Long introduction aside if you haven’t read the title my last person to complete The Aquarius Trinity aka The Destiny's Child of Aquariuses in Black Liberation: Alice Walker. I will be talking about her in this post.
I would say they all represent three different sides and energies of Aquariuses while at the same time being very similar, Aquarian, and being a big part of Black Liberation.
To keep it simple I won't be going over their houses or writing about their rising signs in detail. Also to note I will be talking about Bastard conjunctions/aspect. Now let's get into it

Alice Walker was born on February 9th 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia; a rural farming town. She born to sharecroppers parents and the youngest of 8 children. At age 8 she was left permanently blind in her right eye after an accident involving her brother and a BB gun. This is when she started reading and writing seriously. Alice exiled academically becoming her high school's valedictorian and receiving a scholarship to Spelman College in 1961. During her time at Spelman she met Martin Luther King Jr. who inspired her political activism and participation in the 1963 Washington March and helping with voter registration in Georgia and Mississippi. After two years of study she transferred to Sarah Lawrence on another scholarship in New York. A defining experience was when Alice became pregnant and had an abortion her senior year of college, she grappled with suicidal thoughts for some time after. She graduated in 1965.
In 1968 Alice wrote and got a poetry book titled, Once published. Around this same time she met a Jewish civil rights lawyer whom she later married in New York City in 1967 because interracial marriage was illegal in the South/Mississippi, having a daughter in 1969 and later divorcing in 1976.
She worked various jobs after graduation including the NYC Department of Welfare, back in the south with the Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP in Mississippi, and a consultant on black history for a children's program. She secured positions as a writer in residence from 1968-1969 at Jackson State University and in 1970-1971 at Tougaloo College. She published her first book in 1970 titled, The Third Life of Grange Copeland.
She started teaching in 1972, became an editor of a feminist magazine in 1973 at the age of 29. Just before coming an editor she discovered an unmarked grave in Florida she believed to be that of anthropologist, novelist, and folklorist Zora Neale Hurston. This led to her writing an article on Zora Neale Hurston which sparked renewed interest in Zora amongst it's readers.
In 1976 Alice Walker second novel, titled: Meridian, was published.
In 1982, Alice published the 1983 Pulitzer Prize winning novel: The Color Purple. In 1983 she coined the term womanist to describe black women feminist that illustrates the intersecting and nuanced nature of race and gender. This novel was later adapted into a 1985 film directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Oprah Winfrey and Whoopi Goldberg and a successful Broadway show in 2005.
It's important to note that Alice Walker and Angela Davis are born in the same year with Angela being 2 weeks older. Both are from the south and their planets are pretty much the same except for the degrees and having different moon, Venus and rising signs. Let's get into her astrology, her astrology information from Astro-charts below:
Sun in 19 Degrees Aquarius
Moon in 20 Degrees Leo
Mercury in 25 Degrees Capricorn
Venus in 14 Degrees Capricorn
Mars in 9 Degrees Gemini Retrograde
Jupiter in 22 Degrees Leo Retrograde
Saturn in 19 Degrees Gemini Retrograde
Uranus in 4 Degrees Gemini Retrograde
Neptune in 3 Degrees Libra Retrograde
Pluto in 7 Degrees Leo Retrograde
North Node in 6 Degrees Leo Retrograde
Chiron in 14 Degrees Virgo Retrograde
*Ascendant in 14 Sagittarius*
Some themes I notice in Alice Walker's astrology include:
- Born on a Full Moon
- Air Grand Trine with Sun/Moon in Aquarius, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini, and Neptune in Libra
- Mercury conjunct Venus in Capricorn square Neptune in Libra trine Chiron in Virgo
-Mercury conjunct Venus in Capricorn trine Chiron in Virgo
- Stellium in Leo with Moon, Jupiter, Pluto, and North Node in Leo.
- Stellium in Gemini with Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini
- Oppositions between Aquarius/Leo
- 8th House Stellium: Moon, Jupiter, Pluto and North Node
- 6 planets, 1 asteroid, and 1 node are in retrograde: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, North node, Chiron
Sun in 19 Degrees Aquarius oppose Moon in 20 Degrees Leo
Alice Walker was born on a full moon with an almost exact opposition between her Sun and Moon. Off the top her moon energy (feelings, emotions, habits) are in opposition or resistance with her Sun energy (ego, personality). Sun/Full moon energy/people is a bit different sort of opposition experience than other planets in opposition.
To quote myself, "In the extremes Oppositions can make you be seen as contradictory, contrarian, hypocritical, without integrity or backbone because your actions and inner values are being pulled in opposite directions. I think Sun/Moon oppositions can go to the extremes because though consider "planets" technically in astrology the Sun and Moon are luminaries and are the most important "planets" in a natal chart.
I think this way because the sun/ego/identity can't be fully expressed because the Moon feelings/emotions/habits contradicts the Sun personality/ego/identity. It's like an inner war mixed with frenemy/jealousy situation where the Sun and Moon are competing for attention.
A positive is Sun opposite the Moon can see and experience different perspectives, be more open to new ideas, and can be more well rounded.
Alice especially with Leo moon is a bit different. The Leo moon is more internal, less in your face because it's your emotions and feelings. Not everyone gets access to your emotions so people don't get to see the inner you more often. This doesn't mean that Leo moons are less Leo, it just means it's hidden and not out on display.
Leo moons can feel that they didn't get as much attention or wasn't seen as special or unique. So they may act out. Or even do the opposite, hide out.
Alice has a Leo stellium and has Moon conjunct Jupiter in Leo and bastard conjunction between North Node in Leo and Pluto in Leo all retrograde. She has strong Leo/Solar/Sun energy, but a lot of it is pushed inward and more reflective due to all that retrograde energy. It's important to note that 8th House Stellium: Moon, Jupiter, Pluto and North Node all in Leo, so this also adds a darker, deeper, Plutonian level to her Leo stellium.
Especially with Moon conjunct Jupiter in Leo and a bastard conjunction between Pluto in Leo Alice probably has very colorful, loving, creative, extreme, and intense emotions, habits, and reactions. Performative emotions, exaggerations with feelings, bombastic displays, and a need for her whims to be catered too.
Mercury conjunct Venus in Capricorn square Neptune in Libra trine Chiron in Virgo
Alice has Mercury conjunct Venus in Capricorn square Neptune in Libra trine Chiron in Virgo.
If you see how she looks (Venus in Capricorn) and speaks (Mercury in Capricorn), she's serious, soft spoken, frank, seemingly introverted, bookish, and without any frills which is very Saturnian. Her Venus (sense of beauty, art, relationships) is working with her thinking/speaking/communicating abilities (Mercury).
Leo energy mixes well with Capricorn energy though they are not traditionally compatible. A mixture and a sort of refinedness, regalness, class, and ambitiousness which is what I see with Alice. I can also on the downside see her being elitist, snooty, and reliant on being able to have social mobility.
Unlike Angela Davis who has a similar chart to Alice. I think Alice leaned into her Leo side of Leo stellium/ Aquarius/Leo opposition more than balancing it with her Aquarius energy like Angela has. I think Alice's Sun is starving a little, with hot air but gets help from the other air signs and other planets that give her support. Particularly her Gemini stellium.
Angela seemed to balance her Leo stellium with Aquarius energy and find a way to toggle back and forth between her opposition using her Gemini stellium as a mediator. Alice seems to revel in her Leo stellium energy partially because she is Plutonian and her Leo stellium is focused in the 8th House. For Plutonians this isn't energy you can ignore or suppress, it's powerful and you have to use it or it will use you.
FYI I am only comparing Alice with Angela to show that free will, nature plays a huge role in astrology and astrology is very much about your genetics, upbringing, and environment, and experiences.
When writing on my Liberation series I like to watch several YouTube interview videos (if available) and interpret their astrology using my person of interest's own words, their behavior, demeanor, and energy fields. I watched a few interviews with Alice Walker (especially the ones with the insufferable Charlie Rose). It's clear Alice is focused more on her personal emotional/physical/mental/spiritual growth and journey. She isn't trying to dismantle systems like an Angela or trying to nurture, form partnerships/use her platform to elevate voices and mentoring black creatives like Toni.
Alice is about healing, about trauma, generational trauma, about finding truths in the human condition, and personal empowerment.
Alice's most famous story, The Color Purple is a coming of age story about the liberation of a shy abused black woman forcibly separated from her sister and placed under the hands of an abusive older husband, who later on finds herself and her strength via pain. She liberates herself. Self liberation and self actualization are important themes in The Color Purple.
In terms of her Aquariusness I am not saying Alice Walker is less of Aquarius because I definitely see the Aquarius energy in her. It's just that her Aquarius energy is overpowered and it's a constant battle with her Leo/8th House energy. Her daughter, Rebecca Walker, also a writer and feminist, spoke out and stated that she felt neglected, traumatized and felt Alice wasn't interested in being a mother. I believe Rebecca but I also think it's more complicated than that.
This can showcases the underside of Alice Walker and a common accusation for the Boomer generation = Pluto in Leo side of the Boomer generation. They are accused of being selfish narcissists who sacrificed and ruin their children's/future generation's futures with their self-centered irresponsible pursuit of pleasure, their desires/passions, the American dream, and to fit in/be accepted.
Though a bit exaggerated their are some truths to this. A lot of the radical hippies became the hypocritical yuppies who became more conservative with age (that is natural part of growing up regardless of generation) and renounced their youthful rebellion phase. They gladly uphold the systems and ideologies they superficially fought against in order to get their piece of the American pie.
Alice as a single divorced mother, who also was a strong womanist (black feminist), and had a successful writing career and was a teacher; struggled. She loved and mothered the way she knew how while choosing not to compromise her ambition, creativity, or give into societal norms of being a mother first, second second. I can see why she probably wasn't as attentive.
I think Alice indirectly confirmed she was a bit detached from her mother role with her daughter, via her own words in a poem in her poetry novel. HER BLUE BODY EVERYTHING WE KNOW “Now that the book is finished,/ now that I know my character/ will live,/ I can love my child again./ She need sit no longer/ at the back of my mind,/ the lonely sucking of her thumb/ a giant stopper in my throat.”
Alice has Neptune in Libra (like Angela) so she is concerned with social justice and breaking down the boundaries and illusions that separate people and prevent/destroys relationships which is oftentimes race, gender, class, sexuality. Neptune in Libra is concerned with Equality and balancing ideals. Since it's Libra they want to this with the collective power of others and partnerships.
As stated before she coined the term womanist to describe black women feminist that illustrates the intersecting and nuanced nature of race and gender in feminism. She lived the life she believed in and had to let others know who she is, not just who she's assigned to be (WIFE, MOTHER, WOMAN, then WRITER in that order). She's more than a mother or wife.
In terms of Alice's Aquarius energy she fought passionately for women's issues particularly domestic violence and genital mutilation/female circumcision in certain African communities. However in her personal relationship with her daughter took a backseat and was second to her career and sensibilities.
This common Aquarian trait of caring more and being more present for others and for strangers than their loved ones. It's a famous Aquarian detachment I love humanity, hate humans perspective. Alice using her writing to examine her emotions instead of allowing herself to feel it and be in. Alice doesn't have any water energy outside of house places and is an Uranian/Saturn Aquarius/Capricorn mix so she probably was avoiding, intellectualizing emotions, had coldness, lack of empathy, and understanding others' emotions. She explored emotions in her art but I don't think she did it in her personal life (well at least not from a feeling place). For reference her daughter Rebecca is a Scorpio.
I chose Alice for the last Aquarius in my Astrology of Aquariuses in Black Liberation because Alice Walker's brand of Aquarius energy in black liberation is examining the human condition on a more personal individual level than on a wide spread. Contextualizing Alice seems more focused on being true to herself and creating art that examines womanhood, trauma, and other issues in the black community. As oppose to rallying up people to break down systems (other than maybe patriarchy?).
I see her as the quiet individualist, hermit, weirdo Aquarius who is into Individuality, personal creativity, personal power, freedom from patriarchy, and sexual norms.
Black Liberation doesn't have to protesting, fighting, organizing, and politicalizing. Black Liberation can be about individualism and living by your own rules not just by society and what they designated you as. But as who you want to be.
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