For some reason this week, I decided to make it a goal to do 7 posts for everyday of this week Monday January 18- Sunday January 24. This is the 7th post. I don't know why I decided to do that, but I did. I think this has something to do with New Years Resolutions and our Saturnian Obsession with Time (hence the title).
During New Years' we are urgent to shake off the mistakes of the past year and look forward to the new year. It's our chance to start over, to do things, to be productive and to strive towards a better self. When I first started my blog back in 2014, I did it based on a New Years' Resolution to start a blog. Sadly I only wrote one post for that year and it was in January. I waited til May 2015 to begin again and here I am now.
There is something about this time that makes us ambitious. The obvious answer is because during this time the Sun is in uber Ambitious Capricorn. But that ain't the whole story. It has more to do with Capricorn's ruling planet Saturn. Saturn in mythology is the god of social order, civilization and time. Saturn also represents death (which is interconnected to time).

Even so, in astrology Saturn represents fears, limitations and boundaries. It also presents the inevitable things of life (sickness, death, and taxes). It's about creating structures, hard work, discipline and responsibilities. As humans we are here on borrowed time, and life is literally like an hourglass glued to the table (Anna Nalick Breathe (2am)'s song reference alert!).
It's no mistake Saturn represents the 10th House which is the most public and visible house in astrology. Add these factors together (fear and an urgent public sense of responsibility) we feel we have to do something. That we have to compensate for our lives and overall our humanity. During New Years' Saturn's in the air and we get reflective, fearful (due to our limited time) and as a result ambitious, bold and ridiculously optimistic. This is where resolutions come in.
Resolutions are a tradition and Saturn loves traditions. Maybe this is where our optimism comes in. Even so, Saturn isn't about optimism and bold declarations. It's a cold planet and represents hardships and endurance. Resolutions represents, an oftentimes, well meaning yet superficial way to set and achieve goals. Not only that but more importantly is also a superficial way about how rectify our obsession and justification of our lives and time on earth.
Resolutions are nice but ultimately superficial. That is probably the reason why a large majority of resolutions we set don't get unfulfilled. Saturn is about facing fears, going through hard-work and endurance tests. Not only that but passing these tests and ultimately learning some wisdom from these experiences. It's not fun or something we do because we want to talk shit and be apart of a "tradition". We often fail these resolutions because we are not committed to the hardships, hard work and wisdom that comes with goals. With Saturn there are no shortcuts.
It's all about having a strong disciplined mentality, getting and being in control of our lives, and living it to the fullest despite fear and limitations.

Anyway if you are reading this, let's try our best to just pioneer through it all of life's bullshit, don't give up, and try our best to live our lives to the fullest. Resolutions are nice but Fuck resolutions!!!