisces Venus.
Sources: &
Leo Wyatt
• Love Interest and Later Husband of Piper
• Grounded, Cool, Calm and Collected
(Taurus Sun Venus and Moon)
• White lighter (healer) and Protective
Guardian to The Charmed Ones (all placements)
• Came back from the dead, rebirth, a new
start at life to help others on their spiritual and magical journey (Pisces
Rising and Virgo Mars).
• Loyal and supportive (all placements).
• His astrology placements are one of
duty, focus, service, love, and dedication.
Piper and Leo Relationship
was a veteran who died and was resurrected as a White-lighter sent to protect
the Charmed Ones and other magical beings. Leo posed as a handyman before
revealing himself, appearing under false pretenses. However he has won the
Charmed Ones trust and have protected and guided them.
• The relationship between Piper and Leo
is forbidden. As mentioned before Piper has Moon opposite Venus, so
there is a conflict between her emotions and sense of comfort and what she
loves and finds beautiful (example her relationship with Leo). She feels safe
around Leo. Though she not a rule breaker, she will break rules for love, which
is very Pisces Moon of her and Pisces Rising of Leo. She cannot lose control or
trust in this Neptunian love so she constantly freaks out and expresses
her anxious Virgo Venus energy. However she learns how to manage this energy
when Leo is not allowed to see her or some form of conflict where they can’t be
• Other than the forbidden love angle,
Piper and Leo have a very healthy relationship. Both are loving, reliable, and
compassionate The synastry between them is Squared Suns, sextile Rising and
Mars signs and Leo’s Sun, Moon, and Venus in Taurus trining Piper’s Virgo
• Relationship Lesson (s): To trust and believe in her powers. To believe in the power of love. You
are not responsible for everything Leo.
Phoebe Halliwell
Gemini Rising
Scorpio Sun
Sagittarius Moon
Scorpio Venus
late Aquarius Mars
Scorpio Sun
Sagittarius Moon
Scorpio Venus
late Aquarius Mars
Phoebe Halliwell is played by
Alyssa Milano. Alyssa has a Sagittarius Sun, Gemini Moon and Sagittarius Venus.
Sources: &
Phoebe Halliwell
• Youngest to Middle Sister
• Warm, Trusting, Naïve- Immature, and
used to have weak boundaries with people (Gemini Rising and Sagittarius Moon)
• Curious, Open minded, and Kind hearted,
willingness to learn and make mistakes (Gemini Rising and Sagittarius Moon)
• Loves hard, Intuitive, passionate and
has to learn the hard way (Scorpio Sun and Venus)
• Independent, Rebellious and able to
defend herself (Aquarius mars) late mars in Aquarius close to Pisces
• Sun and Venus in Scorpio is squaring her
Aquarius Mars, meaning that her ego/personality and what she loves, finds
beautiful is in conflict with her actions.
• Naturally confident and self assured
Cole Turner
• Pisces Rising
• Gemini Sun
• Aries Moon
• Love Interest/Husband to Phoebe
• Selfish & Sneaky
• Half Demon / Half Human named Belthazor,
duel nature
• Came back from the dead
• Confused / Problematic/ Tortured and
Conflicted Soul
Cole Turner is played by Julian
McMahon. Julian has a Leo Sun, Leo Moon and Leo Venus.
Sources: &
Phoebe and Cole’s Relationship
• BACKSTORY: Cole came to Phoebe under
false pretenses. He was sent to kill her and her sisters, but fell in love with
her. He is half demon and half human (so his human side fell in love with
her.). After being on and off, he manipulated her into marrying him. Eventually
Phoebe snapped out of everything divorced and ultimately vanished him after he
tried to go after her sister.
• Toxic relationship mainly because Cole
was mostly evil throughout their whole relationship. Duel nature, duel forces
working against each other (Cole’s Pisces rising squaring his Gemini Sun aka
what he appears to be v.s. who he actually is)
• Themes: Cole kept dragging Phoebe down
who was too weak willed (and blinded by lust/love, denial to resist. Phoebe
knew that their relationship wasn’t right but kept going back to him. She had
to see who Cole truly was (an insecure, selfish, immature man who at worst was
evil an at best selfish and confused).
Paige Matthews
Virgo Rising
Leo Sun
Virgo Moon
Leo Venus
Aries Mars
Leo Sun
Virgo Moon
Leo Venus
Aries Mars
Paige Matthews is played by Rose
McGowan. Rose has a Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Libra Venus.
Sources: &
Paige Matthews
• New Youngest Sister
• Outsider, adopted, half witch and
white-lighter from an affair her birth mother, Patty had with her
• Snappy, has an attitude and is a bit
rude/sarcastic but knows how to defend herself and stick up for others. (all
• In the shadow of dead half sister Prue,
oftentimes feel insecure about her place in the Halliwell realm/ The Charmed
Ones and her abilities.
• Fiery but also very grounded.
• Smart, figures things out easily (Virgo
Rising and Moon)
• Always willing to help and go where
• Forthcoming, naturally confident, and
Sister Relationships
Prue, Phoebe, and
• Prue couldn’t trust Phoebe and thinks
she’s irresponsible. Prue is not completely wrong, but for much of the series
(until she was killed off) Prue realized that Phoebe simply had to learn from
her own mistakes and to mature and get her act together on her own. Prue and
Phoebe are both Scorpio Suns but Phoebe is a lighter Scorpio and Prue is a more
serious/grounded Scorpio). Both are passionate and fighters so they are very
• Prue acts like a strict mom to her
sisters. Phoebe and Piper looked up to Prue; she was a mother figure when they
were younger but the older they got the more they need Prue to be an older
sister. Prue realizes she needs to back off and let everyone do their own thing
and be their own people.
Piper, Phoebe, and
• Piper took some time to get used of
Paige because she was grieving the death of Prue. Phoebe however, welcomed Paige with open
• No real tension or drama, they all
accept each other’s individuality and personality.
Darryl Morris
• Taurus Rising
• Virgo Sun
• Leo Moon
• Police Detective, Human and Friend to
the Charmed Ones
• Human
• Loyal and Stable
• Logical and Reasonable
Penny Halliwell
• Gemini Rising
• Cancer Sun
• Leo Moon
• Dead Ghost Grandmother to the Charmed
• Conniving/ Instigator but overall strong
and protective, kept powers a secret from grand-daughters, keep father away
from grand-daughters. Did a lot of shady shit to protect her loved ones.
• Extra (flair for dramatics) and fun
• YOLO (had 3 husbands, was a hippy, had
an affair with a demon, very independent and morally flexible)
• Jaded but Wise (first husband was
murdered, which changed her attitudes on humans and men)
Patty Halliwell
• Scorpio Rising
• Aries Sun
• Pisces Moon
• Mother to the Charmed Ones
• Dead Ghost
• Passionate and Strong
• Rule-breaker, had a forbidden affair
with her White-lighter. Her daughter Piper repeats this pattern of forbidden
White-lighter love romance.
Billy Jenkins
• Aries Rising
• Pisces Sun
• Pisces Moon
• Jealous Hater Witch Villain
• Overconfident and Talented Magically
• Loyal to her sister
• Easily manipulated and Gullible
• Has the ability to discern the situation
and knowing the difference between right and wrong.
• In the end, she learns from her mistake
and tries to make it right, and redeems herself. She tries to get her sister to
stop her rampage, but ultimately has to defend herself against her sister (who
refuses to admit defeat.
Christy Jenkins
• Scorpio Rising
• Pisces Sun
• Aries Moon
• Jealous Hater Witch Villain
• Overconfident and Self Righteous
• Manipulative Bully
• Easily manipulated (brainwashed and
kidnapped by evil, trauma, etc.)
• Decisive and Stubborn
• Even after knowing she is wrong and is
losing, she is still stubborn and dies for it. Tries to kill her sister but
ultimately ends up killing herself when her sis defends herself. Christy
destroyed herself.
Quick Thoughts on
Charmed Reboot
■ Thought trailer was corny cheesy and
disrespectful (because of the quality and acting).
■ Actresses look like they were in a
singing group, not sisters.
■ May give it a chance if I am bored one
What do you think?
Again, I have YouTube videos on Charmed under channel name theastrofiend. I have two videos: Long Version and Short Version
This was really interesting, didn't read it fully concentrated but what I got seemed right. Gonna give it another read sometime soon. Thank you!