Sunday, February 14, 2021

theastrofiend's BEST VALENTINE'S DAY Zodiac Sign Couples Astrology Synastry Relationship Compatibility Combos

theastrofiend's BEST VALENTINE'S DAY Zodiac Sign Couples Astrology Synastry Relationship Compatibility Combos

theastrofiend's BEST VALENTINE'S DAY Zodiac Sign Couples Astrology Synastry Relationship Compatibility Combos

In the spirit of Valentine's Day and Aquarius season I want to highlight and continue on the best astrology zodiac sign pairs. Again it seems the perfect time to talk about Relationship/Romantic Synastry/Compatibility in astrology. I have been thinking about random ass zodiac sign pairings that can be great together. Here is what I have! Enjoy!

P.S. check out my first podcast of 2021! Link here:

Aquarius and Leo

Why?: Y'all can kiss each other and open your eyes so wide that you can see your reflections in each others dilated pupils. Call it a foursome. Aquarius can pretend they don't have an ego while Leo can have an ego that can carry the both of them throughout this relationship. Leo is attracted to the fact that Aquarius's ability to be loved by all without doing too much. While Aquarius is attracted to the fact that Leo actually love themselves as much as they want others to love them. You guys are both in competition and admiration of each other.

Aquarius can cheat on Leo with a Sims 4 character while establishing themselves as a messiah like leader of a cool online cult that worships baby Yoda. While Leo can also cheat with their Zumba instructor who is helping to sculpt their post Covid body for their chance to run into Timothee Chalamet

Aquarius and Virgo

Why? Y'all both hate dumb people, stupidity and idiots. Y'all can complain about the stupidity in others, while humble bragging about your own intelligences, superior DNA, and brain synapses\wiring. Virgo will be drawn to Aquarius's quirky, laid back unemotional detached persona. While Aquarius is attracted to Virgos dual Virgin/Whore switch nature. You guys can roleplay as the Librarian (Virgo) and the Scientist (Aquarius) with both of you supplying the props like rulers, Petrie dishes, glasses, bookmarks, library passes, and chemical substances.

Scorpio and Virgo

Why? Y'all both nosey and judgy as fuck. Virgo can do the research and use its superior deductive and investigative skills. While Scorpio can use it's intuition, fearlessness, and intimidation factor. Virgo knows how to take the backseat and let Scorpio lead. Scorpio knows how to lead but is willing to take the backseat as long as it's still in control. Virgo is drawn to the quiet introverted but powerful non bitch ass but highly bitchy nature of Scorpio. Scorpio is drawn to its Earth sign and more practical equivalent/equal that has bitch ass energy but is a proud bitch. As long as they both manage their neuroticisms, with Scorpio thinking they can predict the future the past and the present and are omnipresent and Virgo thinking they can plan the future, the past, and present.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

Why? Y'all both deviants that love crossing boundaries. Scorpio can go deeper and for longer while Sagittarius can go wider and faster. Pun intended cuss we are adults here and these are the Valentine's\February conception babies that will hatch in 9 months due to their parents not using protection. 

Y'all can both cheat because it ain't that serious. Sagittarius doesn't believe in labels and Scorpio is just using Sagittarius which is find by Sagittarius because Sagittarius have multiple f buddies and is doing the same thing. Problems run if they fall in love though. Scorpio's hypocritical neurotic, controlling nature can make Sagittarius want to run or kill them. While Sagittarius unpredictable, unreliable, flaky, and chaotic nature. makes Scorpio not trust them and makes Scorpio want to cut their throat in their sleep.

Libra and Sagittarius

Why? Y'all can have fun, look cool, and do drugs together. Libra is attracted to Sagittarius because Sagittarius is popular, knows everyone, is lucky, and have the hook ups to the trendiest places. Sagittarius is attracted to Libra because Libra is hot (and other stuff too like smelling nice and being too polite to argue back!!!). Problems happen because Libra is a relationship sign and Sagittarius is half man half horse with a bow and arrow that just wants to neigh (pun intended) and go away. Libra doesn't like the crassness, independent free thinking nature of Sagittarius while Sagittarius doesn't like the clingy, fake, boring, and controlling nature of Libra.

Aries and Leo

Why? Y'all can worship each other because it is just the right thing to do. The other zodiac signs don't understand that Aries and Leo are God's gift to the human race. Aries and Leos can make love with mirrors in the ceilings, the windows open, and their dogs, cats, neighbors, mailmen, and co-workers/bosses on Zoom watching their loud, aggressive and violent love making in both awe and horror. Both are confident, bold, and fearless so they are drawn to each other like moths to a flame. 

Problems arise if you guys can't stop competing with each and not share the spotlight. Aries won't gas up Leos ego, fall for Leos fishing for compliments or feed Leo constant need for attention. While Leos won't be baited into arguments via Aries vile and tactless words and behavior, Aries childlike bratty I doodoo in my pants act now think later mentality. Plus both want to be the leader, be the boss, but there can be only one boss ass bitch otherwise it cancels each other out and both can become bitter bitch babies instead.

Leo and Sagittarius

Why? Y'all can gas each other and be self righteous without competing or cancelling each other out. Sagittarius is the middle child of the zodiac fire squad even though it's the last in order and the grandpa/oldest. Sagittarius is the meditator and is so changeable that Leo's bossiness and ego doesn't offend most of the time but entertains and inspires. Leo is attracted to Sagittarius adventurous, optimistic non intimating, changeable/exciting nature while Sagittarius is attracted to Leo's glamorous, regal, stable, and unobtainable but relatable nature.

Sagittarius is not into Leos pettiness, shadiness, bossiness, and the need to be adored while controlling everything. While Leo is not into Sagittarius need to run off when things get real, crass embarrassing awkwardness, chillness/lack of drive or tact, and chaotic unpredictable energy.

Taurus and Scorpio

Why? Y'all can be the shameless Capitalists'/maximalist acquiring assets and building generational while destroying the planet together. Foreplay to you guys is have staring contests, seeing who can outlive who, who can go the longest with a grudge and who can last the longest in bed while at the same time making the other orgasm first.

Taurus is not into Scorpio needs to combative, prying, neurotic, untrusting, ready to argue/explode at them randomly while giving the silent treatment and expecting them to figure it out and apologize even though they are not going to believe Taurus anyway so what's the point? Nature

Scorpio is not into Taurus's vanity, greedy, materialistic, superficial, basic, boring, polite simpleton, chill nature that hides a raging bull and hedonistic beast that wants to devour everything around it which secretly turns Scorpio on and wants to unlock.

Y'all are both controlling and stubborn so this can last as long as Scorpio doesn't eat Taurus's food or throwaway their stuff and Taurus DOES NOT EVER LIE or HAVE SECRETS or deny Scorpio of emotional intimacy

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