Monday, June 1, 2020

theastrofiend speaks 2020 pt 3: Police Brutality & Racism is WRONG & EVIL: Spiritual Warfare and the Age of Aquarius

theastrofiend speaks 2020 pt 3: Police Brutality & Racism is WRONG & EVIL: Spiritual Warfare and the Age of Aquarius
originally written on Thursday May 28th 2020

I don’t know what to say and how to start this because this is one of the first time I am really putting this out there in the public sphere.

This is an astrology blog that talks about pop culture among many other things. I like to joke and be ratchet and keep it light. However we are and have been in heavy times for a LONG LONG LONG TIME. The recent wave of even more unjust murder of unarmed black people at the hands of police and racist evil rent- a cops subhumans’ in the midst of a global pandemic that is killing thousands of people!!!! It’s like the system of racism cannot help itself it just has to destroy even as a virus is raging and destroying lives, the economy and our social lives.

I started theastrofiend back in 2014 but I didn’t start writing seriously on it until 2015. I talk about this more in my theastrofiend origins story podcasts coming out later on this week (on Wednesday specifically).

But during the time I never realized how angry I was. I was angry for a bunch of reasons. One of the reasons was disillusionment and powerlessness.

I am just realizing this but I have been internalizing my emotions and feelings in regards to the instances for police brutality and the system of racism/white supremacy which probably also fueled A LOT of this anger, powerlessness and disillusionment. I mean 2012 was Travyon Martin. 2014 was Mike Brown and Eric Garner. Sandra Bland was 2015. Philando Castile and Korryn Gaines in 2016. Botham Jean in 2018. And sadly many many more. Even before these instances as a little child hearing about Abner Louima in 1997/2001 and later as a teen Sean Bell in 2006.

Even without the death and just the news stories of fellow black people being racially profiled such as 2018’s Barbecue Becky, Cornerstone Caroline and Permit Patty; more recently Central Park Karen all this energy….

Now in this time with the death of George Floyd, the same sort of feelings are coming up and since I got the time and energy (we on lockdown and shit) why not finally address it.

The targeted murder via cops of unarmed BLACK people is evil and wrong. This is evil and wrong. This is mental/psychological, emotional, physical, and SPIRITUAL WARFARE. This is where I find myself at odds with the spiritual community and don’t really find myself relating to them. A lot of the ideals of the spiritual community are bullshit. This love and light mantra is nonsense. Burning sage, setting intentions, and practicing law of attraction is all in good fun and are good intentioned but it's all window dressing and conjecture to make you feel good. Road to hell is paved with good intentions right?

We don't need love and light and to necessarily feel good. We need to heal and address society's issues head on. And not hide behind smudge sticks, cannabis, and crystals. It's self-serving and a very privileged, naïve, and out of touch sort of existence that me as a black female in America can’t relate to.

All this violence with the media further instigating/ hyping shit up is not good for the collective unconscious especially for black people. We are leaving behind the Age of Pisces ideals such as victim-hood, self-sacrifice, blind forgiveness, and naivety.

We need to experience, and understand all the negative faucets of our human emotions. Anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, despair, disillusionment HATE. We need to heal but I don’t think the love and light let’s burn incenses method is as effective unless we also address spiritual things on a reality level.

Healing doesn't feel good. Healing can be terribly painful, scary, and traumatic. The uncertainty that you are strong enough to get through it and the anxiety and fear in moving forward afraid that any mistake and misstep can lead back where you started or even worst. Plus the reliance on your will and your faith in God is extremely vulnerable. Healing especially from trauma I realize is not a short process and can actually be something lifelong, generations long, centuries long and more.

I know spirituality is very personal and a Neptunian/Jupiterian/ sometimes Saturnian escape. However if this is the society we are living in where this is ok. I promise there will be a time where you cannot escape this. Where you won’t be able to turn off your tv or stroll down or click away. This is will be at your doorstep, your children’s, your grandchildren and all your great great great great great great grandchildrens. It can happen to you. You are not above this.

I think we are confused that the Age of Aquarius will be this love fest of light love happiness rainbows pixie dust and unicorns. Yes the Age of Aquarius can be this wonderful hippie dippie time of radical change, free love, freedom, equality and all that Uranus shit.
But Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn. A lot of people forget this.

If you want to go the conspiracy theorist route then we can. Random but I think conspiracy theorists fall into the spiritual community because a lot of them are spiritual and they talk about a lot of topics that at surface level don’t seem spiritual but they are. Conspiracy theorists call themselves the truth community but they are definitely in the same house as the spiritual community, just a different room.

If you want to go the conspiracy theorist route, the Age of Aquarius can very much also be a time of New World Order, Dogmatic hive mind mentality, thought crimes, silencing of free thought/movement, control of our minds/bodies/thoughts/individuality, 1984 futuristic dystopian society mixed with a hyper police state/martial law energy. 

I can also only imagine what the Age of Capricorn after the Age of Aquarius will bring.Freedom ain’t free. 

Remember what Martin Luther King Jr. said: 

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Or what Malcolm X said:

"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."


"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."


I originally didn’t want to talk or write about this because
One. I don’t want to say the wrong things, offend anyone, or be controversial or stand out/be a target.

Two I was afraid to make things political” but honestly that phrase is a bullshit term that is meant to discourage and silence people from speaking out and being honest. Murder is not political. Right and wrong is not political. Wanting justice is not political. It’s a human right and a human emotion. I am a writer, that’s my mode of communication, and it’s important for my own growth and sense of self to put this out there. This is where I stand.

I may do another podcast or song about this later on but I can’t not say anything. This is the perfect time with all this Gemini Crackhead energy (Gemini Sun, Venus in Gemini retrograde, etc.).

FYI I am not writing this to reach out, to debate, to antagonize, or to garner support because I’m over that we are the world, allies type bullshit.

If you don't like this and don’t care about theastrofiend after this then BYE!! I don't need or want you around me. I would like to think that the Age of Aquarius is also about finding your tribe. You just simply ain't apart of my tribe. Float away in your rainbow dust, faerie breathe, and unicorn fart. I don’t need that sort of energy.

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