Friday, December 4, 2015

Libra Celebrity Archetype That Ain't Shit: Gwyneth Paltrow

One of my top choices was Kim Kardashian, but that is too obvious. Plus I am not a bandwagon Kim Kardashian Hater. Not too far from my line of thinking was Amber Rose.  I was also thinking John Mayer, but he is played out. The best choice? Gwyneth Paltrow. 

I chose Gwyneth Paltrow simply for the fact that she is one of the few celebrity Libras that everyone generally and legitimately hates. By the way Kim K don't count because most her haters are jealous of her. I suspect some of her haters want to have sex with her but hate her because she has a preference for black men (#casualracism). Others hate her because they think she is a whore and slutshame her (I disagree with all of that). The rest think she is fame-whore (she kinda is) useless and stupid (she is a bit useless, but I don't she is stupid). 

Anyway time to get into astrology. Her sun sign is obviously Libra. She is so Libran and so anti-Libran at the same time.  Perhaps this is because she has Sun (ego) conjunct her Mercury (communication) in Libra, Mars (action) in Virgo and Pluto (destructiveness/transformation) in Libra. This gives Gwyneth  OCD like tendencies about food, exercising, fashion, and generally everything else. Libra is all about beauty so much so that it borders obsessive and shallow. 

Pluto in Libra seems to amplify all of her Libra qualities (especially the negative ones). The negative qualities of sun in Libra is pretentiousness and shallowness. Even if she isn't like this (and I think she is), people with heavy Plutonian energy bring out the best or worst in people and in themselves.  Gwyneth has Mars in Virgo. This can make her a preachy perfectionist, and a puritanical know-it-all. Even so, she works hard (exercising and shit), but she also likes to rub it in people's faces. She thinks she is better, smarter, and healthier than everyone. Mars conjunct her sun makes her a warrior, competitive, combative, and she is a tough character. Conjunct with her Pluto makes her an intense control freak.

She has moon in Gemini, this makes her flip-floppy, inconsistent, and contradict herself. Her moon trines her sun and mercury which supports her personality and communication style. Not only that but it supports and justifies her oftentimes poor behavior. Her Saturn is conjunct her moon which could signify insecurity and the need to constantly push oneself. Clearly someone confident doesn't feel the need to brag, show off and rub it in people's faces how much better she is than them. They just know it. Clearly she doesn't.

If the ascendant is accurate she has Pisces Rising. Your rising sign is how other people see her and what sign she portray to others. She is sensitive soul even though she continually say incredibly stupid and offensive things. She is halfway a mess and like Pluto, Neptune ruling Pisces can bring misunderstanding about who a person actually is. Pisces is a conduit, it carries and support energy. Not only that but it blurs the boundaries and muddies everything. This is one of the reasons why the public hates her so much.

Moving on to mercury this where is truly where Gwyneth gets in trouble and has foot in mouth syndrome. Mercury conjunct Pluto in Libra. This allows her to be not only straightforward  but blunt. This placement can make someone say insensitive, harsh, and often cunt punt worthy things. Her words alienate people. Even if they are not meant in that way, it is taken that way. She definitely has power in her words.


Again Pluto conjunction amplifies good and negative qualities. Libra is ruled by Venus which LOVES beauty and culture. The shadow side of Libra is pretentiousness and her pretentiousness is amazing. If you read any of her quotes she says some pretty smug things. To a lot of us common folks she symbolizes the worst in both rich and celebrity cultures and economy inequality. She literally lives under a rock.

Probably quotes him everyday
Not only that but her Mercury is also conjunct Uranus in Libra making her say outrageous things. Uranus in Libra is rebelliously Libran. Again Libra is ruled by Venus loves beauty and culture. Gwyneth revels in and probably secretly enjoys shocking and offending people (not very Libran) but very Uranus. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, invention, and revolution. Look at her conscious uncoupling term, her hipster lifestyle website Goop, the fact she named her daughter Apple. Very rebellious in a cool Libra way. 

Mercury working with Uranus and Pluto is an interesting combo that is as powerful as it is difficult. Conjunctions don't make a person see themselves too clearly. Conjunctions don't give someone, Gwyneth, in this case perspective.  She clearly doesn't know or understand the effect she has on people.

The quote above: " I am who I am, I can't pretend to be somebody who lives on $25,000 a year." This statement is true she knows who she is and she is living out her life she wants. Though Gwyneth probably feels she is being attacked for who she is and defends herself. Mercury conjunct Uranus makes her defensive over her sense of individuality, which is probably why she keeps repeating the cycle of saying stupid shit over and over again.

Even so, with Mercury conjunct Pluto she also doesn't know she being offensive and she probably doesn't mean to (consciously that is). Libra is after all; the least offensive sign. 

The kicker is her Venus in Leo that sums up most of the points I made about her chart. Leo is all about having a good time. This isn't a bad placement at all. Gwyneth clearly loves the luxurious life style and she wants the best out if life (who doesn't). She has Venus sextile Uranus, which supports her rebellious personality and the fact that she is constantly defending her individuality. Leo is all about individuality and uniqueness.

Anyway she is probably very generous, very loving and has a big heart. Even so, Venus in Leo can be arrogant and have a superiority complex. Being Plutonian and overtly Libran she is an extremist and having Venus in Leo doesn't help. Leo is one of the most stubborn fixed signs (after Taurus). Stubbornness can make someone spiteful. Venus in Leo when attacked is very much like an lioness. Dramatic with an ego to fill an opera hall she pounces. In celebrity world it is showing off to the haters (and she has done that a lot) and embracing her least pleasurable placements fully. That is like the best Fuck You to Haters afterall (even if it isn't helpful).

Anyway this is my Libra Celebrity Archetype That Ain't Shit post.

Image result for Gwyneth Paltrow

Disclaimer I am not defending Gwyneth or attacking her for that matter. She can be a real smug and arrogant cunt punt. But she isn't just that, Gwyneth isn't a horrible person. She gets a lot of unjustified hate by a bunch of jealous, probably overweight mothers. I admit some of it is justified (she courts drama like it is her mama).  Even so, Astrology is about perspective and about judging planets, positions, and placements. We are not just good or bad but a mixture of both. Anyway hope all you Libra cunt punts enjoy this.

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