Thursday, July 19, 2018

theastrofiend Astrology: All About Venus in Cancer

Venus is all about love and how we act in relationships. Venus is how we show love and what we find beautiful. Venus in Cancer is quite a nice position for Venus to be in. Remember that Venus is exalted (very glorified) in Pisces who is ruled over by Neptune (the planet of illusions, dreams, magic and spirituality). Cancer is ruled by Moon which rules over emotions among other things. So Venus in Cancer is quite comfortable. 

What a Venus in Cancer find beautiful?
Venus in Cancers finds traditionalism, security, safety, and the ability to create a home/family beautiful. They crave wholesome people that are emotionally open. Being emotionally expressive, receptive and secure is also something Venus in Cancers find beautiful. 

How Venus in Cancer give and receive Love

Venus in Cancer give love by taking care of their loved ones. Whether it be cooking, babysitting, helping to organize your closet, Venus in Cancer will find a way to help/take of you.

Like the other Cancer planets Venus in Cancer like to put themselves in a motherly/fatherly nurturing position because they truly enjoy taking care of their loved ones. 

Venus in Cancer receives love through quality, intimate time. Cancer in Venus people seeks a small close knit circle of loved ones that are close and intimate. They want to share their lives with people that are there for them and are trustworthy with their feelings.

Downsides to Venus in Cancer

As much as they love nurturing and taking care of their loved ones a downside to Venus in Cancer is there over-eagerness to please/care, being overtly involved in other people/other people's business to the point where Venus in Cancer can be seen as needy and overbearing.

When called out on this behavior Venus in Cancer can victimize themselves. There is such thing as being too generous and Venus in Cancers must realize this.

Since Venus in Cancer is a more introverted placement, more extroverted people/energies may see Venus in Cancer as boring. Quality time for a Venus in Cancer is staying in with friends and loved ones with home-cooked/potluck dinner and family movie/game/date/etc. nights.

Venus in Cancers are not boring (maybe a little predictable), but as with more introverted placements Venus in Cancers take in a lot of energy and need recharge constantly.

If you are the flighty, detached individualistic types that enjoy freedom and open/pan-sexual/non-traditional relationships run along, don't waste a Venus in Cancer's time.

Be prepared to emotionally real and open with them (whether you want to or not), taken on an emotional coaster, and be emotionally confused sometimes with their actions. Forms of communication to Venus in Cancer is oftentimes sulking, non verbal cues, and you figuring out what is wrong before they stop moping around and tell you. If you can't do these things or don't have the patience run.

Upsides to Venus in Cancer

If you are traditional, homebodies, that love and respect emotional self-expression and sentimentality, Venus in Cancer is for you.

A Venus in Cancer person is naturally sweet, nurturing and caring. They have huge hearts and are sensitive souls and are willing to do anything for their friends and families. Venus in Cancer are typically a family person and are definitely loyal and faithful. 

Venus in Cancer are ride or die types and there through your highs and lows. So DO NOT disrespect them or take them for granted.

Overall Venus in Cancers are devoted, traditional, and supportive. As long as you give, as much as you receive, a Venus in Cancer will always be there.

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