This is a bit old school, but this shade right here takes the cake for shade for the Earth sign chicks (cuss my other two picks were kinda wack). Anyways I chose Tiffany "New York" Pollard. She's a reality star from the 2000s'. She is known for being in Flavor of Love, her own spin off "I Love New York," and most recently the UK's Celebrity Big Brother.
I was gonna go with Steve Harvey, but he's a comedian so his shade kinda doesn't count/goes with his act. Instead I chose New York because Capricorn shade is good. It's kinda like Virgo shade accept not as annoying. Capricorn shade hits you. Usually later, not now. It's bougie, stush gal high class shade that makes you think. Capricorns have a way with words like no other sign. Check out Carla from Mob Wives, she is shady AF.
Whatever the case let's get into Tiffany "New York" Pollard astrology. Her astrotheme profile link here
Air Grand Trine
First and foremost Tiffany New York Pollard has an Air Grand Trine. Tiffany has Moon in Gemini, Mercury & Venus in Aquarius (retrograde) conjunct, & Saturn, Mars & Pluto in Libra. This is the shade foundation. An Air Grand Trine gives someone excellent, effective, and great communication & social skills.
Mercury & Venus (Venus retrograde) in Aquarius conjunct
Tiffany "New York" Pollard's Mercury & Venus (Venus is in retrograde) are in Aquarius conjunct. This shows that she is an original, inventive, slightly rebellious & unique communicator (Mercury). She says the most random & unexpected things without shame.
Venus in Aquarius retrograde shows that her Venus energy (beauty, love, relationships) is directed drawn inwards making it powerful and meaningful. She values independence, uniqueness, and the ability to be yourself/speak for yourself. She is constantly rebelling without a cause. She craves unconventionality and often behaves that way in relationships. Though this energy is powerful it is also confusing to express, often causing one to self-sabotage until they can figure out how to work around their peculiar-ness.
Moon in Gemini opposite Uranus
Tiffany has her Moon in Gemini opposite Uranus. This means her emotions (Moon) are changeable, unpredictable, and rebellious (Uranus). Her Uranus is in Sagittarius. This translates to her shade being playful (yet mean), funny (yet a bit fucked up); and overall all over the place. One minutes she's mad, the next laughing, then crying, then apologizing, then mad all over again. She is full of idiosyncrasies.
Saturn, Mars & Pluto in Libra
Tiffany has Saturn, Mars & Pluto all in Libra. All this Libra mutes her shade over the topness, making it less harmful in delivery. Her mouth is lethal but her actions/behavior is relatively harmless. She can say the most awful things but at the end of the day people may not like her but they don't hate her. Libra is very charming, I mean look at Vladimir Putin. He's a Libra (ironically with a Gemini moon) and though he's despised he is not hated (not in the way Hitler is anyhow).

Anyway New York's Mars in detriment (mode of action) is intense, powerful and forever transforming (Pluto) to the point where she has to establish boundaries and responsibilities (Saturn). In the realms of relationships and relating to others. Throwing shades gives her the ability to express herself, her anger, emotions, and individuality in a way that appeases her Libran sensibilities (fairness, passive aggressiveness, maintaining the prettiness, etc.). Notice that she makes personal attacks/shade others appearance (which is soo Libra).
Saturn & Jupiter (Jupiter in Scorpio) conjunct Pluto
This shows that she is constantly has urges of repressing/limiting (Saturn) and expanding/exploring (Jupiter) with support (conjunct) from Pluto (transforming). Her Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto all support each other and act in each other's interests.
Sun in Capricorn
This is the cherry on top her shade sundae. Capricorn is traditional, classy, and doesn't like to make scenes be crass. Even though she is extremely ratchet and ghetto. New York still maintains a "classy professional persona" (in the world of reality entertainment btw. You don't hear her getting arrested or constant drug & relationship problems from the media. As a Capricorn she is always in control of herself (even if she's not in control of her mouth). She is also willing to exploit herself for a quick coin; but still maintains her dignity/privacy. She's ambitious and is at the top of field (in terms of reality show glory and ratchetness). She is a household name for this sector of entertainment.
Examples of shade

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