Monday, June 22, 2020

Octavia E Butler Natal Chart & Astrology Biography: Cancer Afro Futurist Sci Fi Writer by theastrofiend

Octavia E Butler Natal Chart & Astrology Biography: Cancer Afro Futurist Sci Fi Writer by theastrofiend

Today would've been Octavia E Butler 73rd birthday. Octavia E Butler was a Science Fiction writer who was the first science fiction writer to win the prestigious MacArthur "nickname: Genius Grant" Fellowship award. She was also a recipient of both the Hugo and Nebula awards winning 2 of each. 

I first heard about her and read Parable of Sower when I was 12/13 years old. Since then I have read a couple more of her books (Parable of the Talents, Kindred, Wild Seed, Patternmaster, etc.). I recommend you read her books.  

Born on June 22, 1947 in Pasadena, California, Octavia E Butler was an only child. She raised primarily by her grandmother and her widowed mother who worked as a maid in the 1950s' and 1960s'. Octavia was a shy, awkward kid with slight dyslexia that was bullied. Her mother encouraged her to pursue education because she couldn't. This led Octavia E. Butler to get into reading, science fiction and writing. She retreated into writing sci-fi fiction making up stories and doing her own thing. 

From my research Octavia E. Butler possess a quiet confidence and a powerful singular ambition. Octavia knew she would be a sci fiction writer and manifested her dream and therefore her destiny. She paved the way for many black women science fiction writers and Afro futurist artists who imagine a future and destiny where black people are in charge of their being. Octavia E Butler died in 2006 of possible complications of a stroke in her home in Washington State.

Octavia E Butler Astrology

Sun in Cancer conjunct Uranus in Gemini  in the 12th House

Her perfectly chart seeping with astro-synchronicity will make a believer out of an astrology skeptic.

Describing herself as shy, timid, reclusive, introspective, it's perfect that she would be a Sun in Cancer in the 12th House. The 12th House is many things. The house of self undoing, of prisons, hospitals, etc. The 12th House is ruled by Pisces aka Neptune/Poseidon. The 12th house is a spiritual death cycle where the borders and veil between the dimensions are thin. It's like a Halloween Fun House 24/7. Octavia is a hermit crab in beach overlooking a cosmic ocean in another dimension.

Random but it's possible in her lifetime Octavia was a masterful channeler whether she was aware of it or not. Energy cannot be destroyed or transferred. Energy has to go somewhere. As a probable empath and channeler she possibly retreated to protect herself and her energy from this world and it's bullshit.

Not only is she a Sun in Cancer in the 12th House she's also got Sun in Cancer conjunct Uranus in Gemini in the 12th House.

She was fiercely hermit escapist but at the same time every individualistic, quietly rebellious, and social communicator via her Gemini/mercurial energy. 

This energy also heightens and intensifies the energy of her 12th House. This gives her flashes of insight, possibly psychic abilities, & great manifestation talents.

As a writer Octavia is very self aware of who she is. It's crazy to see that Octavia is celebrated as a BLACK Feminist Woman, possibly Queer AFROFUTURIST WRITER when it's quite a contradiction as to how Octavia wanted to be seen to THE MEDIA.

If you see any of Octavia E. Butler interviews it's clear that she didn't want to be boxed in as "female" "black" "science fiction writer. Watch the interview with Charlie Rose and his annoying interrupting non-listening ass. Octavia didn't care about the semantics or social optics. She didn't even consider herself a science fiction writer but a writer. Writing was her identity and she created and birthe herself like a strange alien organic organism that's both it's mother and father.

She had escapist tendencies but she never ran away from herself. She ran away from others and their own labels of her. However she knew that she was a black woman, a feminist and she took pride in that. She just didn't want the media to put her in the double minority category that is very limiting and insulting (to her artistry/talent and intelligence).

This quote used to describe herself pretty much sums her Sun and 12th House energy.

"I'm comfortably asocial - a hermit in the middle of a large city, a pessimist if I'm not careful, a feminist, a black, a former Baptist, an oil-and-water combination of ambition, laziness, insecurity, certainty and drive."

Mars in Taurus, Venus/North Node in Gemini  in the 11th House

Octavia didn't need to socialize in the traditional sense. She socialized through her writing and communicating her ideas. Venus in Gemini perfectly illustrates that especially in the 11th House. The 11th House is all about public associations, group power and the social groups you are active in. The sci fi writing community was her tribe, her clan.

Her Mars in Taurus is also in the 11th House. Mars is a lot of things and in this case this is her ambition. So she is passionate about writing and participating these groups. Mars in Taurus is focused, patient hard worker that is very grounded and willing to do the work. This is where she puts her energy (her action).

The way she uses her Mars in Taurus contradicts traditional Mars in Taurus themes (Earthy, sensual, slightly hedonistic, etc.). If you want to focus on Mars sexuality, in her books there is a very otherworldly sexual element the alien-human sex/mating/breeding, vampire-human sex. A lot of her books the sex is impersonal and necessary often used for utility/reproduction purposes for human survival (Dawn). Not necessarily for pleasure FIRST. Maybe with the exceptions of Parable of the Sower when some of the relationships are ever so slightly
romantic" or Wild Seed/Kindred when it's violent/used for control. Octavia definately sees sex/relations on multilevels/layers.

Lastly her North in Gemini is the 11th House. This means her destiny is tied with others and the world. Why is it now she's been dead for over 10 years and artists like Janelle Monae are HIGHLY influenced by her work. 

Random but I read on Instagram like a year or so ago that one of her books Dawn is being developed to be an Amazon series by director Ava Duvernay. While another one of a books, Wild Seed is being adapted by actress Viola Davis to be yet another Amazon series.

She's very relevant now possibly even more so than back then. She's finally getting her flowers and the respect/recognition that she deserved.

Neptune in Libra the 3rd House

Another astro-synchronicity chart moment. Neptune in the 3rd House is like duh hello she's a science fiction writer.

I have to repeat myself again. Octavia E. Butler had escapist tendencies but she never ran away from herself. She ran away from others and their own labels of her. However she knew that she was a black woman, a feminist and she took pride in that. She just didn't want the media to put her in the double minority category that is very limiting and insulting (to her artistry/talent and intelligence). This applies to Neptune in 3rd House and her writing/communication and her blurring lines and boundaries as a writer, storyteller, world builder, communicator.

She is the myth and the reality. She created and birthe herself using her mind. Your mind, your words & thoughts, and self talk are important in creating your own identity. She knew the importance of this. She took control and realized there ain't no boundaries for her. She can be anything and whomever she wanted.

Her Neptune in Libra is also very socially aware. Her novels have very socially aware themes: global warming, humanity, escapism, dystopian, racism, classism. She used her otherworldly boundless creativity to create new worlds via her writing. Maybe a better word is not escape but transcend.

Jupiter in Scorpio Retrograde in the 5th House

Her Jupiter in Scorpio Retrograde in the 5th House (of creativity, sex, children, romance). Not only was she her mother and father she was also her child. To quote the Divine Venus, Jupiter Retrograde can act like Pluto in the sense that the energy is directed inward and can be very transformational (no choice in that really).

She had an expansive creative world that she built in her novels that portrayed themes of a unique/foreign sexuality and expression, reproduction, power dynamics, and overall interesting world of chaos and new possibilities.

Random but Octavia was an extremist, militant, and VERY OBSESSIVE when it came to her writing. In an article (I will reference/link below). Octavia stated she has a quote:

 “positive obsession” for science-fiction writing. She refers to this concept in an autobiographical essay, stating that “Positive obsession is about not being able to stop just because you’re afraid and full of doubts. Positive obsession is dangerous. It’s about not being able to stop at all.”

It's like she had a divine unstoppable mission to humanity like one of her fantastical characters in her books.

Moon in Leo the 2nd House

Moon in Leo is where I think Octavia got her quiet confidence. It's a misconception that Moon in Leos are attention whores. I noticed Moon in Leos (for the most part) tend to be more reserved. This doesn't mean Octavia wasn't bursting with theatrical dramatic creativity. SHE WAS. HELLO SHE GOT MOON IN LEO!!!

She shares a lot of similarities astrologically and life themes with Frida Kahlo. These are both women who created themselves in their own image. Who had a rich creative inner world that informed their daily existence. 

Octavia has Moon in the 2nd House aka using her emotions/habits to make money. Moon in the 2nd House is extremely instinctual and has income that fluctuates. Nothing is more inconsistent than the life of a professional artist. Octavia chose to stick to what she knew (herself) and how to get to that BAG.

Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Leo, and Pluto in Leo in the 1st House

Her Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Leo and Pluto in Leo are all in the 1st House. All these planets reinforced what I've been saying throughout this post.

Her sensitive instinctive emotional nature fueled her work. She couldn't stop; her work was her life mission, her legacy.

Again she birthe herself (she was her own mother/Cancer). She nurtured and developed her creativity in doing so she created her life, and the life of her worlds. She was also her own father (Leo/The Sun) she loved herself enough to discipline herself and her creative talent (Saturn) to her power (Pluto).

Note in terms of the astrology of appearance Octavia stood at tall at 6'0 so she was literally made to stand out. Talk about Pluto in the 1st House. Note her ascendant is in Cancer. She's a gentle giant.

Overall Octavia is an important figure and her astrological chart is very cohesive. There is so much more I can say about her, but I'll stop here. Happy Birthday Octavia

NOTE: I wanted to put this out on Octavia E. Butler's birthday last year. Technically she's also an Unconventional Cancer but honestly I wanted to write about her astrology for years even before I thought of /wrote about the other Unconventional Cancers (Frida Kahlo & Nikola Tesla) in my Unconventional Cancers mini series. Octavia deserves her OWN blog post outside of that series. Random but I also want to write about playwright Taurus August Wilson's astrology (haven't yet but I will).


Young, Cat, "Octavia Butler’s Biography" Parable of the sower atunc.web.unc, 4 December 2017


Bates, Karen Grigsby. “Octavia Butler: Writing Herself Into the Story.” NPR, NPR, 10 July 2017,

Ava Duvernay, Dawn, Amazon series

Wild Seed, Viola Davis Techcrunch

La Times

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