I'm back with another addition of my Ode to the QUEEN/KING of INSERT SIGN HERE SHADE series. Obviously I chose Nicki Minaj, as the QUEEN of Sagittarius SHADE.

It was between her and Nene Leakes. I chose Nicki Minaj because her brand of shade is quirky, funny and entertaining. Nene's is all of that too, but Nicki's faces are EVERYTHING. Anyway let's get into her astrology.

It was between her and Nene Leakes. I chose Nicki Minaj because her brand of shade is quirky, funny and entertaining. Nene's is all of that too, but Nicki's faces are EVERYTHING. Anyway let's get into her astrology.
Astrotheme profile link here
Sun, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus & Lilith in Sagittarius.
I was surprised to see that there isn't major shade indicators in her chart. No mercury retrogrades, mercury in the 12th or 8th House. No Venus in the 7th or significant Venus placements. On top of all this. Nicki Minaj is a super, uber, duber (not a word) SAGITTARIUS. Sagittarius are known to be super open, honest (aka food in the mouth syndrome).
Her major Sag stellium in the 11th House shows that she was meant to be popular and well liked by the public at large. This is where she shines (Sun). This is where she communicates (Mercury) expresses herself (Neptune). Where she loves (Venus) and where she rebels (Uranus). This is also where she reigns her bad bitch supreme deluxe (Lilith).
Mars in Capricorn in the 1st House

Her Mars is where her shade shows up the most. Her Mars in Capricorn and in the 1st House. This shows she has a strong, forceful, assertive and aggressive personality. Even so, Capricorn is not known to be shady and are pretty straightforward and to the point. Even so, if we examine her Mars further. Nicki Minaj has:
Mars square Saturn in Scorpio
Mars square Pluto in Libra
Saturn & Pluto conjunct and both in the 9th House.
All this shows someone with an intense, secretive, controlling, explosive and repressive personality. This position can have EXPLOSIVE TEMPER (Pluto) BUT choose to hold everything in (Saturn). This is to protect one's self and to protect others. Nicki is straightforward for the most part because of her free spirited Sagittarius/Jupiterian energy.
However, she has a hidden, darker side that she keeps close to her chest for fear of losing control. Mars square Saturn & Pluto positions denotes shame in vulnerability when angered (triggered). On the flip side this gives someone TREMENDOUS drive, focus, resilience, and a strong fighting spirit.
Anyway her Mars makes her hold back a lot, hence the shade part. It lightens the load and appeases her easy-going, non grudge holding Sag energy; while remaining true to her feelings/anger.
Moon in Virgo

Sees all, forgets nothing, & will call you out on your bullshit. There is a conniving aspect to the waif, understated, & humble Moon in Virgo placement. Moon in Virgo is not "shady", but effective. Think Scorpio without the emotional, butt-hurtness.
Notable Mention
Scorpio MC. Nicki has a Scorpio MC; so there is a bit of secretiveness to her career. It also explains why she looks mad/annoyed/mean all the time (besides the Virgo moon).
Anyway here some Nicki faces (her side eye game is on point) and shade gif.
Side eyes
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