Angela Davis was born January 26th 1944 in Birmingham, Alabama. She has 3 siblings and her mother who was a teacher and a father owned a gas station. Angela Davis is a writer, philosopher, scholar, professor and a 1960s/1970s counterculture political activist and radical. She's a Marxist -Socialist- Communist- Anti-Capitalist, Anti-imperialism, Anti-war, Anti Prison-military industrial complex, Lesbian- Feminist Vegan revolutionary. She is classic, traditional Uranian- Aquarius prototype and one of the PEAKEST of PEAK Black Liberation energy.
Angela grew up in a place known as Dynamite Hill. This neighborhood was known for its racial violence in the form of house bombings by whites in the 1950s Alabama to force out black middle class from their neighborhoods. Her mother was an active Communist so Angela grew up around radical intellectuals and communist organizers, even participating in a Communist youth group.
Angela Davis pursued a degree in French and then philosophy attending Brandeis University in Massachusetts, France (Biarritz and Sorbonne Universities), and Germany (
University of Frankfurt) graduating in 1965. During and after college she joined international communist/political organizations. She furthered her studies graduating with a masters from University of California, San Diego in 1968, and earning a doctorate at Humboldt University in East Berlin.
In 1969-1970 she became an acting assistant philosophy professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She was fired for being a communist.
In 1970 her guns were used in a courthouse armed takeover hostage situation that resulted in the deaths of 4 people including a judge. She was charged with three capital offenses that included aggravated kidnapping and first degree murder and was facing the death penalty. She was found to not be directly involved and acquitted of all charges in 1972.
This was not before she fled and was on the run as a fugitive alluding the Feds, and was put on the FBI'S most wanted list before her capture. After she was arrested she spent over a year in jail. This led to her being seen as a counterculture hero in which her supporters rallied behind her. Her supporters included Aretha Franklin (who paid her bail), The Rolling Stones, John Lennon, another counterculture GOAT who even made a song about her titled, "Angela" in 1972.
This experience led to her lifelong quest to abolish prison and the prison industrial complex.
After her acquittal she went on a communist traveling speaking tour to Cuba, the Soviet Union, and East Germany. In the 1980s she dipped her toes in direct politics accepting nomination twice as a running mate for a Communist presidential hopeful. From the 1960s to now Angela is a lecturer, author and a professor for various colleges and universities achieving an academic career while participating in and supporting grass roots causes like prison abolition.
Let's get into her astrology
Sun in 5 Degrees Aquarius
Moon in 20 Degrees Aquarius
Mercury in 11 Degrees Capricorn
Venus in 28 Degrees Sagittarius
Mars in 6 Degrees Gemini Retrograde
Jupiter in 24 Degrees Leo Retrograde
Saturn in 20 Degrees Gemini Retrograde
Uranus in 4 Degrees Gemini Retrograde
Neptune in 4? Degrees Libra Retrograde
Pluto in 7 Degrees Leo Retrograde
North Node in 6 Degrees Leo Retrograde
Chiron in 14 Degrees Virgo Retrograde
* Ascendant in Taurus*
Some themes I notice in her astrology include:
- Double Aquarius
- Air Grand Trine with Sun/Moon in Aquarius, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini, and Neptune in Libra
- Stellium in Leo with Jupiter, Pluto, and North Node in Leo
- Stellium in Gemini with Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini
- Oppositions between Aquarius/Leo and T Square between Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo
- 5 planets, 1 asteroid, and 1 node are in retrograde: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, North node, Chiron
- Bastard Earth Grand Trine
Angela has her Sun in 5 Degrees Aquarius bastardly conjunct Moon in 20 Degrees Aquarius
Angela is tapped into the Uranus-Uranian rebellious freedom fighter energy side of Aquarius. This is the side of Aquarius that people love to highlight citing Uranus's modern ruler.
This is her pedigree greatly influenced by her mom, her parents and parents' friends grassroots Communist ideas and beliefs. This a great case study for when nurture and nature are intertwined and support her fate and free will. Would she have been a Communist revolutionary if it wasn't for her parents/environment?
I think she would but I think it amplified and reinforced her nature.
Angela is a double Aquarius so her personality/ego (Sun) and emotions/habits (Moon) are in alignment and are after similar goals and experiences which is freedom, liberation, independence. To not be limited and controlled because of her race, gender, sexuality, politics, class, or lifestyle. It can be seen as idealistic but is it really futuristic.
Angela has Mercury in 11 Degrees Capricorn trine Chiron 14 degrees in Virgo. Despite her zany rebellious Uranian energy there is a methodical, organized communication and thinking abilities. She thinks before she speaks, speaks slowly, careful with her words, logical, and intentional.
Mercury is trining Chiron (the wounded healer) so her words are powerful and have the power to heal or harm depending on how it's used.
If you add in her Ascendant in Taurus she has an Earth bastard grand trine which balances and grounds her airy Air Grand trine with more a practical realistic perspective.
Venus in 28 Degrees Sagittarius with a bastard sextile with her Sun/Moon
Angelia has her Venus in 28 Degrees Sagittarius with a bastard sextile with her Sun/Moon. This compliments her Aquarius energy well. Aquarius and Sagittarius are kindred spirits both wanting freedom, independence, and to cross boundaries.
Her traveling while pursuing her undergraduate and graduate studies is peak Sagittarius/Jupiter energy and shows her adaptability and her quest for knowledge, and new experiences. This is very Jupiterian. Jupiter isn't just about expansion, luck, crossing boundaries.
She grew up in the South in an incredibly volatile racist, violent times where she had to learn to fight, to be aware of her environment and world. I am sure she probably felt she had to escape so she used her mind/education as a means to escape her immediate environment/country.
Air Grand Trine with Sun/Moon in Aquarius, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini, and Neptune in Libra
Angela has a Air Grand Trine with Sun/Moon in Aquarius, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini, and Neptune in Libra. Constant communication, interacting with people, and being in the know is important to her. Relationships and novelty.
Neptune in Libra is concerned with social justice and breaking down the boundaries and illusions that separate people and prevent/destroys relationships which is oftentimes race, gender, class, sexuality. Neptune in Libra is concerned with Equality and balancing ideals. Since it's Libra they want to this with the collective power of others and partnerships.
Specifically she has a Stellium in Gemini with Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini. This shows that she's highly adaptive, intelligent, curious, and is always willing learn.
On the downside she's restless, nosey, and gets bored easy. You know that phrase idle hands are the devil's tools.
She fights with her mind, with her words, ideas, her philosophies which is how air dominated and mercurial people fight.
Angela with Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini used knowledge, the act of learning (Mars in Gemini) and knowledge is power as her form of rebellion (Uranus in Gemini). Becoming educated (traditionally with school/higher learning) and receiving street smarts from the world/community didn't hold her back but help her develop discipline and apply her knowledge and wisdom with responsibility (Saturn in Gemini).
Stellium in Leo with Jupiter, Pluto, and North Node in Leo
Angela has Angela has pride in who she is and her history.
Racism and the system of racism is very evil and very insidious and huge part is shame. Racists and the system of racism is all about blacks feeling shame.
-Shame that their ancestors and family members were enslaved and conquered.
- Shame of their features, hair texture and skin color, particularly if dark skinned.
- Shame of your existence, taking up space, and being confident, gifted, talented, smart, beautiful, articulate, resilient, etc.
When I started my black liberation series. I started it last year 2020 in Leo season. A lot of the modern revolutionaries were born during Pluto in Leo (roughly 1939-1957 in astrology with [BABY BOOMERS generation - BORN 1946-1964]. Coming of age during Pluto in Virgo time. A lot of Pluto in Leo generation's liberation energy has to do with pride and to unpack the effects of shame, and what Jim Crow-Segregation-Reconstruction-Racism did to their psyche.
The opposite of shame is pride. Blacks with Pluto in Leo running through their veins didn't want the shame because it was put on them, and all they wanted was to live. The Pluto in Leo generation were/are naturally confident, creative, filled with love, and bursting to show and tell the world.
Angela rocked an Afro (like many who followed the Black pride movement). She didn't run away from her blackness, she took pride in it. Her Leo stellium showed she refused to be denigrated, AND limited because of her race/gender/class. Especially with North Node in Leo is was born to stand out, shine, and be the light for others.
Oppositions between Aquarius/Leo and T Square between Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo
Angela has oppositions between Aquarius/Leo and T Square between Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo
In terms of oppositions and my opinion is that oppositions in Astrology doing/being/going after and believing in the same things but doing it in the opposite way. Aquarius/Leo and Gemini/Sagittarius want/believe/go after the same/similar things but in opposite ways.
Leo is confident and wants to shine and be the center of attention. Their energy is directed inwards. Leo place themselves in the center they are the Sun.
Aquarius is confident too, they shine when they let others shine. Their energy is directed outwards. Aquarius place others in the center and don't mind being an outer planet, Uranus!
I would say that Angela's Aquarius sun/moon probably feels discomfort with her stellium in Leo so her compromise is to be amongst her people, where she can shine and at the same time she can use her Aquarius-ness water bearing skills to give others the platform and space to shine too. It's a win/win and everyone gets what they want. The only thing Angela has to watch out for is ego getting in the way from both sides (not just on Leo side, Aquariuses have egos too!!).
It's important to note that Angela has a lot of retrograde planets and planetary placements. She has 5 planets, 1 asteroid, and 1 node are in retrograde: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, North node, Chiron. In astrology often times retrograde planets are seen as a nuance or less Retrograde planets are not less than direct planets . Introspection, having to slow down and delated gratification.
Angela has a T Square between Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo. A t square is an opposition with a square. Gemini and Sagittarius are in opposition and they are both squared Virgo.
In the extremes Oppositions can make you be seen as contradictory, contrarian, hypocritical, without integrity or backbone because your actions and inner values are being pulled in opposite directions. This can be true but most of the time it's not, especially if you find the commonality of where the opposition meets in the middle.
Virgo/Pisces opposition for example is their need to serve and help. Cancer/Capricorn it's security. Taurus/Scorpio it's abundance/resources. Aries/Libra it's identity. Leo/Aquarius it's ego.
For Gemini/Sagittarius it's their need to learn and acquire knowledge. Sagittarius does this by traveling, religion, higher education, and stretching the boundaries. Gemini it's more local/centralized, and it's through communicating with other people, being involved in the community, hobbies/interests, etc.
As I mentioned before Angela uses her Gemini/Sagittarius opposition well. She used her Sagittarius part by pursuing higher education, completing much of her studies abroad and traveling. Her Gemini is her community organizing, publishing books, engaging with the media, and creating grassroots organizations. Both is her traveling tours, giving speeches, and pursuing a career in academia by teaching/lecturing in colleges and universities.
Her Chiron in Virgo is squared her Gemini/Sagittarius placements so her wounded healer is in the Virgo areas of efficiency, perfection, attention to details, and having standards. Gemini/Sagittarius is not concerned with these things. To be honest I think she's using her Chiron in Virgo in the best ways she could. Her activism can be seen as healing and affirming for others. Perhaps it's not for her and she isn't satisfied until she achieves her goals. It's normal not to be dissatisfied; which is reasonable and not her fault at all.
It's the way the world is set up! Especially in terms of Black Liberation, where it's always one step forward two steps back. Racism and anti-blackness is very insidious and evil like an efficient perfect virus because in the sense that it can change it's form and adapt to go unnoticed and checked.
Regardless Black Liberation is more of series of journeys than just a destination. My definition and form of Black Liberation may not be yours and vice versa. That's ok!
I chose Angela Davis as one of The Aquarius Trinity of The Astrology of Aquariuses in Black Liberation because she is the quintessential Aquariuses, the Uranian modern Aquarius.
Stubborn Rebel, political agitator, polarizing, idealist freedom fighter for the oppressed. Willing to both use her ego and put her ego to the side to fight for others. This is Aquarius energy in Black Liberation. One of strongest stances is Anti-capitalism and prison abolition.
Aquarius does not fight for everyone (that's more Pisces). Aquarius fights for the oppressed/underdogs, they fight for the voiceless, they fight for the ones with similar ideological or social characteristics (race, gender, class for example). Angela is fighting for the Marxist -Socialist- Communist- Anti-Capitalist, Anti-imperialism, Anti-war, Anti Prison-military industrial complex, Lesbian- Feminist Vegans who are disenfranchised like her. This is her brand of black liberation.
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