Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Olivia Pope is Soo NOT a Scorpio!

Secrets, Adultery, and getting yourself caught up in fucked up and dangerous situations is synonymous with Scorpio to the point that if someone falls into these categories they are automatically Scorpio
I was reading this astroblog Mystic Medusa post (her blog is da bomb check her out for astro fun and fabulous snark). Here Medusa says that Olivia is Scorpio but I politely disagree. Its just to easy to pin general fucked-upy-ness (I know not a word) on Scorpio. Everyone has secrets, including Gemini's. Everyone does cruel shit (take that Libra). Everyone does dumb shit (take that Virgo). Life happens.

Olivia Pope and Judy Smith
Olivia Pope's character inspired by Judy Smith, a real life Washington, DC crisis manager with her own firm. Judy Smith is a Scorpio. I can see why Medusa picked Scorpio. Olivia Pope is a tough, strong career woman with a demanding, dangerous career and in a forbidden, adulterous love affair with a powerful controlling man

Even so, Olivia is not a Scorpio. THIS IS WHY:

1. She is too Emotional (and it shows)

Overt emmotionalism is not a Scorpio trait. Quivering lip anyone. She is constantly breaking down in front of everyone. Scorpio/Plutonians wouldn't be caught dead doing that. As famous Scorpio cutthroat Kelly Cutrone, "IF you have to cry, go outside." By the way Kelly meant in a dark cave on the side of Pluto of course.

2. She appears Soft

Even though Olivia fast talks, balls bust, and is tough. She doesn't appear tough like Scorpio Sun Sign. There is a delicateness and fragility to her (like a flower, not a snake). Even the sex scenes are soft and friendly. She has a heart and you can see it. At times Olivia seems more like a dreamy, sad little girl; than a powerful career woman.

3. She is communicative and people oriented
Olivia Pope asks for help and is very into people and relationships. Having relationships is an important in her line of work. In the show she often uses these important relationships as Leverage. This is very Scorpio like. Even so, Scorpio though they like to fix things, don't ask for help, are too stubborn/fixed and want to be on top at all times. Scorpios operate on a symbiotic relationships (aka one-sided, semi-parasitic relationships). Scorpio mostly ride solo and they don't need anyone else. Olivia on the other hand she depends on friends (whether she admits to it or not). She needs her friends as much as they need her. 

Not only this but even though she has secrets, she is very communicative. She's direct, asks for what she wants, and she's clear. She doesn't use nonverbal cues and sign language like Scorpio does. She doesn't dance around things and is not manipulative. 

4. She falls in love easy and is indecisive. 

She goes back and forth from President DoucheFace Grant to Pussycat Jake. She is indecisive, and a rose-colored glasses romantic. Scorpios on the other-hand, are sure in love, and they don't float around from one person to another. Scorpio also takes a long time to get over someone to the point that they actively choose not to date anyone at all. If Scorpios do choose to date, their relationship is purely physical. She bounced pretty quickly from President Grant into a relationship with Jake. Not only is it physical but its emotional. She's in love with them both.

5. Meticulous Power Dresser with Classic Girly Style
Not only does she stylishly power dress, but she dress classic and girly too. There isn't a particular Scorpio look, but Scorpio's dress is no nonsense. Olivia's outfits (not clothes) aren't dark and dreary, it doesn't regularly hide (sunglasses are not part of her regular ensemble). Scorpios power women usually have a uniform style of dress. 
Think Super-Scorpio career woman Hilary Clinton and her pantsuits. Clean, lack of accessories, and predictable (pants suits after all). Scorpio style of dress is business-like and less for fashion and more for function. 
Olivia on the other hand seems to enjoy dressing up and she is fashionable. Her clothes are well-thought outfits complete with appropriate jewelry and accessories. Whether she dresses in neutrals, dark colors, soft colors or pastels; her outfits are pretty tame and fashion-forward. The only Scorpio-like matter in the way she dresses she when she wears gloves. But that could be because she is a germphobe.

6. She is NOT Evil and pretty fair

Olivia plays power games with her parents and criminals. She is tough, precise, but not spiteful. She is looking for justice (most of the time), not for revenge or to completely destroy someone. She mostly operates on the legal system (but she isn't above getting her hands dirty). Justice and being a white hat is important to her. She isn't shamelessly flaunting her adulterous relationship in front of Mellie and she isn't a general cunt. She doesn't do things behind people's backs (most of the time anyway). She also has a willingness to forgive and talk to people. An example is her relationship with her father. She tried to forgive and repair her relationship with father before she found out that he was a murderous sociopath

By the way I take Olivia Pope as a Libra or Virgo sun sign with Scorpio and Libra personal planets. I am Leaning on Virgo. Because Virgos says shit like this:

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