Yes I did just call her Igloo Australia. Yes I know her "name is Iggy Azalea" (to all you pseudo Iggy Stans). I just think Igloo is a funnier name. Anyway I don't actually hate Iggy at all. Her "Fancy" song was cute and catchy (along with Pu$$y and Work. I am not bandwagon hater. That said..........
I do feel she sucks at rapping and does not represent hip-hop at all. Go watch this video of her rapping and try to clap back. .............. I am waiting...........
Also after seeing several interviews with her, she has no personality what so ever. She seems like a nice girl (maybe too nice). But hip hop is not nice. It's angry, aggressive, in your face, and it has a message.

I am sure she may have a message but who cares. Her novelty has wore off and she's back to being a grain of sand in a huge beach. The only reason I think she got all the hype and attention is because she is a white girl rapper from Australia (btw a moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter exalted in Cancer does help!). She was anomaly in the rap game and easy on the eyes. Now she is just a tall amazon who is boring and has no personality.
Two Words: "No Edges" |
BTW I would've written this post about the other Gemini Azealia, Azealia Banks (who is bat-shit crazy), but she can rap, and has some form of individuality/talent/creativity. The same goes for Oh No West (my nickname for Kanye West).
Iggy should really stick to being a model.
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